Sentences with phrase «with ooops»

Not exact matches

ooops — sorry — i know just a plain url is too hard for a lot of you to deal with — i meant to post it like this:
Romney worked so hard for his money, out there with shovel in hand in the hot sun... ooops.
Ooops... there I go again with sarcasm.
The first time I made these, I made them with a half gallon of cider rather than a quart (ooops!)
Ooops, I started with the wet ingredients, then added the dry ingredients — Sugars??? I forgot to put in the sugars.
ooops too late he signed with WAS.
Ooops, I am le - Pepe with even more oil money, ya dolts!
Ooops sorry, I guess you wanted to keep that quiet, showing a logical reason for restricted spending doesn't go well with people who just want to moan about Arsenal.
Does the thought ever seize you totally as you watch your child with her bio-family: «ooops
I've been totally MIA since my mom arrived for a visit from Brazil and, let me tell ya she already left and I still haven't caught up with blogging / job / mom life and all that surrounds it... ooops!
Anywhoooo, we worked with DSW to showcase some of their cute shoes for spring and I loved all the family photos so much I basically had to share alllllll of them with you (ooops, #sorrynotsorry).
Ooops... Forgot to say - only drawback was when it says «additional pictures» & u click on it - it actually takes you to some other link - usually to do with a potentially... err... questionable liason... guess - fundings got to come from somewhere... Else everthing all good as per my first submission.
I think this is a film for people that do nt like art cinema Its all very visual and cut skillfully with requisite tied up in a bow ending but it has little of the wit of the much superrior «Read my lips» Which this is very much a companion piece as for the acting Marion does needy again and Matthias doe lovable brute... no stetch then its a decent film and you almost want to visit waterworld ooops own goal for Greenpeace
Aaron Greenberg, Xbox Games Marketing, summed up everyone's thoughts with one word — «Ooops».
Wish I was there instead of hanging out with screaming 15 month old... (Ooops!
[OOOPS; this nonlinear effect puts their «alternative concept» into the realm of Trump administration «alternative facts» — BD] Although the deep ocean could dissolve 70 to 80 % of the expected anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions and the sediments could neutralize another 15 % it takes some 400 years for the deep ocean to exchange with the surface and thousands more for changes in sedimentary calcium carbonate to equilibrate with the atmosphere.
Ooops, already lagged with atmospheric concentrations..
Does the thought ever seize you totally as you watch your child with her bio-family: «ooops
When Courtney Love heard about it she started bombarding Lana with — unanswered — tweets explaining the song was about her vagina (ooops, I'm not supposed to say that word, sorry).
Many use whatever Ooops paint they can find and are happy with the results.
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