Sentences with phrase «wish upon a world»

The impending doom is more dire than any fictional villain could ever wish upon a world.

Not exact matches

They are still helpful when we wish to focus our attention upon the ways in which God is related to the world.
But if God is — that is, if the cosmic Love is inescapably there and not simply a speculation or wish on the part of us men and women and if God is also the divine, worshipful, and unsurpassable One who is concerned with and acts for his world in all its richness and variety, then surely the significant thing for us is to focus our attention upon that One.
«People do not wish to know that the whole human culture is based on the mythic process of conjuring away man's violence by endlessly projecting it upon new victims» (Girard, Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, 164).
He was making an observation, but also expressing a wish: a new trajectory of thinking is needed in order to arrive at a better understanding of the implications of our being one family; interaction among the peoples of the world calls us to embark upon this new trajectory, so that integration can signify solidarity rather than marginalization.
Thus she went away wholly delivered from the heavy burthen of the cares and good things of this world, and found her soul so satisfied that she no longer wished for anything upon earth, resting entirely upon God, with this only fear lest she should be discovered and be obliged to return home; for she felt already more content in this poverty than she had done for all her life in all the delights of the world
He wished not to be «unclothed «of his body in the future world, but «clothed upon» with a new body, (II Corinthians 5:4) a fit spiritual organ and vehicle of his risen life.
May the Lord's blessings be upon us all and may we be the example we wish to see in the world.
Still, just as the existence of alternate realities suggest that this duo could have been lovers, perhaps in another world Wish Upon is a bona fide fright show.
Now, with the slightly clumsily titled Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition)(most seem to just call it Disney Infinity 2.0 for shorthand purposes), they and fans are getting their wish upon a star, and will see Marvel's Avengers, Spider - Man and his amazing friends, and Guardians of the Galaxy come to the endlessly customizable world of Disney Infinity.
Lothlorien, who first wrote about this practice in 2012 for Digital Book World in an article called «When You Wish Upon a Star, You Get the Pointy End (Part 1): Why Authors Should ALWAYS Respond To Negative Reviews,» was surprised by the venomous response to her suggestion that this level of interaction between authors and reviewers is actually good for books.
2011 Dunne, Aidan, When you wish upon a ribbon... you're making art, The Irish Times, 7 December Dunne, Aidan, A Day Like Any Other, The Irish Times, 11 November Clark, Robert & Sherwin, Skye, This week's exhibitions, The Guardian, 13 November Baldon, Diana, Polly wants a punctuation mark, Texte Zur Kunst, 10 January Adam, Georgina, Collecting Special: Flying Time, Financial Times, 27 May Eltham, Ben, In the World of Art, Everything New is Popular Again, Crikey, 8 April Hwang, Kellie, First Love at SMoCA,, 8 February Guggenheim in Bilbao presents The Luminous Interval: The D. Daskalopoulos Collection, Art Daily, 19 April Fox, Dan, On Nature, Frieze, March
Who out there will be seconded, if ever, to step up to the plate to stand up to the aided - and - abetted by government «agency» attacks of the Realtysellers et al of the real estate world (the opportunists, as I see them) who wish to highjack a privately created and paid - for MLS, to tear down a functioning, albeit imperfect, system of providing real estate services / products etc. (at the public's pleasure, no less) for free, with negotiated payment for services / products only being forthcoming upon «successful completion» of contractual obligations.
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