Sentences with phrase «willpower stores»

In addition to limited willpower stores, we have a related finite ability to make decisions.
Eating regularly to maintain blood sugar levels in the brain may help refuel rundown willpower stores.
Maybe figure out a way to pay yourself — i.e. workout — early in the day when your willpower stores haven't been ravaged by the day's stresses and responsibilities.
I like to think of my willpower store like a videogame.

Not exact matches

Grocery stores are designed to play off our depleted willpower.
Stores have a way of weakening your willpower and scoring the sale — so even if you seriously regret last week's impulse purchase, chances are, it'll happen again.
If you have more willpower than I do, you can store her in a mason jar in the fridge and just warm in a dehydrator before serving.
While you may have heard about the benefits of making such as switch, finding a natural mattress store can test your willpower to follow through.
Pick easy decisions that will drain your store of willpower tomorrow, and make them tonight.
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