Sentences with phrase «willing suspension of disbelief»

One takes place in the world, the other is an invention of the mind also known as willing suspension of disbelief.
Coleridge asked readers of his fantastical poems, including The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, to give him «that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.»
I'm not sure whether it was the editing or my own willing suspension of disbelief but the CGI - manufactured scenes of mass destruction are among the most realistic in this mode I've ever seen.
He's right, of course, that the willing suspension of disbelief is a necessary condition of literature.
This requires a willing suspension of disbelief in our own language; knowledge and judgment and nuance, everything that makes the tongue a living spirit, must give way for a labored impossibility.
Religious faith is willing suspension of disbelief.
«Suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief is a term coined in 1817 by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a «human interest and a semblance of truth» into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative.»
The willing suspension of disbelief is how I see it.
My teenagers demonstrated a willing suspension of disbelief in the Easter Bunny, because you're never too old for Easter Smarties.
When: January 9th Why: Thankfully, no one's been taken this time around, because that would have been too ridiculous even for this series, which already requires a willing suspension of disbelief not seen since the days of «24.»
Collet - Serra utilizes the austere beauty of Berlin in winter to frame a tale that grows more preposterous by the minute, though the brilliant cast keeps us with it — never allowing our willing suspension of disbelief to waver.
It is car - crushing, henchman - battling action sequence that bends the willing suspension of disbelief.
An important part of establishing the willing suspension of disbelief in a thriller is showcasing actors with the ability to create characters succinctly yet believably.
Porsche calling its new Macan the «the sports car among compact SUVs» may require a willing suspension of disbelief.
And there's that voice in the back of my mind wondering how many readers didn't go on to try the next one because I pushed too far beyond their willing suspension of disbelief.
But the Alice / Faye / Charlie Brown segment was too long and stretched my willing suspension of disbelief beyond the limit.
While the story requires a willing suspension of disbelief, the plot is so compelling that readers will be quick to comply.
The coming movie of it is going to suck (compressing hours of buildup into 45 minutes just isn't going to work, and paring down the setting background to bulletpoints is really going to hit the willing suspension of disbelief in the testicles).
-- Publishers Weekly (starred review) «[A] fantastical, careening tale... Informed by extensive research and travel to perhaps the most secretive nation on earth, Johnson has created a remarkable novel that encourages the willing suspension of disbelief.
When I first pick up a good chart it is not unlike the first moments of a play when one slides oh so naturally into a state of «willing suspension of disbelief».
Throw in a little «willing suspension of disbelief» by giving them flight, now you've got a story!
At this point in the book, we have to leave most of our realities behind — a willing suspension of disbelief if you will.
For many people learning the secret behind the «magic» spoils the fun, because it's that willing suspension of disbelief that lets them become so absorbed in the act.
In this, Tribe's first solo exhibition at a major U.S. museum, the artist builds upon her history of engaging individuals from the acting and medical communities and exploring the willing suspension of disbelief.
Patrick Jacobs creates miniature realities in the form of dioramas viewed through a lens placed flush with the wall which depend upon the viewer's «willing suspension of disbelief
Developed through close collaboration with professionals at Stanford University and the University of Southern California, the installation builds upon her history of engaging individuals from the acting and medical communities and exploring the willing suspension of disbelief.
Panchaea: In Search of an Equal Utopia & a Willing Suspension of Disbelief opens Friday 26 April at VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art Carlow.
Of course, that is the nub of the Globaloney debate in the first place; the willing suspension of disbelief.
But we also see it, I suspect, in the power that theatre — a peopled stage — has to cause a rupture in reality, commonly described as the willing suspension of disbelief.
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