Sentences with phrase «window approach»

Now as the summer transfer window approaches ever closer, the 27 year - old is being linked with a move away from the club.
His pioneering of the broken windows approach, which targets minor offenses, has been credited both with decreases in crime and increases incarceration.
It certainly will be interesting to see where the development of this hardware goes as the release window approaches.
While these meetings meet a minimum of once a month, more often than not, the amount of time increases as the component submission and assessment center testing windows approach.
The next few weeks will be intriguing as the end of the transfer window approaches.
The sliding window approaches nicely captured association over the LPA gene region, but also in other nearby regions, some of which were also supported by the first - intron or regulatory - motif analyses.
Arsenal have money to spend on players in the next two transfer windows and with winter's window approaching in almost 2 weeks, I was thinking as to what realistic signings we could make to help us!
He finally started playing as the January window approached as he tried to earn a move again, but now he isn't in the team (again) as the drama rolls on.
A 2 - 0 loss to Newcastle United this weekend may have slammed the brakes on Liverpool «s Premier League title run, but with the January transfer window approaching there are plenty of talents for manager Jurgen Klopp to scoop up.
As the winter transfer window approaches with Arsenal playing today to leapfrog Liverpool into the Top Four where we belong, Arsene Wenger has already confirmed «90 %» that he will not be bringing in new players to improve the squad.
This pre New Year period is crucial to stay in touch with top 4 as the injured return and the Jan window approaches.
With the January Transfer Window approaching fast, Mauricio Pochettino will no doubt be looking to offload some of the fringe players and recruit some new faces into White Hart Lane.
With the transfer window approaching soon and the French manager Arsene Wenger seems willing to change things up a bit
The 1000 new cops gave Mark - Viverito the opportunity to appear independent of the mayor, and to promote an issue that cut against the grain of her anti-incarceration, decriminalization, anti-Broken Windows approach to public safety.
The curve in blue displays the predicted antigenicity i.e. the tendency for different regions of the protein to generate an immune response, with peak regions being predicted to be more antigenic.The curve shows average values based on a sliding window approach using an in - house propensity scale.
Using the expanding window approach, an investor would have spent about 80 % of months in cash over the past 80 years or so, implying a fairly consistent expansion in PE ratios over time (we identify periods where market valuations are above our threshold with grey areas on the chart).
She readily agreed with a questioner asking whether she would build on the Giuliani / Broken Windows approach, returning to her overarching theme of quality of life issues as driving her campaign.
The hype for any video game is large as the release window approaches, and this is no different with the release of Mario Party 9.
While these meetings meet a minimum of once a month, more often than not, the amount of time increases as the NBPTS submission and assessment center testing windows approach.
Reports suggest Louis van Gaal is already planning for the Colombian's exit, with four big names on the club's radar as the summer transfer window approaches.
If anything, this whole mess is probably scaring teams away with the January window approaching, which could be bad news for Liverpool who are trying to recoup part or all of the # 6.7 m fee they paid to Birmingham for his services.
As the transfer window approaches, the latest contender for the 18 - year - old striker's signature appears to be Liverpool.
There are some decent if not world class strikers out there but as the closing of the window approaches, it will be a lot harder to persuade any club to part with their best players.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger could be ready to spend big on three outstanding prospects for the future as the January transfer window approaches, according to various recent reports.
As the end of the transfer window approaches, Chelsea backup Loic Remy and Bordeaux defender Clement Chantome in a double - swoop to give his team one last boost.
Between the injuries to Alexis and Theo Walcott along with a slew of midfielders, Arsenal are in serious need of extra bodies as the January transfer window approaches.
With the transfer window approaching and rumours of Dimitri Payet and others flying in here and there we set out time to take a look at Players who needs improvement among the Arsenal mix.
The attacking midfielder was linked to Chelsea throughout the 2014 - 15 campaign and speculation has not subsided as the opening of the summer transfer window approaches.
As the season winds down and the transfer window approaches, all eyes will be on Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp to see what the German boss does with a full war chest and plenty of time to build a wish list.
With the January transfer window approaching, Wenger has a chance to pick up a starter for the midfield to help him stay the course, or he can splash some cash and try to land a bonafide star like Isco.
As the summer transfer window approaches, Arsenal fans will be expecting at least a world - class player or two to come in, whilst also hoping for a few fringe players to be shown the door.
Brendan Rodgers could base his team around Sterling for the next decade, and this is a scenario that will be playing out at every club in the country as the January transfer window approaches, and clubs look to protect their top stars.
There are hardly any Arsenal transfer rumours flying around the football press at the minute, but do not fret Gooners because there will be many more than you can keep track of as the January transfer window approaches.
But with the January transfer window approaching, and with Mané soon to depart for the African Cup of Nations, Liverpool, for a club that appeared blessed with attacking talent, suddenly seem desperately short.
As the 2013 Summer Transfer Window approaches, unscrupulous rumours, big names and even bigger price tags have flooded the Internet on a daily basis.
The Blues are monitoring the interest from their Premier League rivals in the # 90m - rated attacking midfielder as the January window approaches
January is only 11 days away, and with the transfer window approaching, Arsene Wenger is prepared to spend.»
With the final days of the summer window approaching, questions remained as to whether Inter could pull off the double swoop for two of Europe's top targets.
Although he is credited with lowering the use of stop - and - frisk and bringing crime to an all - time low in the city, his continual defense of the broken windows approach has earned him the ire of advocates who believe the method disproportionately targets minority neighborhoods and has led to mass incarceration.
The now - terminated Microsoft Courier showed some interesting ideas about how a dual - window approach could be effectively used from a content creation standpoint.
The effect of this change is yet to be seen, but the new One Windows approach is bold and ambitions.
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