Sentences with phrase «wildlife surveys»

The researchers talked to villagers, conducted wildlife surveys and collected samples from bats and material in the village.
However, it's almost never feasible to count every single individual — so how do the results of wildlife surveys compare to true population size?
In the Wakhan Corridor they are conducting wildlife surveys with the eventual goal of establishing a protected area.
He began in 2008 with standard wildlife surveys, observing species at six sites — three logged and three unlogged, including two in a forest adjacent to Iwokrama.
A recent wildlife survey led by SERNANP (Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado) and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) in the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu in Peru has confirmed that the world - famous site is also home to a biologically important and iconic species: the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus).
The RSPB's (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Big Schools» Birdwatch is rolling out in schools up and down the country, encouraging children to become part of the world's biggest wildlife survey.
Biological monitoring had included crocodile surveys, turtle nesting surveys, fishing pressure, coral cover surveys, birds and other wildlife surveys.
In 1994, the International Tropical Conservation Foundation (ITCF) conducted a terrestrial wildlife survey of the Bacalar region and determined that Jaguar (Pantera onca) and Puma (Puma concolor) both threatened species, continued to be in existence within the region.
I generated first detailed wildlife surveys for consultants but initially left off the executive summary.The consultant admonished me stating the executive summary is the most important section, because very few people read all the details.
NYSERDA's aerial wildlife survey is being conducted in coordination with visual surveys planned by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Navy, BOEM and others, which will ensure maximum synergy in data collection and provide corroboration of species identification, distribution and behavior.
But most of the jobs we've actually seen drones perform are focused on the camera — from wildlife surveying to monitoring cracks on power plant smokestack.
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS * Field Operations Management - continental scale ecology * Practical field experience researching, compiling and managing collected data * Professional wildlife surveys, investigations and observations * Biological compliance monitoring - Responsible for field surveying (pre / post construction bio-sweeps of T&E flora and fauna), contractor coordination, active construction monitoring and technical...
«When I went there... we did lots of wildlife surveys, and we'd put a lot of traps for mammals and in the morning go and clear those traps and it was really laborious because we were catching so many animals, so many different species of animals.»
This technology is helping DEC with everything from petroleum spills and wildlife surveys to search and rescue missions, forest fires, and natural disasters.»
The new study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compares data from 166 wildlife surveys conducted across the Amazon basin to estimate the impact of hunting on game species with low reproductive rates, such as primates.
From design to implementation, rewilding projects create jobs for a host of specialties — soil assessment, land system mapping, wildlife surveys and management, fire management — and for people in the construction and landscaping fields.
iDNA from terrestrial haematophagous leeches as a wildlife surveying and monitoring tool — prospects, pitfalls and avenues to be developed.
«OUTLYING ISLANDS» This Columbia University production follows two young naturalists from Cambridge University, Robert and John, who arrive on a remote Hebridean island to conduct a wildlife survey on behalf of the government in 1939.
An agency primer on the species points out that coyotes were reported in just 18 of Florida's 67 counties in a 1981 wildlife survey.
So when I went there in the late 1980s we did lots of wildlife survey, and we'd go out, put a lot of traps for mammals and in the morning go and clear those traps, and it was really laborious because we were catching so many animals, so many different species of animals and so many numbers of each of those animals that it was... you know, it was effectively a paradise for a zoologist.
Prepared individuals looking to work in the creation and use of environmental projects, including public education, wildlife surveys, and park maintenance.
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