Sentences with phrase «with godless»

Following the success of Westworld, Netflix now ventures into the western genre for the first time with Godless.
You said, «To remove God from society as you promote and move forward with a godless society is an experiment of grand scale that would be undertaken without any evidence or proof whatsoever that such a model is workable.
Atheists say «that looks like a random act of horrific violence, congruent with a godless universe» and Christians say «hmm, that does look like a random act of horrific violence congruent with a godless universe... I guess that kind of thing just happens sometimes in a universe ruled by God.»
This means that before you get too comfortable with the godless world you long for, you will be required by the logic of any consistent skepticism to pass through the disorienting wilderness of nihilism.
«You were either religious or with the godless communists.»
You may enjoy blind wandering with a godless mind.
«You hate God and the Bible because you wish to be free of all guilt associated with your godless behavior.»
Christian evangelisation campaigns are clearly unable to compete with the godless messages preached all day and every day on the TV, radio and in printed media.
These are all great things that the west has lost over time with their godless culture.
When you do not realize this simple key you can never get past blaming God and everyone besides yourself for the problem associated with a godless existence.

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You have no clue as to what a godless world would look like as the world has never known such a way of life with the exception of localized pockets.
Tell me again why you can not see the empty ending and repeated inhumanity inherent in the ways of the godless or those with their manmade gods.
You are an obedient member of a perverted godless society, with lots of godless perverted girlfriends that all likely contracept and fornicate, which makes you popular with them.
Insofar as it attempts material constructs, university theology characteristically is moved by the secularism and godless maturity of the university to turn to «God the problem,» and to offer itself to God to help him with his problem of finding a place in a world which has no place or need for him.
Non-believers see a godless world, walk with the things of man, accept only the proof of man, can not see miracles, can not see answered prayer and basically have only the presence and perspective of Richard Dawkins bible.
David, (thanks for listening and for your encouragement) another person, Michael Kwak, The Godless Monster (my favourite atheist - could see myself sitting down with a cup of coffee and chatting merrily away for hours with you) I wish to thank you for taking the time to sort out my questions.
I do have the wonderful people on this blog, though, to dialogue with (Godless Monster) and I treasure that.
What you need to know to understand where that was coming from is that Christine is married to a woman (me, actually) and so when she said that, because of her gender, she would expect Brigitte to say that her life was loveless and godless, she was referring to many previous discussions with Brigitte who believes homosexual relationships to be sinful.
For every Pol Pot whose infamous name is still spoken with horror today, there was a Mengistu, a Bierut, and a Choibalsan, godless men whose names are now forgotten everywhere but in the lands they once ruled with a red hand.
To this extent, he accepts a godless, Cartesian dualism along with Sartre, with whom he otherwise does not wish to be identified.
That is the Godless answer to every nation that has gone down this very same road., Multiculturalism class warfare brought to a head using a thug class created by the same people who own the machines of production., The same people own and control the rest with property taxes and income taxation.
It demands that inward truth become real life if it is to remain truth: «A drop of Messianic consummation must be mingled with every hour; otherwise the hour is godless, despite all piety and devoutness.»
= > I said there has never been a time when the godless have dominated the World view with the exception of the days of Noah.
Furthermore Mr. Godless, few Christians really mind the idea of Him coming after their death, or 100 years after, we know that we are with Him, but what if He came today?
Then decided to bar her from seeing her newborn nieces and nephews, so as to not «infect» them with «godless ways».
I don't think godless has anything to do with the atrocities in those countries you site.
Atheist do not belive in a «God», they engage in a Godless ritual with the «goddesses» Their Holy book is the «Dictionary».
Don't think that I am defending godless Communism, but you anoint gonna lullaby me with your humming about how great, free and just this misery we're soaked in is!
They are in fact, godless people and the same sort of people who brought about destruction and misery every where they've gone; from the French Revolution with it's guilotining of tens of thousands of people a year to those who established the Soviet Union at the costs of millions of lives and kept half the world under its iron fists for nearly a century.
Back in New York, Lee Moore is gearing up for the launch of Godless Revival - but still speaks bitterly of his time with the Sunday Assembly network.
«Invisible sky fairy???» ah come on that is make believe and with God you simply have to believe... if you would allow him into your Godless heart it would be clear to your confused make believe mind.
and Godless (of course) and Ricky Bobby (with a login name like that you want to stereotype me Haha)... Derp if i was a character in Deliverance i would be Burt Reynolds shooting an arrow right through the heart of the problem and as for as your paying attention in class... sounds more like some liberal teacher has you brainwashed already.
So, in other words, a Godless society would NOT be any better than one with a God under which people with free will turn against and act like... what... Atheists?
There is no part of the world, be it never so forlorn and never so godless, which is not accepted by God and reconciled with God in Jesus Christ.
When one contrasts outcomes in the United States with those in Europe, one is tempted to conclude that the «godless» Constitution and the reticent constitutionalists helped make possible a «godly» people.
Committed Christians who fuse horizons with those of the godless know they can not evade the questions.
250,000,000 people in the USA and the best two men we can come up with give us a choice of re-electing a heathen or electing a member of a godless sect.
sam The godless Jewish population I was speaking of are those who are filled with pride and hate towards Christians.
But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.
But evangelicals who use it to designate «the enemy» want nothing to do with a pluralistic system that they feel is a smokescreen obscuring the hegemony exercised by an alien, godless ideology.
Many young - bucks of godlessness and the ungodliness tenders to avail themselves with the nailed doldrums» sciatica and they do abound with much societal unpleasantries toward the abaters of commonly wanton deniabilities against them, those ungodly and godless beings of smirked violaters of randomized intention - abilities meant only as austerities subversions.
I have been in a good place for a long time now faced with the same scientific fact you are but have yet to see the world again from a godless perspective.
This latter day Britain is not populated with the «decent godless men» whom T. S. Eliot describes in «Choruses from The Rock»; it is filled with demons of self - indulgence.
Compare the rates of violent crime in America with those in godless Europe.
Nonetheless, there is an expectation on the part of society that the law will speak from on high as well as in the people's midst, and that it will make straight what would otherwise remain twisted, crooked lines; it will establish order in the stead of anarchy and chaos; it will retain a semblance of purity amid vile motives and human deceits; it will speak with godlike authority and power in a godless age.
Let alone how they square it with «God» being the Christian God (which is the Jewish God) and which the link Godless Monster linked us to shows as being... um... horrible?
Just as most Americans thought of communism as the immoral, godless imperialist system, Christianity is viewed by most Muslims as the religion of the colonialists, the people who come (or came) with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other.
No matter what Godless men want to do with their lives and demand that I accept, I have to hold fast to what the Spirit shows me when I pray.
The godless and ungodly do abound with much societally impractical unpleasantries toward the abaters» abatements of commonly wanton desired abilities against them and vice versa.
It's sad to have to agree with the ungodly And godless on issue what is just and what is unjust and plain evil.
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