Sentences with phrase «wild type embryos»

This tendency of the association of the lipid containing structures with nuclear periphery can be seen also during later developmental stages in wild type embryos (D).
These large lipid - containing structures were observable in live mutant embryos (Fig. 4J) but not in wild type embryos (Fig. 4K) using Nomarski optics.
(C) Lipid containing structures localize around the nucleus in one cell wild type embryos.
Despite the fact that there were a larger number of individually recognizable lipid containing structures in wild type embryos (Fig. 6D), the mean area of these structures in mutants was considerably larger (Fig. 6C).
Analysis for embryos was done on images of seven different embryos (seven mutant and seven wild type embryos) inside gravid hermaphrodites (only one and two cell early embryonic stages were chosen for comparison).
(G) Shows a wild type embryo at later stage of the development.

Not exact matches

An organ called Kupffer's vesicle, which helps specify the left and right sides of the developing fish, is shaped asymmetrically in a wild - type embryo (left), but is more symmetric in the absence of maternally inherited gdf3 (right).
Endogenous CED - 9 and CED - 4 proteins localized to mitochondria in wild - type embryos, in which most cells survive.
Most notably, the studies are based on transient transfection of wild - type and mutant gene constructs into cultured cells or into zebrafish embryos and are unlikely to reproduce the specific mutant gene dose that is present in heterozygous mutant cells in FOP patients.
Compared with wild - type embryos (A), uninjected alk8 — / — embryos are weakly (class 2; C2) dorsalized (B), with loss of the ventral fin fold (arrowheads).
(G — L) In situ hybridization of wild - type embryos injected with wild - type (G — I) or mutant ACVR1 (J — L) to detect ventral markers eve1 (G, n = 12/12; J, n = 10/13; onset of gastrulation) and gata2 (H, n = 14/14; K, n = 15/19; mid-gastrulation) or dorsal marker foxb1.2 (I, n = 12/12; L, n = 6/13, 7/13 showed no expression; mid-gastrulation).
Injection of wild - type stage 15 embryos with E. coli constitutively expressing Mcf1 from the high - copy vector pUC18 causes rapid paralysis of embryonic hemocytes and inhibition of phagocytosis as observed following wild - type Photorhabdus infection (Figure 3A and Video S3).
Microinjection of wild - type human ACVR1 RNA into alk8 — / — zebrafish embryos rescued approximately 80 % of the injected embryos completely or partially (Figure 3, C and F), showing that human ACVR1 can function as a BMP type I receptor in this zebrafish model and substitute for Alk8.
In contrast to embryos, lipid - containing structures in enterocytes and in epidermal cells of adult animals are smaller in mutants than in wild type animals.
Therefore, we transplanted embryonic eye fields from YFP transgenic embryos to wild - type hosts.
In transient transgenic reporter studies of zebrafish embryos, the +254 kb element holds up: the wild - type allele had enhancer activity in 41/82 embryos (50 %), whereas the mutant allele had enhancer activity in 3/83 embryos (3.6 %).
For experiments requiring complete eye field replacement (A and B), one half of the eye field was surgically removed from wild - type, stage 15 (host) embryos, and replaced with the donor cells from one half of an explant.
The goal of this protocol (written in French) is to describe the steps and quality controls to prepare new stable murine embryonic stem cells lines: ① either from wild type mouse embryos to introduce a mutation by genetic targeting or homologous recombination to get a genetically modified mouse line ② or from genetically modified mouse embryos with two aims:
On fixed embryos stained with LipidTox, larger than wild type lipid droplets are visible until late embryonic stages, including three fold embryos.
A 250 - µm2 region of LE or the left eye field was removed from stage 15 wild - type host embryos [38] using a Gastromaster.
MEFs from Brctx - deficient embryos grow at a similar rate to wild - type MEF CD4 / CD8 expressions, and the cell cycle parameters of thymocytes from wild - type and Brctx knockout animals are indistinguishable.
By injecting pairs of TALEN - encoding mRNAs into wild - type embryos, we generated the CCHa2 - RTAL - 34 frameshift allele (Figs 3B and S2B and S2C).
(C — F) Expression patterns of tailless (tll; C and D) and huckebein (hkb; E and F) in wild - type (C and E) and psqrum (D and F) early embryos.
(A and B) Cuticle phenotype of embryos from wild - type and psqrum homozygous females.
(A — D) Immunostaining with an anti-Vas antibody in embryos from wild - type (A and B) and psqrum (C and D) females.
In situ hybridizations of wild - type and mutant embryos or ovaries were developed in parallel.
While Vas levels in early psqrum mutants appear similar to those of wild - type embryos, the number of pole cells is strongly reduced.
As in the embryo cryopreservation procedure, we will archive 200 embryos from a heterozygous x wild - type mating and 100 embryos from a homozygous x wild - type mating.
(D) Quantitative RT - PCR determination of BMP12 expression in body and neck skin of E7.5 and E8.5 wild type and Na / Na embryos.
After three days, they tested each cell in every embryo to learn how many had two copies of the wild - type allele.
To determine what aspects of mesodermal cell migration are affected in toddler mutants, we tracked migrating drl: eGFP - positive ventrolateral mesodermal cells (Mosimann et al., 2015) in wild - type and toddler mutant embryos during gastrulation using light sheet microscopy (Figure 5C and Video 1).
All embryos were stage matched and transplantations were homotypic: wild type into wild type or toddler mutant into toddler mutant.
These human embryos almost always used the wild - type strand on the healthy allele to guide the repair, rather than the introduced ssODN.
Antibody staining also shows increased phosphorylation of the Nodal signal transducer, Smad2, in lefty2 mutant embryos as compared to wild - type embryos (Author response image 1)(Dubrulle et al. 2015; Schier 2009).
(C) Representative still frames of maximum intensity projections from a wild - type and toddler mutant drl: eGFP transgenic embryo.
But given the clear differences between toddler mutants and wild - type embryos, a more detailed measurement is unlikely to affect the conclusions drawn from this experiment.
Third, wild - type and toddler mutant embryos were injected at the one cell stage with increasing levels of Nodal mRNA and Nodal target gene expression was measured just prior to gastrulation using qRT - PCR.
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