Sentences with phrase «window surfaces»

The inside - out concept finds echoes in the panoramic glass roof, the flat rear passenger floor and high window surfaces - all contributing to an overwhelming sense of interior light and space.
Compared to the upcoming Windows Surface Pro, the W700 looks like the better value in some respects.
If large window surfaces are a problem, homeowners can opt for tailored fabric blinds or panels that will absorb noise without disrupting the clean lines that are a hallmark of many open space designs.
As windows surface and other windows based tablets are gaining momentum and pushing sales through the roof, Asus has recently come up with the expensive 11.6» Vivo Tab and Vivo RT Tab and it looks like they aren't done yet with the 10 inch ME - 400 tablet.
Together with the rear side windows, the frameless windows form a coherent window surface reaching back to the rear end, accentuating the body's dynamically stretched appearance.
On the one hand, it emphatically delineates the door and window surfaces from one another.
The steadily rising shoulderline and gently downward - sloping roofline create side window surfaces that taper towards the rear, emphasising the wedge shape of the silhouette particularly clearly.
This extended window surface allows more light into the interior and improves the overall visibility in the rear passenger compartment.
A wide, low Singleframe grille dominates the front, while the elongated silhouette and trapezoidal window surfaces dominate the side view.
The power of digital is that a publisher or author can carve out a very specific niche — tall Norwegians who like fuzzy bunny slippers, Winnebago owners with bumper stickers, Windows Surface owners who drive Volvos (ok, I'll admit that last one is a bit of a stretch).
The Windows 8 and Windows Surface version will launch at $ 9.99 (normally $ 14.99) in the Microsoft Store, and the Windows Phone version will launch at $ 4.99 (normally $ 6.99) in the Windows Phone Marketplace!
Onsite Gallery is pleased to present a public non-commercial graphic design vinyl work installed on the two - storey street - level exterior window surface of 230 Richmond St. W. — the former site of Onsite Gallery which directly faces the gallery's future location across the street at 199 Richmond St. W.
A typical modern building enclosure during cold weather will have wall and window surface temperatures that are several degrees below the indoor air temperature, and therefore to reach a comfortable operative temperature the indoor air temperature will need to be higher.
Android is next at 10 %, followed by Windows Mobile at 5 %, and Windows Surface at 1 %.
Apple recently announced the new and larger iPad, Pro which many in the tech community are considering a direct competitor to the Microsoft Windows Surface Pro 3.
Microsoft pushed out Windows Surface devices that were basically tablets.
I have a flat window surface — so would I do the same without the cuts in the flat ledge pieces on top and bottom?
It included panoramic glass roof, flat rear passenger floor, high window surfaces, 19 inch alloy wheels, free form geometric lamps, prominent brake callipers, deep rear bumper with integrated chrome exhausts, gold coloured body.
The BMW X5 M reinforces its presence and functionality with its upright stature, long roofline and large window surfaces.
As windows surface and other windows based tablets are gaining momentum and pushing sales through the roof, Asus has recently come up with the expensive 11.6» Vivo Tab and Vivo RT Tab and it looks like they aren't done yet with the -LSB-...]
Along with a solid single - player campaign the game — which was simultaneously released on XBLA, Windows 8, Windows Phone and Windows Surface — comes bundled with the ability to play online and offline multiplayer skirmishes along with a much - hyped asynchronous mode, allowing matches to be played across all four platforms.
Rolls - Royce claims that the new Phantom is the «most silent motor car in the world» with 6 mm of two - layered glazing on every window surface around the car.
The wagon's athletic overall impression is emphasized by the steeply raked D - pillars, the angle of the rear window and the subtly wedge - shaped geometry of the window surfaces.
In fact, the company claims that the Phantom VIII is «the most silent motor car in the world» with 6 mm of two - layered glazing on the window surfaces and more than 130 kg of sound insulation.
The car's athletic overall impression is further emphasised by the steeply raked D - pillars, the angle of the rear window and the subtly wedge - shaped geometry of the window surfaces.
The «greenhouse» — made up of the roof, roof pillars, window surfaces — is supported by a powerful and broad shoulder section.
Interior space is maximised through the inside - out approach, offering a flat rear passenger floor and high window surfaces.
The Windows Surface Pro was released yesterday in the USA and Canada.
Now for the details on the Windows Surface.
Now the Windows Surface could continue that trend and further push down Android tablets.
Pick up the optional keyboard and trackpad accessory for the Surface Pro (some Windows Surface machines include a keyboard while others require a separate purchase) and you've got a speedy, versatile laptop workstation that'll boost productivity throughout your busy day.
Skulls of the Shogun is the first title to offer cross-platform play between Xbox 360, Windows Phone, Windows 8, and Windows Surface.
The colder surface temperature means that the relative humidity on the window surfaces can be high enough for condensation to occur.
Mighell explains why lawyers might choose different tablets such as Android, Windows Surface, or the iPad and benefits of each one.
And then in the bigger firms, I expect it would be the Windows Surface that we would see but reluctantly because of cost.
In this episode, we dig in to Apple's newly announced iPad Pro and how it compares to the Windows Surface Pro.
The Windows Surface tablet is up to 29 % among law firms, which is only about 18 % behind the iPad; a little more surprising than I suspected, but really does show that the Surface is a viable tablet for lawyers» use.
I think the Windows Surface that we talked about in a couple of episodes ago I think has a very interesting option in there and I would be curious to see how that grows over the next year.
When you can't even get your Windows Surface -LSB-...]
The ability to run full versions of Windows apps could be a precursor to the creation of a Windows Surface phone, ZDNet suggests.
Higher - earning Realtors ® are more likely to use tablets, like the iPad or Windows Surface, and smartphones.
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