Sentences with phrase «will want»

They will want a return on their investment, so the exit — in some form — will be what you're working towards, always.
To promote your startup, you want to develop an email list of targeted customers and craft subject lines that people will want to click on.
The movie business will also change and shift to something more connected, where people will want to interact a little bit — differently than with games, but they will still want to somehow be part of what's happening on the screen.
Given the estimations for sales and expenses, you most likely will want to go back and readjust your estimates to reach your profit targets.
«But, because the business is so highly regulated on a state level and the threat of federal as well as state prosecution for violation remains, potential investors will want to take a long, hard look at the operations and the people involved in any investment opportunity.»
What's more, to dampen risk, many investors will want a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds; the classic mix is 60 % equities and 40 % fixed income.
More advanced advertisers will want more granular targeting options, but this is a great place to start for your first campaigns, while you try to determine the opportunity.
Older android users will want Micro USB.
Potential buyers will want to know how they're going to earn a return on their investment.
Premature infants, or those with any signs of heart problems or jaundice, will want to proceed with great caution.
Whether VimpelCom will want to fund Wind to continue at the same pace may ultimately depend on Lacavera.
If you're looking for expansion capital, potential investors will want to see a growth plan.
Promise to level an entire city and fewer viewers will want to wait for the streaming release.
If you want your company to stick around as well, it's far better to create a product people will want to purchase, then promote it in a compelling way but avoid the quick hits.
Therefore, if an employee feels that work has started to become routine or the managers don't give importance to his / her progress, they will want to leave.
Grants and banks will want to see your business plan, as will your family, friends and fools.
Now, businesses will want to stay away from inducing anger in their audience, but awe clearly works well, if it is appropriate to the brand, and humor is another strong emotion that is safe for brands to play with.
They'll be interested in the big picture, and will want to know what percentage of the revenue is actually profit.
It's also not good business when you constantly try to gain the upper hand at all costs because, over time, no one will want to do business with you again.
Another important aspect to remember when preparing to flip a house is whether or not your potential buyers will want to live in a given location.
«Halftime Report» trader Jim Lebenthal is betting retiring baby boomers will want to hit the open road.
But will they want to make any changes to the political viewpoints or targeting of the network that makes them so much money?
You will want back - ups in case a helper is off that day.
That means you will want to make sure you are bringing a bottle that is worth that kind of service fee; your bottle of «Two Buck Chuck» just isn't going to be cost efficient.
Designed for a tailored fit, an elegant appearance, and undeniable comfort, Dad will want to wear Jack Erwin's driving loafers everywhere.
If the link is successful, you will be attracting customers who will want to read and share your content and, hopefully, your link.
If past trade deals are any sign, China will want to import its own workers for major infrastructure projects here.
On a longer timeline, even that strong growth will seem low after figuring in all the movies, music and games people will want to consume in their robot cars, which Google will be only too happy to supply them with.
To be a great entrepreneur, you have to be a bit of a fortune teller, able to read the proverbial tea leaves and predict what your customers will want before they know they want it.
After starting a business, you'll find some people will want to join your party.
Make sure whatever it is that you are selling is so good that people will want to reorder it again and again.»
You will want a space that is convenient, safe and easy to find.
Have your solutions ready because they will want to speak with you.
With games against the Rams, Lions, and Panthers all coming in the next five weeks, the Vikings will want to put their best chance of winning on the field, and Bridgewater is likely that best chance.
While you will want to have a local accountant to deal with, NaturaLawn of America will provide you most of what you will need for accounting saving you thousands of dollars in accounting fees from your local person.
But until more people join, nobody will want to sign up to be a member.
And that's the catch: Until the database is large enough to attract a significant number of members, few people will want to join.
Once again, if your relationship is a good one, they will want to know all of this, if it isn't, they won't want to know any of it.
Regulatory and social issues could also be factors many hospital patients will want a human nurse rather than a robot to care for them when they wake up after surgery.
In fact, by 2020, Mars and Barry Callebaut predict that we will want 1 million more metric tons of chocolate than the industry will be able to churn out.
As the system's improvements significantly enhance users» everyday work and online experience, it's inevitable that your enterprise will want to take advantage of programs which natively support these updates.
That's also going to attract developers, who will want to go after the biggest potential audience.
Ideally, borrowers will want the extra money to go toward principal, not just their next payment.
Especially if you are working with a very limited budget you will want a clear plan for your site.
Because your startup lacks an operating history, the leasing company will want to see how much cash you've put into the business and a copy of your personal net worth statement before they extend you the lease.
If you're 100 percent sure the two people will want to speak with each other, it's OK to make a non-double opt in email introduction.
But being agile, delightful and unexpected in an integrated way through your marketing will go a long way to creating experiences through which your target audience will want to stay engaged with you for the long haul.
But a growth - oriented new owner will want to add Internet advertising and build relationships with U.S. travel agents (since only about 30 % of visitors now come from the States).
Great Wall may want only Jeep, but FCA will want to sell the whole company (with the likely exceptions of the Alfa Romeo and Maserati brands, which could be spun off as Ferrari was in 2015.)
Can you carry out your vision and create a product or service that other people will want?
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