Sentences with phrase «with kepub»

The rapid page turn engine works with KEPUB ebooks, which are books you have purchased directly from Kobo.

Not exact matches

Recently, french customers discovered Kobo (associated with reseller Fnac) altered EPUB files, forced their own CSS stylesheet and some JavaScript in it, and made it a KePub file.
For the record, Amazon's format is mobi, Kobo's is kepub, most are ebooks are pdf or epub format, and you can also use doc format with ereaders as well.
In the meantime, there's a link in the ETA part of the above post which goes to The Digital Reader where you can find a link to Calibre plugin which works with the Kobo Desktop app to convert kepub books into epub.
The kepub format is compatible with ePub leading some to theorize that they could just change the extension to.
While many kdrm - protected kepub ebooks are also available for download as regular epubs with ubiquitous Adobe DRM, this is not always the case, restricting the use of these ebooks to Kobo devices and reading applications.
It seemed to me Adobe, who is providing a lot of the resellers including Kobo, didn't support EPUB 3 with DRM, which would mean that actually there is no way to support it, hence the «kepub only».
Kobo Converter is tools to convert Kobo Desktop ebook file to PDF, Kindle, Word, Text and Html format file, user download ebook in Kobo Desktop App, convert DRM kepub file to other format with 1 - Click.
kepub and those go away OR there's a patch for the Kobo OS to get rid of them with.
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