Sentences with phrase «willed by»

Thus on such a view it can be good that a widow like and treasure more some indifferent bauble given her long ago by her now dead husband than some exquisite diamond necklace willed her by some distant relative.
The origin, institution, and function of the ministry is therefore very old and willed by God himself.
[9] Rather than being willful self - assertion, his gift of self needs to be «disinterested,» i.e. not self - centred, but for the sake of the other who was willed by the Creator «for his / her own sake», and who has a destiny in God.
The prophetic literature deals with guilt arid punishment, reality and unreality, present and future of the Israelite people as chosen by God for a special and unique service, the declaration of the great and moving contemporary events in the world as part of a process which, together with the future issue of that process, is willed by God.2
If it were endless duration only, it would be endless boredom and scarcely willed by God.
Something's ultimate being is known and willed by absolute Mind.
Of course all of this is foreknown and willed by the Father as the only way for man to be redeemed.
«Scripture tells us that everything that exists does not exist by chance but is willed by God and part of his plan, at the centre of which is the invitation to partake, in Christ, in the divine life.»
The individual's sufferings are felt by God with unfading sensitivity, even though they are not willed by God.
Death is not something natural, willed by God, as in the thought of the Greek philosophers; it is rather something unnatural, abnormal, opposed to God....
Jesus» teachings about marriage, divorce, and singleness would have been seen as radical not only by Jews but also by various people outside the Jewish context in the Roman empire.65 He annulled the prevailing custom, which permitted a man to discharge his wife on any silly pretext merely by giving her a bill of divorce, and, thereby, he restored the indissolubility of marriage as originally willed by the Creator (Mk.
Yet it is not willed by God, either directly or permissively, as if things might have been otherwise, but God allows evil to happen.
They deny that in external human form she possesses fundamental, inviolablestructures willed by God.
Death is not something willed by God, as in the thought of the Greek philosophers; it is rather something, abnormal, opposed to God.
In performing an act that is traditionally limited to God, as Job 9:8 indicates, Jesus by his use of «I AM» reveals the identity and destiny of the new humanity, that community of «life - giving spirits» that is willed by God to be transformed into the image and stature of the risen Lord.
Everything that happened was thought to be willed by someone or other, and because this was the cause of the action, he would have thought it foolish and naïve to look for a simple explanation which would hold good on all such occasions.
For the predictions of the passion, which represent his suffering and death as willed by God and necessary to salvation, were put in his mouth subsequently by the church.
Being loved is having one's being enjoyed and one's good willed by another.
Some are better, some worse, carriers of divine justice; democracy is better fitted than either fascism or Communism to bring about the kind of human society willed by God.
Marx's criticism is that the church taught the masses that the established order is willed by God and that, as obedient and submissive subjects, they should resign themselves to it.
But transgression brings with it the certainty of death — not death as a punishment willed by God and decided by him, but death as a natural destiny.
c) but this right is limited by the «original common destination» of all earthly goods for the common good of humanity, as willed by the Creator, as well as the will of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Gospel.
Real excellence is usually perceived and willed by the few rather than by the many.
Only through human vigilance can the tenuous equilibrium of freedom be maintained, and only in this way can the future willed by God be established in an indeterminate universe.
Moreover, there are things that happen in the world that are not willed by this Thou, just as there are things that happen in our own bodies that are not willed by our psyches.
For in the Old Covenant such as it appeared in history there was much that was right and willed by God, but there were also a great many errors, wrong developments and depraved ideas, while there was no permanent infallible authority to separate the two.
«Salvation history,» not because every moment of this world is willed by God in a direct manner — the bloodletting of Herod is not intended by God as the flight of Jesus is — but because the voice crying out in Rama is as much the subject of sacred prophecy as Jesus's flight.
At most, we can say only that we are known, loved and willed by Him.
On the one side is the king, who is the normal and legitimate guardian of established and institutional religion, which is also willed by God (as we so often forget).
Yet he accepted with a perfect resignation of his human will that a greater good, indeed the greatest good willed by The Father lay in His enduring the cross.
He does not try to say that after all his secular service is willed by God even if it involves apparent worship of Rimmon — one can not make omelettes without breaking eggs, it is impossible not to have dirty hands.

Not exact matches

The government willed this to be so, by encouraging and facilitating more investment in housing.
But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will — not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord... Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God - willed.
6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak - willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and has for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred.
And please do not go to the old stand - by of «the bible says so» its just some old book of stories used to govern the weak willed mases of days long past, but still used today to govern those same weak willed today.
He starts off the treatise by stating that marriage is an unequivocally good thing, that God willed to create man and woman in friendship, and that the first natural bond of human society is man and wife:
On the other hand, time was willed and created by God as a reality distinct from himself.
Teaching from the pulpit, for example, that God willed Adam and Eve to sin, that cancer is predestined by God, that prayer doesn't cause anything to change in the world, and that evangelism has no purpose since sheep are sheep and goats are goats?
845 To reunite all his children, scattered and led astray by sin, the Father willed to call the whole of humanity together into his Son's Church.
God has willed to show forth his goodness in men by mercifully sparing some of them, whom he predestines, and by justly punishing others, whom he rejects.
But biblical prophetism proclaims that the great contemporary events in the world are part of a process willed and in outcome determined by God.
And yet he was a faithful servant, who willed the Good in truth, and he was also loved by the Good, that prizes obedience more than the «fat of the ram.»
Still more were swayed by the opinions of the tough - minded and strong - willed about them and never really comprehended either the loyalty or the opposition.
We then have a major section on Ayesha, who is later impersonated by one of the prostitutes, the whores of «The Curtain,» and from that impersonation the reader is given full details of Ayesha's strong - willed character, and the scandal involving her and an apparently innocent young man, Safwan, who rescues her on a desert trail only for idle tongues to wag about their alleged secret conduct.
There is NO god, never has been, never will be — it's a creation of the weak - willed morons and perpetuated by even more weak - willed morons
And how can the predatory abuse of human power in prisons against the most vulnerable in their midst be turned so as to allow willed spiritual vulnerability to be empowered by grace?
I don't trust the government to look out for my best interest because it is corupted by self willed individuals who really don't care about you, they only care about their own pockets.
This world abounds in life and is held together in a seamless web maintained by God - willed laws.
Let a child be physically maimed for life by a birth injury, or spiritually maimed by having to grow up in hunger and fear as in war - torn lands, or in squalor and crime as in our own slums; and then when the natural consequences appear, not a few pious Christians will say that God in his inscrutable providence willed it to be this way.
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