Sentences with phrase «with modern love»

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Comedian Aziz Ansari teamed up with sociologist and author Eric Klinenberg to write «Modern Romance,» an in - depth investigation into the reality of what it's like to date and look for love in the digital era.
You can't help but fall in love with pretty Puerto Vallarta... one of the only historic colonial cities right on the water... with cobblestone streets and bougainvillea tumbling over adobe walls... but with a modern, sophisticated vibe.
This car is packed with impressive technology and is among the most impressive modern crossovers yet, so we've rounded up the top features tech - savvy car lovers will fall in love with.
One might paraphrase the version of the summary of the law as actually understood by many representatives of modern Western theology as «Thou shalt love thy neighbor with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Modern readers who grew up with the Narnia books may find that what they loved in Aslan, they will also love in Maleldil the Young.
So if you love the Bible, but struggle with how to embrace it in light of modern science, please consider reading this book... now.
«In modern society we love to point out that Jesus ate with tax collectors and prostitutes.
Would those thus indoctrinated by the hate speech of liberal hypocrisy (which modern societies seem to embrace so readily) treat the Christians with love and kindness or with fear and intimidation?
Although fully familiar with the enormous power of modern science, medicine and technology, he held high Christian love as the answer to human needs in the broadest sense: «If you have Christian love,» he declared to a stunned audience, «you have motive for existence, a guide for action, a reason for courage, an imperative necessity for intellectual honesty.»
I love how you live in a world built by science, with modern medicine, technology, etc, yet sit here and deny it when it comes to things you disagree with.
Many experts both within and outside of the church think that there is much we can do to help couples and modern societies learn to hold together genuine covenantal love (a much stronger concept than that of romantic love) with the economic, kinship, networking and child - rearing aspects of marriage.
Many other modern interpreters of marriage have made the same mistake, and so have many people in American churches, who are tempted to join with Coontz and insist that couples get married for reasons of love alone, Economic, kinship and network issues and even the desire to have children are sometimes seen as contaminations of the purity of marital love.
Of course modern conservative «Christians» can square Rand with Christianity — they've already ditched all the incompatible bits, especially all the crap that dirty hippie said about loving others.
Paul manages to both remind modern viewers of the incredible safety in which most of them can practice their faith, and call them to respond to any challenge with love.
manages to both remind modern viewers of the incredible safety in which most of them can practice their faith, and call them to respond to any challenge with love.
Christian Century reviewers also disagreed: Samuel Terrien thought that J. B. presented «modern man's reaction to the problem of evil without the category of faith in a loving God» (January 7, 1959, p. 9); Tom F. Driver found the play afflicted with «a sort of theological schizophrenia,» divided between its religious and humanistic dimensions (January 7, 1959.
When Luke begins to doubt his own commands to endure violence with kindness, Paul brings his Corinthian definition of love to bear in a way that far transcends modern wedding cliches.
More specific to the song's charges, there is no elite with war - loving tendencies who are the ones who really decide when modern democracies go to war.
you really have to dig thru some sh-t to get to the gems, modern christians who claim the founding fathers on their side should keep this in mind, these men where largely liberal intellectuals with a practical bent and where not the judeo / christian zealots that some try and make them out to be, jeffersons take on jesus is wonderful and it is useful in the modern world where we really need to focus more on the lessons of jesus than THE RULES in the entire bible, as jesus said ABOVE ALL ELSE love neighbor as yourself, jefferson had a great mind and his approach to spiritual matters like this is great
And I do not believe Strauss is simply wrong in his resistance to the Christian quest for synthesis, for the attempt to combine reason with love does indeed tend in the direction of modern rational universalism — of universal «recognition» and «satisfaction» in a homogenous state.
The Saudi rulers — clergy, politicians, and capitalists — have embarked on a kind of perverse modernization that limits the social progress that comes with modernity but encourages the modern love of gain that Muslims traditionally have condemned.
When you consider how thrilling and deeply moving the Bible really is — with timeless scenes of love, passion, war, and betrayal — it is almost an accomplishment to make it seem as boring as most modern editions do.
Rose aligns Taylor with «many theologians» of the modern era who «set faith against dogma and love against doctrine.»
Here is the sheer miracle of it: a literature that long antedated our glorious gains in science and the immense scope of modern knowledge, which moves in the quiet atmosphere of the ancient countryside, with camels and flocks and roadside wells and the joyous shout of the peasant at vintage or in harvest — this literature, after all that has intervened, is still our great literature, published abroad as no other in the total of man's writing, translated into the world's great languages and many minor ones, and cherished and loved and studied so earnestly as to set it in a class apart.
Thus, the materialistic Picasso, and most modern art with him, can express an essentially nonreligious love of the world in all its materialistic carnality only within the framework of a highly «spiritual» — i.e., abstract — style.
Both the tellers of the tale and those who love to hear it would have to move too much mental furniture in order to see that the markers of our modern world — the care for truth, the sanctity of the individual, the siding with victims — derive from Christianity, indeed from canonical, orthodox Christianity.
«Truth is one, but men seek it in different ways depending upon their background, education and environment; the only reasonable way for any modern man to act when faced with this pluralism of ethical and moral thinking is to seek to know the truth held by the other person, but with love and respect and openness.»
The experiment with strategies of social change through nonviolent action is an important movement in the modern history of love.
Her famous book Revelations of Divine Love, with its account of the «showing» of her «courteous Lord», is loved by modern readers more than ever.
The romantic or idealistic love between a teenage boy and girl (frequently still to be found even in our modern sensualised world) may also be accompanied by a desire to show bodily affection - a desire filled with a tenderness and respect that operate as a curb, not only on lust if it seeks to assert itself, but also on bodily expressions of love which would not be true to the real existential relationship between the couple.
You have to feel somewhat sorry for him, having such intimate judgments of his past love - life opened to all, in part because you know that any modern president, and not just a remarkably un-vetted one who wrote a memoir that played footsy with fact, is going to eventually get this treatment.
Tyler Ward is married with two kids, blogs at, and just released his first book, Marriage Rebranded: Modern Misconceptions & the Unnatural Art of Loving Another Person.
Many modern Jews are uncomfortable with this concept, assuming that a truly good God would treat all human beings equally and love all of them in the same way.
He has no difficulties with the findings of modern science, which «should bring man closer to divine love» (p. 168).
Our modern obsession with being happy often makes it far easier for us to love happiness more than we ever love another human.
It is at this point, I believe, that the traditional Christian doctrine of love is in the deepest trouble with sensitive and critical minds in modern culture.
Further, a fuzzy definition of Romanticism itself is employed throughout the book — in the very chapter with the subtitle, «Franciscan Romanticism» (somewhat oddly slight and situated near the end of the book), a promising opening discussing the origins of medieval «roman ‑ tic» literature collapses into a watery (modern) use of the word relative to Francis» and Clare's «youthful mutual attraction [that] grew into a shared understanding of God's love for them» (p. 151).
These doctrines, however, seem to some Christians to be in tension with the belief that God is love and a number of modern theologians, as we shall see, speak about the «Suffering God».
The selections from ancient Greece, Rome, and China, along with those from the Renaissance and Enlightenment, clearly conform more closely to Lewis» understanding of friendship as a form of love, and to the Aristotelian emphasis on friendship as a virtue, than do most of the modern selections.
Vegan mac and cheese hot, cold, with ketchup, with bbq sauce, with curry, with peas (peas are always good in mac), in a bowl, on a plate, with a fork, with a spoon... maybe your hands... However you dish it up, this one - pot vegan mac and cheese will only leave you feeling comforted, healthy, and full of plant - powered love in a much more modern version of the ultimate American classic (traditional American mac may have originated in New England church potlucks or from Thomas Jefferson bringing a recipe idea over.
If you're looking for a quick spring side dish, to mitigate carbs in your diet, or simply love a fresh modern spin on classic dishes, you have to try my recipe for Cauliflower Tabouli Salad with my homemade tofu feta!
Your recipe sounds like a winner — I love chicken soup, but chicken soup with a modern twist?
But I also think it has to do with modern committed relationships being absolutely more about the love relationship and perhaps less about social dos and donts.
Love home - baking simple healthy to outrageous desserts, with a modern take on nostalgic indulgent sweets and everything in between.
Garza uses them to create «plant - based versions of things that we have come to love,» the cheesy, meaty modern favorites associated with Latin cooking.
I must say, I instantly fell in love with Hong Kong — it's a true study of contrasts and contradictions, with its wonderfully blatant juxtaposition of traditional and modern, East and West, and city life and nature.
Show your love for the wild, wild west with a retro, bohemian, layered, modern - day cowgirl take on Southw...
Show your love for the wild, wild west with a retro, bohemian, layered, modern - day cowgirl take on Southwestern fashion.
From my early years in Brooklyn just learning how to make my own tamales and create vegan translation of my favorite foods, to my adulthood as a cookbook author taking over the world with cupcakes, and finally, my current life in Omaha, opening a vegan restaurant — Modern Love — in the heart of cattle country, these recipes will tell the story of my life.
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