Sentences with phrase «wise people once»

As a few wise people once said, just enjoy the insanity along the way.
However, a wise person once said that «Advice freely given is worth less than what it cost.»
A wise person once said, «Integrity is what you do when you think no one is looking.»
«A wise person once told me: «You attack people when you can't defend the substance of the bill»,» Kaplan tweeted.
As a wise person once told me «bling it on!»
A wise person once said that a good man will ruin your lipstick and not your mascara.
A wise person once said that tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
A wise person once said that failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
A wise person once reminded me of the adage «People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.»
A wise person once said to me that there are three versions of every story: yours, mine, and the truth.
A very wise person once said that «success leaves clues», and that statement is also true when it's applied to the idea of following techniques already used by successful self - published authors.
A wise person once said that whatever we do we should do with all our might.
A wise person once said, «if you don't know where you are going, all roads will look like the right way».
A wise person once wrote that the short life span of a dog is perhaps his or her only fault.
A wise person once told me «Sometimes you do a job to feed your soul, but most of the time you have to do a job that feeds your dog.»
A wise person once said that we spend the entire part of the first phase of life accumulating things.
An even wiser person once said «three ecosystems oughta be enough...
A wise person once said, «if you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?»
A wise person once said, «Ask the people who do the work.
A wise person once told me that we are free to make our own decisions in life, but that we have to own up to both the positive and negative consequences of those decisions.
A wise person once said, «The purpose of the task is to strengthen the relationship.»
A wise person once said that, before you get angry you should walk a mile in the other person's shoes (they went on to say that... then you will be a mile away from that person, and you will have their shoes).
A wise person once told me - «Everything comes down to money».

Not exact matches

It's probably the wisest thing I've heard from her - within the context of the people who make up her family and friends, I think it's an effective, touching way to set a course on how to proceed lovingly and protectively once you know your child has challenges.
I once asked a very wise person what happens to the retarded people when they die.
The Dalai Lama once said that the purpose of religion is to make the individual a better (more compassionate and wise) person.
IDK why ppl constantly try to logically argue and reason with a religious person... as a wise man once said, «If you could reason with a religious person, there would be no religious people
As any wise person would once tell you, «Don't venture too near the edge of the earth, for you may fall off.»
As some wise Saint once said «A few people hate the Church and what She teachers, but millions hate what they THINK the Church teaches.»
As a very wise man I once knew said «We always think the things other people spend their money on are foolish, but that the things we spend our money on are necessities».
I pray that all of you been in government or outside will listen to the wise counseling of the people of this medium and be united once again.
A wise man once told me that how you dress is a reflection of how much you value the people you are with.
As a wise Pinterest image once told me: «People Disappoint.
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a A wise woman once said when it comes to dating, you're either dating, exclusive, or single — so which one is it?
Here, cleverly concealed across the ocean, is the dream of so many African Americans: a beautiful homeland of wise kings, strong women warriors, and market streets that are at once charmingly old - fashioned and bustlingly hypermodern — much like the ones in Blade Runner, you'd think, except for being sunny, well - kept, and frequented exclusively by black people.
Wade Wilson is once again played — superbly — by Ryan Reynolds as a wise - cracking, pain - in - the - ass tough guy who fucks people up for money.
The ipad 2 looks and sounds just like the first one, ain't too much has changed and so far the xoom and samsung galaxy tab 10.1 sounds better than the G - Slate smh so yes Teen Mobile once again messed up big time and was no big information here but making us wait for weak devices well this one ain't too weak but still not a good move at all in my opinion: (They need to get rid of that ceo Bumm or Humm whatever name is and whoever else that do they marketing and products supplies to step down and bring on some more smarter and wiser people to the table!
Once Scribd goes under or people wise up and cancel, the book is gone.
Once you accept this — and it's clear that many people do not — then it's wise to abandon the idea of selecting individual companies and simply embrace the market as a whole.
As a wise person I know once wrote, financing shoes is not a good plan.
A wise man once said «People change and forget to tell each other.»
My fellow Realtors, a wise person said this «quote», A physics teacher in high school, once told the students: «That while one grasshopper on the railroad tracks wouldn't Slow a train very much, a billion of them would.»
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