Sentences with phrase «wipe after poop»

With my second son I only wipe after poop or if the diaper seems wet to the touch.

Not exact matches

I keep a thing of Clorox wipes on the back of my toilet for after spraying out diapers in case an poop water splashes up on the toilet.
With babies being naturally unpredictable, they can decide to surprise you by peeing or even pooping again just after wiping them clean or as you are taking off the soiled diaper.
Wiping the baby's bottom also stimulates the colon, which makes babies poop — and which explains why babies always makes a mess after you've just put them in a new diaper.
CON: You still have to wipe her poopy butt after she poops in the toilet, so yeah, you still have to deal with poop.
Your baby doesn't need anything more than a little wipe down like I said after birth to get the blood off if there's any or the meconium which is that dark sticky poop and scientific evidence is pointing toward mom should wait at least a week actually to do any type of sponge bath.
If baby is passing soft, yellow stool after a long hiatus from pooping, you can rest easy — but get out your big box of wipes because this often means there will be a LOT of poop when it does come!
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