Sentences with phrase «wine in glass»

Should you choose to toast this holiday, with clients or without, you may be interested to read what Volokh Conspiracy blogger Todd Zywicki can tell you about the wine in your glass.
Particularly that little guy in the corner swishing the wine in his glass.
Perfect combo of flavors... but first... I was served wine in this glass at a restaurant in Downtown Denver.
Beyond manufacturing, the transport of wine in glass bottles across the country and around the world also takes its environmental toll.
I mean that has to be why they sell wine in glass right?
SWIRL: Holding the glass by its stem, simply swirl the wine in your glass.
Aside from its beauty, the color tells you a lot about the wine in the glass.
The normal person sitting across the table looks at the wine expert, looks at the wine in his glass, sniffs at it, looks at the expert again and says, «Just smells like wine to me,» before taking a big gulp.
The tasters all rated wines in the glasses that had contained female flies as having a stronger and more intense smell.
Panoramas of vineyards and local wines in your glass in settings ranging from 5 - star resorts to low - key farms with gnarled olive trees and rustic barns: if this sounds like heaven, then plan your wedding in California wine country.
Vistas of vineyards, local wines in your glass, in settings ranging from 5 - star resorts to low - key farms with gnarled olive trees and rustic barns: if this sounds like...

Not exact matches

That supersize order of fries, fourth glass of wine, or skipped workout can be both super-appealing now and, we all know, a terrible idea in the bigger picture of our lives.
There are obvious consequences to drinking on the clock: A study from the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that prospective hires who ordered a glass of wine during an interview were seen as less intelligent than those who abstained — even when the interviewer was indulging in a drink.
«While I don't partake in them, I don't think a glass of alcohol, beer or wine, hurts.
Get ready to be inspired with a glass of wine in hand.
Order a glass of wine over lunch with a colleague or crack open a beer in the cafeteria today and get ready for a few puzzled stares.
NAPA, Calif. (AP)-- Businesses in California's wine capital are mopping up thousands of dollars in high - end vintages and sweeping glass from ghostly downtown streets that officials hope will soon bustle again with tourists following the San Francisco Bay Area's strongest earthquake in 25 years.
Still, before you pour out the wine in your cupboard, it's important to keep in mind that the researchers are not saying every glass jacks up your chances of getting cancer.
She enjoys brisk country walks with her red fox labrador and then relaxing in front of a TV crime drama with a glass of red wine.
If you're new to wine and still trying to figure out what you like, and are interested in learning more about what's in your glass, this is a great place to start.
One of the photos was of his penis dipped in a glass of red wine, with an accompanying message: «He wanted a red wine...».
Second, it's absurd: Like the wine glass on the mattress, the image sticks in your head.
She even indulges in the odd glass of red wine.
For some, a rewarding year - end tradition is settling in with a map and a glass of wine, tallying up all the places traveled in the past year — and making a fresh list of cities to visit once the calendar resets.
Then there's the straight - out innovation that's relatively unheard of in the rest of the wine industry: Besides cans of all sizes and bottles with glass tops, there are bottles with etched bottoms and in shades to match every stick of Crayola.
I might walk in the forest, take a bike ride, hang out on the beach, sit on a park bench, or even have a glass of wine.
It began in the 1950s, when Claus Riedel customized glass shapes to purportedly direct wine to different areas of the tongue.
His fat - bottomed Burgundy Grand Cru glass, launched in 1958, remains part of the company's catalogue, joined by a rose - shaped rosé glass, an eyedropper - invoking vessel for sparkling wine, and on and on.
We need the consumer being confident and strong, having those extra dollars to go out and have a set of wine glasses or buy some extra dinnerware,» said Walt Rowen, owner of Susquehanna Glass Co. in Columbia, Pa., at the press conference Small Business Majority, an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
«The interest in and consumption of sparkling wines is going to grow,» says Greg Lambrecht, founder and chairman at Coravin, the magical device that lets you pour a glass of wine without uncorking the bottle.
Another group that has proven fond of holding their glass are women: they account for 57 % of wine volume in the US, according to the WCM.
This would amount to 42 % of all wine drunk in 2015, and on average, millennials — those born between 1980 and the late 1990s — are downing around 3.1 glasses a sitting, according to a new report by the Wine Market Council, and as reported by Wine Spectawine drunk in 2015, and on average, millennials — those born between 1980 and the late 1990s — are downing around 3.1 glasses a sitting, according to a new report by the Wine Market Council, and as reported by Wine SpectaWine Market Council, and as reported by Wine SpectaWine Spectator.
I might argue (especially if I've had a good glass of wine in me first) that in a well - thought out process, what you're calling «buying» cycles should already match your «sales stage» cycles — so that really you and I are just discussing semantics in terms of segmentation....
Their godly moralisms are but self - centered and self - censored upon redundant principles that are archaic in cultured relics, thsoe old fuddy duddues who fumble ever for their next glass worth of wine!
Their godly moralisms are but self - centered and self - censored upon redundant principles that are archaic in cultured relics, those old fuddy duddues who fumble ever for their next glass worth of wine!
We poured a glass of white wine each and wrapped ourselves up in blankets.
Someone will throw a robe on my back, put shoes on my feet, and Jesus Himself will put a glass of wine in my hand and will smile and say, «Duty?
How many of us got through the election coverage with a pint of ice cream in one hand and a glass of wine in the other?
I wanted to read it, out loud, with a glass of red wine in my hand, it was pure, spare poetry.
I grew up in a sober home where adults having fun was never linked to clinking ice cubes or lipstick stains on a wine glass.
A glass of white wine that tastes like pears is balanced between your fingers, there are chaste lilacs in the air.
I have no moral problem with drinking in moderation - a glass of wine with dinner, a beer at a ball game, etc..
I still kept a round of duties, and would not suffer myself to run into any open vices, and so got along very well in time of health and prosperity, but when I was distressed or threatened by sickness, death, or heavy storms of thunder, my religion would not do, and I found there was something wanting, and would begin to repent my going so much to frolics, but when the distress was over, the devil and my own wicked heart, with the solicitations of my associates, and my fondness for young company, were such strong allurements, I would again give way, and thus I got to be very wild and rude, at the same time kept up my rounds of secret prayer and reading; but God, not willing I should destroy myself, still followed me with his calls, and moved with such power upon my conscience, that I could not satisfy myself with my diversions, and in the midst of my mirth sometimes would have such a sense of my lost and undone condition, that I would wish myself from the company, and after it was over, when I went home, would make many promises that I would attend no more on these frolics, and would beg forgiveness for hours and hours; but when I came to have the temptation again, I would give way: no sooner would I hear the music and drink a glass of wine, but I would find my mind elevated and soon proceed to any sort of merriment or diversion, that I thought was not debauched or openly vicious; but when I returned from my carnal mirth I felt as guilty as ever, and could sometimes not close my eyes for some hours after I had gone to my bed.
So, I encourage everyone to raise their glasses — whether of homebrewed beer, Kentucky bourbon, or imported wine bought in bulk at Costco — to Locke and the semi-hemi-demi-Lockeans who've served this nation.
(i) the question of gay rights — funny I agree with gay rights, must be a political debate at its heart (ii) a wonan's right to choose — funny I agree with this, see above thought (iii) teaching evolution in school — again I agree (iv) my ability to buy a glass of wine on Sunday — definitely politics here (v) immunizing teens against HPV — got my kids immunized, not even politics here (vi) population control — this is religions fault??? no this is cultural (vii) assisted suicide at end of life — agree with that, still have my religion (viii) global warmning — agree it needs to get fixed, doesn't have anything to do with religion
I was exposed as an early Christian to legalism from drinking a glass of wine (of course wine in Jesus time had no alcohol), to listening to rock music.
on a serious note... i am sad that friends and even family have defriended you... I have no doubt that the Father, Son and Spirit sit around in the evening with a glass of wine, feet up, laughin heartily at your book i know i do and seeing they live in me, i guess they do to!
Only it's hard to run when you're sitting with one in a canteen and she's offering you a glass of red wine.
Later, I planted a church that grew very quickly — a glass of wine became the way to relax in the evening.
The laughter from hours ago, another world away, still hangs in the air, the half - filled wine glasses give evidence to toasts and raised arms of family love.
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