Sentences with phrase «with ebm»

Back in September the whole family — James, Ailsa and I along with James» parents, brother and his wife (plus their 2 dogs) attended a family photo shoot with EBM Photography.
Five days after delivery breastfeeding was going nowhere and we were supplementing after every feed with EBM and formula.
(Studying the relative merits of a climate model with an ECS that agrees with EBMs might not enhance one's career.)

Not exact matches

They would have my wife nurse for 20 minutes, then offer EBM fortified with formula, protein powder, and oil for the extra calories needed.
However, for mothers for whom breastfeeding is progressing well there are problems associated with unnecessary test pumping or even feeding of the baby with expressed breast milk (EBM) in the first days of life.
They believe that early introduction of bottles of EBM will give their baby the flexibility to deal with their absence in the future.
Eula spoke with the doctors and they ordered 2 oz of formula / EBM to be given.
Supplementation with formula or donor EBM may be considered by staff if it is thought that there is insufficient supply of mother's own EBM, however inadequate pumping can lead to reduced stimulation of the breast, a reduced maternal milk supply and earlier cessation or less likelihood of exclusive breastfeeding (Gromada 1998).
Some mothers report that feeding EBM by bottle is a preferable method because there is certainty about the volume of milk being fed (Niela - Vilén 2014) and it is also a way of allowing others to assist with feeding, particularly with higher order multiples (Multiple Births Foundation 2011).
We comp fed Josee with top up expressed breast milk (EBM) after each breastfeed via the special needs feeder, syringe or cup feeding for many months to help her to gain weight.
I love the Claire too:) almost 21 months strong with twins (and yes, I still pump when I work so they can still have ebm at daycare!)
EBM begins with powdered metal alloy placed in the machine's powder hopper.
For planets with eccentricity 0.5, our EBM suggests that the greatest habitable semimajor axis can vary by more than 0.8 AU (78 %!)
b Energy Balance Model (EBM), often with upwelling - diffusive ocean; 1 - box energy balance models; EMIC (numbers refer to related EMICs described in Table 8.3).
They were washed twice with 10 ml PBS and seeded in 10 % human AB sera and antibiotics (penicillin 5 unit / ml and streptomycin 5 µg / ml and 6 µg / ml Ciprofloxacin; GIBCO - BRL, Burlington, ON) containing EGMM (Endothelial Growth Medium Mix) made by mixing 50 % M199 (GIBCO - BRL, Burlington, ON) media in EBM - 2 media (Lonza, Walkersville, Md).
ebm - papst presented them with details of the possible energy savings of upgrading HVAC equipment to EC fans, and a survey was commissioned.
Despite its partnership with Google Books almost two years ago, giving On Demand access to two million of Google's public domain titles, there are currently only about 75 EBMs at work in locations around the country, with another 75 or so expected to be in use by the end of the year.
Now you can create a professional quality paperback with just a few clicks of the mouse, and ordering copies from your local EBM is easier than ever.
Through our partnership with Google, titles can be discovered through the Google Books website and ordered online via a direct link to the website of the EBM retailer or library.
The EBM provides a new marketing platform for your partnership with brick - and - mortar booksellers.
It enables books to be ordered onsite at the EBM and can be integrated with a retail or library website so that consumers can order books online.
And since to the best of my knowledge various EBMs are being run by indie bookstores, whether or not those individual stores will do business with authors by remote is entirely up to those stores.
With a comparable cost for a finished book, often what consumers would pay for an off - the - shelf purchase at the register, hopefully the EBM will make greater headway in terms of meeting the needs for both self - published authors and reading consumers.
The Bottom Line Though lacking in features, the EBM - 911 is great as a basic handheld with e-book - and audiobook - reading abilities.
Subsequent work (for instance by Drew Shindell) has shown that the simplified EBMs are missing important transient effects associated with aerosols, and so the divergence is very likely less than AR5 assessed.
This is explicit with the GCM and implicit in the case of the EBM.
Detection / attribution assessments, using General Circulation Models (GCMs) or Energy Balance Models (EBMs) with geographical distributions of surface temperature trends, suggest that the solar influence on climate is greater than would be anticipated from radiative forcing estimates.
Held's double the TCR to get ECS applies to forcing fits to temperature responses in EBMs, if that, but has nothing to do with F&G 06.
Nick Lewis appears to made a big impact with the divergence between ECS from AOGCMs and observations (EBMs).
It is shown that in the EBM with explicit dynamical heat transport the traditional formulism of climate feedbacks can break down because of lack of additivity.
These low observational EfCS / two - zone EBM values have been questioned because (a) they disagree with higher observational EfCS / ZDM values, and (b) the EfCS / two - zone EBM values given by GCMs are poorly correlated with the standard GCM sensitivity estimates.
The validity of the low observational EfCS / two - zone EBM values is here explored, with focus on the limitations of the observational EfCS / ZDM approach, the disagreement between the GCM and observational radiative responses to surface temperature perturbations in the tropics, and on the modified EfCS values provided by an extended two zone EBM that includes an explicit parameterization of dynamical heat transport.
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