Sentences with phrase «with liberal views»

An eminent lawyer with liberal views on religion, slavery, and republicanism, Wythe saw little benefit in the drudgery of traditional legal training and preferred to have his students read law reports and foundational English legal writings, such as those by Sir Edward Coke.
The picture and that title kind of makes you think or hope that Barbara Stanwyck is going to play some kind of freewheeling gal with some liberal views on life and love, right?
Environmental issues are typically framed in ideological and moral terms that hold greater appeal for people with liberal views.
More moderate than her father, with liberal views on issues such as gay rights, Ms Le Pen is nevertheless ferociously anti-immigration.
The cover was just offensive, and it has nothing to do with my liberal views.
Balzac saw fashion as a language, but it now takes a Barthes or an Eco to decipher the intricate uniforms fashion designers have provided for the lost middle classes of the advanced nations: cowboy, tycoon, traditionalist with liberal views, teenage tough, honest laborer, jovial professor, aesthete, and on and on.
I also noticed that your moderator tend to agree more with the liberal views only... which means he accept contents that are inline with the liberal views.
The burqa may be perceived as promoted due to a view of women very much at odds with the liberal view my the «modern left», which could be a valid progressive argument to prohibit it.

Not exact matches

Buffett is an agnostic Democrat with liberal leanings who often speaks out; Munger is a reticent Republican holding libertarian views.
I hope to convince J.D. that while I grew up with very liberal, Jewish parents (dad from South America) in California, and in a nuclear family without alcohol or violence, I experienced surprisingly similar parallels to many of J.D.'s societal views — even if we may have drawn moderately different conclusions about the underlying solutions.
Not only are Johnson and Weld social liberals and fiscal conservatives, they espouse views traditionally associated with moderate Republican candidates on the economy, such as favoring international trade agreements and reducing the national debt.
She says the typical Waldorf parent, who has a range of elite private and public schools to choose from, tends to be liberal and highly educated, with strong views about education; they also have a knowledge that when they are ready to teach their children about technology they have ample access and expertise at home.
Like a dog with a bone, Liberal Leader Dr. David Swann (Calgary - Mountain View) has grabbed onto the issue of opioid addiction and, for more than a year, has been hounding the gov» t to declare a stat...
Like a dog with a bone, Liberal Leader Dr. David Swann (Calgary - Mountain View) has grabbed onto the issue of opioid addiction and, for more than a year, has been hounding the govâ $ ™ t to declare a stat...
I am a Christian who attends a Pentecostal church, but I'm pretty liberal in my views as well and don't always agree with my fellow Christians about certain heavier topics.
A theory of constitutional law that may be out of fashion in today's legal academy, but that fits comfortably within the modern conservative and the traditional liberal views of the courts, begins with certain basic premises: the existence of law and the possibility of meaningful rules of law.
It will probably have Muslims of different views using it some of whom may be conservative but as long as they are willing to share with liberal Muslims, Jews, Christians, humanists, etc. why not.
My Morman experience being married to an ex-mormon and working with their families is that they can be very liberal or very conservative in their political views which is interesting in itself.
Each of the three will denote the good for a human individual.1 Because of its long association with the liberal tradition, «interest» is so often used to mean an individual's private happiness that the phrase «private view of interest» may seem redundant.
Our task was to reformulate our liberal heritage in light of liberation thinking but also with a view to rethinking the relation of Christianity to the natural world and to other religious traditions.
Best Profiles: Yonat Shimron with «Ellen Davis Unearths an Agrarian View of the Bible» and Robert Long with «Christian, Not Conservative: Why Marilynne Robinson's literary — and liberal — Calvinism appeals»
Liberals generally are for the killing of babies and other horendous ideas that war against the sanctity and liberty of human beings... Giving men with this kind of a world view «equal time» isn't what I think God desires.
The author holds that the most unequivocal way in which Wesley was liberal was in his insistence on human participation in the process of salvation A second respect in which Wesley was clearly liberal in his own time was his attitude toward those with views differing from his own.
A second respect in which Wesley was clearly liberal in his own time was his attitude toward those with views differing from his own.
It also follows from Legutko's view that liberal orders like the EU recreate the pathologies of communism, albeit with a human mask.
The» liberal» Muslims have this views as long as it does not clash with the teachings of the Quran, whicn considers all others Kafirs.
Nowhere have the weak social foundations of American liberal institutions been more evident than in the battered and tattered nature of the welfare state, and in the cynicism with which it is viewed by nearly the entire populace — from the wealthy to the poor, for different reasons.
@ Nomas I came to simply offer a statement and point of view, not to argue with narrow - minded blind liberal idiots.
«I came to simply offer a statement and point of view, not to argue with narrow - minded blind liberal idiots.»
Funny you would make that claim seeing as how the liberal big tent only allows those whose views coincide with theirs.
Bernstein sees Dewey's liberal, political outlook as completely consistent with his view that philosophy's main task is «to become practical, where this means addressing itself to the basic issues and conflicts that confront us, and making practical judgments about what is to be done» (PA 225).
In the other model are seven «liberal - free» characteristics in the philosophers» tradition, which Kimball summarizes thus:» (1) Epistemological skepticism underlies (2) the free and (3) intellectual search for truth, which is forever elusive, and so all possible views must be (4) tolerated and given (5) equal hearing (6) with the final decision left to each individual, (7) who pursues truth for its own sake.
That seems to be true for all those LIBERALS out there who constantly wag there fingers at us who don't agree with their extreme leftist views.
From this point of view, liberal education may appropriately be concerned with anything in the whole range of human experience.
There is less emphasis on substitutionary atonement, with greater openness towards pluralist views of salvation and a liberal view of morality.
A number of liberals agree with my view that the judge should be politically neutral.
A number of radical and liberal groups were surprised to find a minister among their number and in accord with their views.
Scruton believes that Clinton made a fundamental mistake in portraying those who disagreed with the liberal establishment view as intolerant bigots who have no place, and thus no voice, in modern society.
I am sure I would disagree with much of Matt Walsh's views, but would I support any particular flavor of «Liberal Gender Theory» — I doubt it, but then, I need a link to a clear testable theory.
Neither would it resonate with those academics and so - called liberals who reduce religion to mere ethics or diversity, to some inner psychoanalytic conversation, or some Marxist egalitarian view of heaven on earth.
She said: «We're worried as Liberal Democrats and I'm personally worried about the divided nation we now have with people taking very extreme views and the rise of racism and hate crimes.
Given his views on sexuality, and the apparent ease with which he has found a platform in the mainstream media, more conservative Christians might be tempted to write him off as a wishy - washy liberal.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
Although the present article is primarily directed against strict identity theory (which is connected with what Feezell calls the conservative view of abortion), it also has implications for Feezell's moderate view, which criticizes the casual attitude some (he calls them liberals) may have toward the fetus, which is a «soon - to - be-actual» person (47).
By «liberal theology» I mean the movement in modern Protestantism which during the nineteenth century tried to bring Christian thought into organic unity with the evolutionary world view, the movements for social reconstruction, and the expectations of «a better world» which dominated the general mind.
Contrasting liberal or left with conservative or right yields, in my view, a map of very limited utility.
I guess I want to see someone with more liberal Christian views actually stay in the church at some point (most of us just leave).
David L. Schindler criticizes the liberal view of the human person that he sees encoded into the American project in First Things, to which Richard John Neuhaus responded with a more positive view of our national heritage, in which religious faith and a strong tradition of civic associations moderate the excesses of liberal individualism.
Religious liberals, who claim to find God in human experience, should view as significant the two centuries of this American experiment with religious openness.
The Roman Catholic and the fundamentalist Protestant positions, though with obvious differences, meet in holding to an authoritarian and traditionalist point of view as over against the liberal emphasis on free inquiry.
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