Sentences with phrase «wildlife ranger»

A wildlife ranger is someone who protects and takes care of animals in their natural habitats. Full definition
This time, the government deployed more than 150,000 security personnel, including wildlife rangers, to protect 41,000 polling stations.
The department stated that it is happy with the service currently provided by Forest Service wildlife rangers.
It helps that the filmmakers provide primatologist Davis Okoye (Johnson) with a badass backstory as a onetime special forces officer and former wildlife ranger to help establish his credentials.
Their route takes an unscheduled detour when a distress call comes in from Sam Flynn (David Wenham), the local wildlife ranger.
Thanks to their highly keen sense of smell, these dogs help custom officials effectively scan luggage and cargo and they can help wildlife rangers in the field with discovering and deterring poachers.
I'm on a journey to the «killing fields» of French Island to meet wildlife ranger David Stephenson, and contract shooter and trapper, Vaughn Thompson.
All across Cambodia, wildlife rangers courageously patrol protected areas to preserve the country's invaluable natural heritage against logging and poaching.
Cambodia, Phnom Penh — WWF - Cambodia, BirdLife International - Cambodia, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Wildlife Alliance would like to extend their deepest condolences to the families of Sieng Darong, Forestry Administration ranger and Sab Yoh, police officer, two wildlife rangers who were killed on November 7 in the Preah Vihear Protected Forest during a patrol.
The work of wildlife rangers is challenging and often dangerous.
In this July 28, 2017, file photo, wildlife ranger Zachariah Mutai takes care of Sudan, the world's last male northern white rhino, at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia county in Kenya.
«I've found any number of live coyote getters inside the park,» said one of them, a wildlife ranger, «and we've had plenty of other evidence that the poisoners come right across our borders.»
In response to a consultation on forestry land bylaws, BASC says participants in a recreational stalking scheme in Northern Ireland would provide valuable assistance and expertise to the Forest Service's three wildlife rangers, who manage deer populations across 61,000 hectares of Forest Service woodland.
Until the operation begins, wildlife rangers are patrolling to prevent animals from leaving or entering the herd's 2000 - square - kilometer habitat.
The trekker's watchdog, Kimnik, spotted with some of the skiers» gear on initial search and rescue flights, was retrieved on May 2 and is back with its owner, a wildlife ranger from Resolute who was a member of the search team.
The brazen attack by Morgan and his crew also highlights the increasing clashes around the world between poachers, often backed by organized criminals, and wildlife rangers as demand for wildlife parts such as ivory, rhino horn, and tiger bones sky rocket.
Working as a wildlife ranger will require you to perform some or all of the following activities on a typical work day:
If you love animals, working as a wildlife ranger could be a job you have always dreamed of.
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