Sentences with phrase «wise practice»

Fortunately, some case studies of wise practice in social studies do already exist.
Following a 13 - month study, none of the six participants fully adopted the promoted wise practice pedagogy, problem - based historical inquiry.
The authors proposed three features to strengthen future teacher - support efforts: dynamic experiences modeling wise practices, digital curriculum designed for collaboration, and expert mentors to help facilitate learning.
The question remains whether humans can find a way to apply wise practices to shared resources that lie outside conventional boundaries.
Discussion and sharing of wise practices will be encouraged.
Considering the uncertainty surrounding Manning's health, bettors may be wise practicing patience in this instance.
But legal issues aside, Miller doesn't see these agreements as a very wise practice since they raise questions about a doctor's conduct (as in, «Why wouldn't this doctor want to be rated?»)
Investors can opt for diversifies equity (large - cap - focused) fund backed by wise practices of risk management.
We conceive of ECMs as exemplar lessons that strongly illustrate fundaments of wise practice pedagogy and that educatively scaffold to help teachers develop their professional teaching knowledge.
There are certainly exceptions to every rule — at times you may find it advantageous to be divisive, but in general, this isn't a wise practice.
Choosing organic disposable products or even better, a reusable, natural materials menstrual cup that is safe, convenient, effective, easy to use and good for the planet is a wise practice not just for ourselves but for our developmentally vulnerable young daughters as well.
Taking every supplement in the book all at once is not a wise practice.
According to Nourishing Traditions Cookbook, soaking and drying of raw nuts mimics the wise practice of the Aztecs.
Just to be safe, however, it may be a wise practice to have always have a low tech (pencil and paper?)
Make use of your common sense — Make use of your wise practice with regards to choosing the right loan company.
1 In the age of technology, the wise practice gathers email addresses and cell phone numbers and heavily leverages email and text messages.
Perhaps a wiser practice would be have the most experienced lawyer, presumably with a better understanding of the law of evidence, deal with the objections.
Models of care or «wise practice» that was inclusive, collaborative, multi-dimensional, adaptive, and relationship - based.
Develop the wise practice of Awareness.
Taking regular retreats is a wise practice hard won by couples who have let months of hectic schedules and harried pecks on the cheeks turn into years.
For parents of older students, this presentation addresses teaching your child social media etiquette and wise practices regarding electronic interactions.
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