Sentences with phrase «with human animal»

Not surprisingly, many pet owners around the country are sharing similar stories with The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) through its «Share Your Story» forum on
This comprehensive effort to raise awareness of the benefits of companion animal ownership and the human - animal bond included pitch - perfect commercials, a top - notch website, and a partnership with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI).
The campaign, in partnership with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), celebrates the many ways — from improving mental health to keeping us physically fit — that pets change our lives for the better.
But nowhere are the stakes higher than with Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI), which is working to gather and disseminate the growing body of scientific proof supporting the link between pet ownership and enhanced human health.
The North American Veterinary Community has teamed up with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute to form a new certification for veterinarians to achieve a greater understanding of the Human - Animal Bond.
Zoetis has partnered with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) to publicize the scientific research supporting «The Pet Effect».
Zoetis has partnered with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) to publicize this research.
What's more, the Pet Care Trust is on the verge of releasing the final results of a study that it funded along with the Human Animal Bond Research Institute and American Humane Association, which will likely reveal the direct benefits of classroom pets on students» socialization and academic performance.

Not exact matches

It is introduced into humans through close contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals.
The show, which takes place in a world in which animals are interchangeable with humans, tells the story of a talking horse, BoJack, who used to have a sitcom and now lives a pathetic life in Los Angeles.
«It's the humans convincing themselves that it's a really cool thing to do with their pooch,» said award - winning trainer Bill Berloni of Theatrical Animals, who works with TV, movie and Broadway producers.
That soldiers of all the armies kept fighting in the horrible trenches, often with a vigor that post-moderns find incomprehensible and more than a little distressing, says something about the human animal that needs discussion.
«The thing I love the most each year is coming up with what I call new «ancillary animals»» says Morris, who comes from a background in human - centric reality TV.
«We also wanted it to be something kids could imagine as anything — we didn't want it to be something they were already familiar with like a four - legged animal or two - legged human — so it has three legs... and one eye.»
That means the company's up for creating anything, including «plants with enhanced traits,» according to Caribou's website, as well as animal and human editing.
And animal and human studies suggest that many of the physical changes associated with fasting start during a shorter fast.
By printing multiple lung airways — or any other afflicted organ — from a human patient and testing drugs on them, pharma companies can bypass the ethically challenged practice of testing on animals and proceed to human clinical trials with greater confidence the drugs will actually work, according to Wadsworth.
Together with our customers, we are committed to raising awareness about global food security, and celebrating and supporting the human - animal bond.
Anything charged with the 24/7 sheltering and feeding of humans or animals is unlikely to shut down entirely.
John Eppig, a reproductive biologist at Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine raised the concern that no animal studies with a control group have been done — a standard practice with experimental medical procedures — yet somehow the procedure is being tried on humans.
Around 30 % of the Earth's useable surface is already covered by pasture land for animals, compared with just 4 % of the surface used directly to feed humans.
Writing about the Russian Revolution's failures, Orwell imagined a rebellion led by two pigs and farm animals against their human owner that replaces him with a commune of animals running his farm.
We're in love with one other person... we are connected to them in deep ways that only humans (not humans and tools or animals) can be.
If humans were not designed by a higher authority, how can each individual's DNA be uniquely different among the human species, especially different than the other animals; how can the life sustaining elements be constantly available and exist in exact formulations: O, H, C etc. water is always 2 atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen; sugar, fats, grains, and any bio-chemical products can be broken down to their simplest forms of elements, but can be re-constructed with specific (not by chance) formula.
There actually is a lot of research out there dealing with morality in humans and in other animals.
But believe anything that can give u with full eveidence ex: science with evidences All religious books are just a «bully» only to common people to believe for not doing any bad things & live as a human only (not as animals).
I want my planet back with the original animals but no humans... that was the deal and you are already overdue on delivering your armageddon.
The Bible also tells us that the wolf will lie down with the lamb (Isaiah 11:6), meaning that once the curse of sin is removed, the animals» behavior will change and we humans will no longer need them for food and clothing.
The all out denying of ID puts humans in line with the animal herds giving humanisms as being but animalisms without a cause to be any different in the habitualized essences.
@Chad «You seemingly have determined that all animals / humans are essentially the same as rocks...» @ Saraswati Yep, more or less, though I don't use the exact terminology you use in the rest of the sentence regarding determinism, but lets go with «close enough».
Human life, animals, plants — His Creations — are of value, not some paper with writing on it.
believerfred «Thor and the like are man made from known matter and energy with most having human or other animal physiology»
To date, more than 500 pets have been reunited with their human companions, thanks to the efforts of the Joplin Humane Society and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
ian... not sure which part you wanted me to reply on, but I will take issue with yr point about homosexuality being a threat to human existence.I'm no expert on the subject, but I think we cd safely assume that the phenomena has been with us since our ancestors came out of the trees... we're now over six billion and growing at an alarming rate.Not sure where you might find the data on this supposed threat to going forth and multiplying.BTW, I have read that homosexual behaviour is observable in the animal kingdom, but I wd need to do some work to reference a credible study.
Of course the sequencing is not quite right, because the poem was written / inspired (take your pick) before science did its work.But the intuitive observer could see a clear evolution form plants to animals to human life, with continuities and differentiations.
And the sons of God (the fallen) came down took human wives made hybrids (see men of old, men of renown) and created abominations with animals and people
Theism explains everything we observe, argues Swinburne, including «the fact that there is a universe at all, that scientific laws operate within it, that it contains conscious animals and humans with very complex intricately organized bodies, that we have abundant opportunities for developing ourselves and the world, as well as the more particular data that humans report miracles and have religious experiences.»
Horned animals are sacred for a variety of cultural reasons but the root of sacred horned animals seems to come from the resemblance of their heads to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes of human women, and the animals are usually associated with fertility and female symbols.
As I have argued in my book Moral, Believing Animals, all human beings are believers, not knowers who know with certitude.
It is customary and even ethically mandatory that experimentation that carries with it a substantial degree of risk to human subjects first be tested in an animal laboratory or, at the very least, on a computer model.
Now he reviews a new book on ethics and writes,» [The author] agrees with what now seems to be a near - consensus among philosophers that «speciesism» - the view that we are entitled to take theinterests of animals less seriously than we take human interests, simply because humans are members of our species - is not a morally defensible position.»
As I stated in my original article, prior to conducting experiments with human cells, ANT - OAR techniques would need to be rigorously tested in animal models to establish a procedure that guarantees with reasonable certainty that an embryo is not generated.
The human body comes about from the seed and egg of parents in common with other animals, but the soul is created immediately by God's loving command and wise, eternal will.
Due to the limited statistical and methodological certainty allowed by biological science, the occurrence of technical errors in biological experiments, the differences between human and animal embryo development, the rapidity by which the cloning procedure produces a totipotent zygote, and the philosophical and theological nature of the question, there is no biological experiment that will prove with moral certainty that a human zygote never exists during the OAR procedure.
A Question Of Human Dignity I applaud James Legge for directing attention towards questions to do with the relationship between animals and man (Faith, January / February 2004).
The moving account of Helen Keller's transformation from the essentially animal to the truly human level illustrates both the importance of a physiological basis for meaningful human existence and the dramatic contrast between life with and without symbols.
And it's hard enough to cope with human suffering without worrying about the suffering of other animals.
With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brWith the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brwith a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brwith a large brain.
That fact has nothing to do with any valuation of humans we might care to make in relation to other animals.
«In its 4.6 billion years circling the sun, the Earth has harbored an increasing diversity of life forms: for the last 3.6 billion years, simple cells (prokaryotes); for the last 3.4 billion years, cyanobacteria performing ph - otosynthesis; for the last 2 billion years, complex cells (eukaryotes); for the last 1 billion years, multicellular life; for the last 600 million years, simple animals; for the last 550 million years, bilaterians, animals with a front and a back; for the last 500 million years, fish and proto - amphibians; for the last 475 million years, land plants; for the last 400 million years, insects and seeds; for the last 360 million years, amphibians; for the last 300 million years, reptiles; for the last 200 million years, mammals; for the last 150 million years, birds; for the last 130 million years, flowers; for the last 60 million years, the primates, for the last 20 million years, the family H - ominidae (great apes); for the last 2.5 million years, the genus H - omo (human predecessors); for the last 200,000 years, anatomically modern humans
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