Sentences with phrase «wisdom which»

True to her brand, respective of her readers and extremely humble, Lucy shared some of her words of wisdom which have stuck with me.
I didn't know it at the time, of course, but these days, whenever a young couple asks me about about taking the next step, I usually start with his simple wisdom which always leads to more complex themes.
Using expressive therapies in conjunction with talk therapy allows individuals to tap into a deeper wisdom which can help you to heal, discover, and grow.»
Many feel that a furrowed brow and neat suit emanates a look of wisdom which has been experienced from holding down a senior executive role for many years.
With each action, and backing each thought, is the shrewd wisdom which brought the leader to his given destiny.
The first site to actually call itself a weblog was Robot Wisdom which seems to have begun in 1997.
Thankfully, I notice that among these experienced participants stand a few wannabe sustainability gurus such as myself, all similarly wide - eyed and bewildered by the fountains of wisdom which surround us.
There are actually very few black swans if any at all, only conventional wisdom which is not very wise at all, more often than not.
This track stands in contrast to current conventional wisdom which, oddly, is grounded upon policies that have not worked in the past and which we know never to have been politically feasible except through the application of unacceptable political forces.
The Silky Oaks Healing Waters Spa is set in lush and tropical gardens, and was inspired by the ancient wisdom which celebrated water as a renewing and life giving force.
I'd only argue against Conventional Wisdom which perhaps Scott had also happened to agree with in passing though he probably wasn't that passionate about it and hopefully he won't get upset with me for writing this and if he does maybe I can claim Plucky broke into my account and wrote it while I was distracted watching «The Voice.»)
In this novel he imparts a special brand of wisdom which he has gleaned from his years of travel, and hopes to inspire in the same way those five travelers did in Thailand.
The carrot part of this talk is about the general subject of worldly wisdom which is a pretty good way to start.
Such visits are almost always social, in that learning is collaborative and allow for planned and unplanned — often the most personal — moments of wisdom which we can not replicate in the classroom, despite our access to YouTube and other multimedia offerings available to us at the touch of a button.
Bif is always casually sharing bits of wisdom which seem intuitive to her, but which are brand new for Sandra.
While unfortunately this can not be the case for every single person, those who have aged tend to have accumulated more wisdom which can often translate in an all - around better dating experience and a much relaxed, open mind when it comes to meeting new people.
I have great wisdom which comes from an unknown source.
Wherever it originates, the most important pieces of love advice are the nuggets of wisdom which have a discernible impact on the every day in your relationship.
When you practice one - on - one therapeutic yoga with me, you'll have the time and space to relax into the postures, while listening to the wisdom which guides healing from within.
When practicing therapeutic yoga, you'll have time and space to relax into the postures, while listening to the wisdom which guides healing from within.
In accordance with Ayurvedic and other medical philosophies, Dr. Weinberg believes that our bodies and the earth have innate wisdom which guides natural cycles and impacts our health.
We all have a deep, inner wisdom which can help us make the most beneficial decisions for our lives, and free us from the indecision and self - doubt that arise when we put the opinions of others ahead of what we know to be true.
There is so much wisdom which can be unlocked through yoga, and this can help you grow to the point of starting your own business.
For Lesser drew on a fount of wisdom which sprang from his experiences in a world far larger and more significant than the parochial world of science journalism.
Well said in life experience telling you, I have joked about your age but here is me praising your wisdom which came with that age
It is not His divine Will that the attributes or abstracts of the soul or mind, or that divine Wisdom which guided governed and directed all in Him, (the God Man) should have a distinct worship, but that they should all be specially honoured and His Sacred Head adored as their Temple.
There is something of deception, of a tender, careful deception, in this knowing kindness, in the melancholy wisdom which the disciple experiences with the master.
The Bible has * some * pearls of wisdom which are valid in fostering peaceful human behavior (as do most religious scriptures).
The above article by Jennifer Wright Knust is a good example of how, Bible has changed from the time when it was given to Jesus (Peace be upon him)(translated and explained by Jesus due his wisdom which he was blessed with, by God) till the time of today.
It can not be proved by signs or wisdom, not even the wisdom which unfathoms the secrets of mythology.
He has patched and altered it in a few places... I had to laugh at the great wisdom which so terribly slandered, condemned and forbade my New Testament when it was published under my name, but made it required reading when it was published under the name of another,» wrote Luther in a piece about translating the Bible, written at the Coburg.
It is also necessary to have wisdom which is aquired by G - Ds will alone by prayer and worshiping, in Spirit and in Truth!
According to Maclaurin, we learn from Newton that «Our views of Nature... represent to us... that mighty power which prevails throughout,... wisdom which we see... displayed,... the perfect goodness by which they are evidently directed».
His understanding is the supreme wisdom which knows things as they are; and it is unto him «that all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid».
It is also the judgment of a wisdom which uses what in the temporal world is mere wreckage (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 525).
That interpretation ignores the very next sentence: «It is also the judgment of a wisdom which uses what in the temporal world is mere wreckage.
It is Wisdom that speaks: wisdom which just now we have seen to he the finest attainment of human aspiration.
This passion for rationality pervades our shadow - world in the functional world - village, and we in the so - celled advanced areas presume that we have a monopoly of rational wisdom which must be trained or educated into all mankind.
It is infinitely comic that at the bottom of the practical wisdom which is so much extolled in the world, at the bottom of all the devilish lot of good counsel and wise saws and «wait and see» and «put up with one's fate» and «write in the book of forgetfulness» — that at the bottom of all this, ideally understood, lies complete stupidity as to where the danger really is and what the danger really is.
We have to learn to work with a wisdom which follows a pattern quite foreign to much human thinking.
It is also the judgment of a wisdom which uses what in the temporal world is mere wreckage» (Cambridge University Press 1928, p. 525).
In so doing we have discovered a vast wealth of beauty and wisdom which we had hardly thought to find among backward peoples.
Democratic reformers have been under no illusions that the common man possesses any special wisdom which is superior to that of the exceptional man.
This is indeed a lamentable fact; but there is a wisdom which is not from above, but is earthly and fleshly and devilish.
It describes wisdom which is synonymous with the cognitive aspect of love that Paul talks about.
Please don't listen to the hatred coming from Ruckman and Pensacola, even most of those in Florida know that this man is full of hatred and not the «wisdom which comes down from above» pure and full of truth.
This notion could be interpreted to include the scientific and philosophical wisdom which would then be integrated with biblical wisdom in an inclusive theology, although this interpretation is in tension with the flat assertion that reason is «not itself a source of theology.»
This truly wise and holy man has the ability to preach to his flock words of tremendous wisdom which can be understood by the humblest intellect.
159:4.9 «But the greatest error of the teaching about the Scriptures is the doctrine of their being sealed books of mystery and wisdom which only the wise minds of the nation dare to interpret.
It is a treasure chest of spiritual wisdom which draws on the practical experience of those who have travelled ahead of us.
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