Sentences with phrase «willful ignorance any»

Commercial Real Estate: The King Kong Of Category Killers by Danielle DiMartino Booth, Fed Up: An Insider's Take on the Willful Ignorance and Elitism At the Federal Reserve
Boy did I wind up paying for my willful ignorance later on!
«Whether through willful ignorance or an utter disregard for the lives of the world's most vulnerable women, the Trump administration continues to trample on progress without even the semblance of strategy.
The Fourteenth Amendment does not protect people from punishment enhancement based on their indifference and willful ignorance to the plight of their victims.
When law schools overlook professors who pursue students, they are guilty of «willful ignorance of power differentials,» Crawford believes.
Sensibly, everyone's presumed to know the law: to have it otherwise would encourage willful ignorance or claims of ignorance as means of evading legal consequences.
Whether it be true ignorance (rare), willful ignorance (less rare) or intentional gamesmanship (common), lawyers must bear the lion's share of blame for their lame social media pages and sucky law blogs.
The patterns of outrageous personal abuse, willful ignorance, self - centeredness, and immature bluster that are so commonly associated to climate - change denialism are entirely similar to the patterns of outrageous personal abuse, willful ignorance, self - centeredness, and immature bluster that are all - too - familiar to families who grapple with alcohol abuse.
But as the hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses across Massachusetts that lost power can attest, willful ignorance in the face of complex problems is an entirely unacceptable solution.
«The patterns of outrageous personal abuse, willful ignorance, self - centeredness, and immature bluster» sounds a lot like Michael Mann.
Alcoholism, misanthropy, personal abuse, and willful ignorance.
Such willful ignorance becomes suspicious and tiresome at best.
The willful ignorance — whether motivated by (short - term) self - interest, cupidity, or sheer crankery can be quite breathtaking (not to mention provocative.)
What began as an epic quest to find a solution to running a whole country without oil, by developing an ambitious electric car battery swapping scheme, ended up becoming a cautionary tale of spectacular failure which was fueled by creative math and the willful ignorance of its CEO.
• Let go of denialism's willful ignorance and hateful rhetoric, which (like alcohol addiction) is intoxicating for individuals in the short run, yet horrendously destructive to families and communities in the long run.
Not about vile abuse, willful ignorance, and demagoguery, eh?
You are a science denier by willful ignorance.
To ignore this armada of safeguards against error in the face of known issues with proxy data can only be described as willful ignorance.
Q: How can you tell the difference between willful ignorance (or maybe not ignorance but disagreement) based on an agenda, and legitimate disagreement based on really misunderstanding data, or surface level policy disagreement?
All of this is enabled by obscene cronyism in high places and by the short - sightedness, willful ignorance and rampant greed of those who are willing to suck on the teat of wind welfare at the rest of our expense.
I'm appalled by what seems to be willful ignorance on both sides.
Why the apparently willful ignorance?
The U.S. isn't the only country affected by the Trump team's willful ignorance.
Gosh Manacker... now insurance companies are joining forces with business leaders, military leaders, religious leaders... and even poets in rejecting the willful ignorance of demagogic / astroturf climate - change denialism!
Conclusion Demagogic / astroturfing denialists are working harder - and - harder, to sustain a «bubble» of willful ignorance that disdains all forms of climate - change science.
It's clear that this Administration has its head firmly in the sand when it comes to climate change and is directing the EPA to follow its lead with willful ignorance towards the very real threats of climate change.
New York Times Krugman Claims That US Congressional Hearings Are A Moral Failure: The US Congress and The Ethics of Willful Ignorance.
At this point I can only assume willful ignorance because even a small child understands the difference between an aquarium and a corn field.
I would assert it is «willful ignorance for effect»... See # 2 above.
But what this really shows is the utter foolishness and willful ignorance at looking at short term trends and trying to extrapolate anything meaningful about long - term climate change.
Thank you Wagathon, for reminding everyone on Climate Etc of a wise and foresighted conservative statesman, who rejected willful ignorance and ideology - first political dogma, and who possessed the courage to deal wisely with inconvenient scientific truths!
;... and then reflect for themselves whether the denialist comments here on Climate Etc reflect a level of willful ignorance, amounting effectively to cognitive anosonosia, that is sufficient to induce a pronounced Dunning — Kruger effect!
And since one of the people that Mr. Fink «meets with» was a scientist that he funded to study global temperature data, you have to wonder how much experience Rich Fink has with willful ignorance.
Overfishing off the Atlantic coast, in part owing to the federal government's willful ignorance of its own best science, would lead to the catastrophic collapse of the cod fishery.
The only conclusion I can make is that there are a lot of lazy people or they have willful ignorance.
Climate - change enlightenment can be discomfiting JA... yet the false - comfort alternative of lazy selfish shortsighted willful ignorance is beneath most citizens» dignity, eh?
You have potential to grasp these things, but you simply seem incapable of overcoming your willful ignorance.
What is lamentable is the rampant gullibility / willful ignorance of the mainstream media, and hence of much of the general public.
Key Question Is the short - sighted willful ignorance of demagogic denialism disastrously propelling humanity through the «Dumbassic Age», first via the «Anthropocene», and then via the «Endocene»?
Your approach is one of either willful ignorance or deliberate obtuseness.
To deny the Greenhouse Effect takes a special level of willful ignorance and / or stupid.
If you're seeking the undeniable comfort of willful ignorance and irresponsibility, conveyed by old - school demagogic abuse, demagogic denial, and plenty of astro - turfing, then sites like WUWT are pleased to give you exactly what you want!
By continually failing to recognize the differences and similarities between various frequency ranges along the electromagnetic spectrum you demonstrate either willful ignorance or a total failure of you grade - school phyical science teacher.
In short, Oreskes (who is not a scientist, of climate or of any other kind) appears to have unilaterally (albeit with, perhaps a little help from her ideological friends) determined that there can be only one side to a «scientific» debate: That which she — in her willful ignorance — has chosen to conjure up and propagate.
The only other explanations are willful ignorance or simple charlatanism.
The willful ignorance is instructive, for there simply is no difference between the ignorance that Greg House imposes on himself (and attempts to impose on others) and the willful ignorance of alarmists who similarly see the results they want to see simply by ignoring all the contrary data and science and attempting to impose their ignorance upon others.
Question Are we «plucked chickens», to abandon human morality to the soul-less machinations of market fundamentalism's willful ignorance and moral blindness?
For years, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has used tortured economic logic to mask its willful ignorance of the tremendous harm done to our climate and people through federal leasing of more than five billions of tons of coal.
Buts its mean - spirited anti-intellectualism arguable panders to Rupert Murdock's taste in journalism; for was it not Murdock, himself, who demonstrated that journalism could profit handsomely by hosting parasitically upon the corpulent body of willful ignorance and intentional misinformation.
It seems however, theirs is a deliberate and willful ignorance.
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