Sentences with phrase «winning tactic»

The game will have several multiplayer modes so alliances with other players are a must for winning tactics.
The tactics he uses that makes us lose to big teams must be dropped for match winning tactics.
The more winning tactics you have, the more possibilities you have to succeed.
The twin - win tactic requires the careful crafting of a new policy — a replacement for the kid - harming one in place — that is unarguably in the best interest of students and patently in the personal best interest of the individuals adopting the policy.
It is therefore trial and error to discover winning tactics — so it is fortunate that the player respawns close to the last place of death, ready to try again.
Getting a Blue Shell when lying in second place near the end of the third lap is a moment you will treasure for ever... until the person in first place sounds their Super Horn at the right moment to destroy your race winning tactic.
While a great vote - winning tactic among the large tenant electorate, the 2.5 per cent annual rent increase cap in Ontario exacerbates existing property neglect, lowers tenants» quality of life and discourages industry investment.
Whichever way its pursued, using quality content to build expertise and drive leads is a winning tactic.
Arsenal had been in terrible form before switching to three at the back and deploying wing - backs, in a mimicking of Chelsea's title - winning tactics, and the upsurge in their form has been significant.
If you're planning to breastfeed, keeping baby on the breast as often as possible is a win - win tactic that will encourage a developing supply and also relieve engorgement.
«Consistent focus on one issue that polls say works is generally a winning tactic rather shifting to other issues,» said Manhattan Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf.
If you believe that your district or your school has kid - harmful accountability policies in place, try the twin - win tactic.
You might be able to interest family and friends in a loan using a win / win tactic.
This is a risky move since hidden issues with a home could cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the purchase price, but if you absolutely, positively have to have the property, it might be a winning tactic.
Depending on the opponent you go up against, tactics could vary from intense spacing and zoning to simple flail - to - win tactics — but that's the point, it's all up to the player to decide what level of mastery they want to achieve.
We recommend you keep at it the default difficulty as it is more rewarding and eventually you will find the winning tactics to defeat the bosses.
It is a win / win tactic; once you do find yourself in the position of having got some detail incorrect.
Taking the high road and not descending into personal vilification is the winning tactic.
The development studio has made it clear that its collection of microtransactions refrain from pay - to - win tactics and are purely cosmetic.
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