Sentences with phrase «with boggy»

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Having misplotted Checkpoint 14, we spent our second night trudging vainly through Caribou Valley, a boggy, godforsaken concavity strewn with moose pies and at least five miles, it turned out, from where we belonged.
You will also note there is a grassy area with sunbeds at the back of the baby pool that is also cordoned off — we learnt that this was due to an incident that happened a couple of weeks before — the ground had become very boggy and gave way and a little boy sunk into it again luckily he was o.k but it took a while to get him out — again they've cordoned this off but just be vigilant
A cold uterus is defined as boggy, congested, poor circulation and menstrual irregularities, including PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, amenorrhea or for women with sedentary lifestyle.
A boardwalk crosses a boggy lowland filled with willow, cottonwood and a thick understory of wax myrtle and blackberry bushes.
• Magical voodoo world: Thrust into the depths of a twisted and dangerous world, Vince must trek through 30 detailed levels, including crawfish - laden swamps, a graveyard filled with imps and lost zombies, a fantastic French Quarter, and a network of boggy sewers.
As someone who has struggled with depression and a therapist who has helped others out of this boggy swamp, I can see how the idea of depression being anger turned inward makes sense.
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