Sentences with phrase «with a family history»

Women with a family history of breast cancer may have a new weapon against the disease: breast - feeding.
Women with a family history of cancer may be allowed to have their embryos screened to ensure that they do not pass on a genetic tendency for the disease.
Life insurance for people with a family history of cancer is well within reach if you know what carriers are looking for and how to shop for the best coverage.
Research on allergies has not shown a benefit to delaying solids for longer than four months, even in children with a family history of allergies.
Patients with a family history of diseases or who work and / or live in environments with exposure to toxins have weakened immune system which increases the risk of disease in the future.
For single individuals with family history of cancer or heart disease will have a harder time looking for a life insurance when older.
The parents should not be bred to each other again or to any other dog with a family history of the disease.
Their near relatives should not be bred to mates with a family history of any autoimmune disease.
A man with one close relative, a brother or father with prostate cancer is twice as likely to develop the disease as a man with no family history of prostate cancer.
This includes the state of your health and your lifestyle along with your family history, gender and the results of your medical exam, and these are just some of the variables considered.
They can be more common in kids with a family history of them.
Most of these studies examined eczema in the first 2 years of life in infants with a family history of allergic disease.
For healthy young adults with no family history of chronic disease.
A word of caution though to women (higher risk for hypothyroidism) or anyone with a family history of hypothyroidism.
Shopping for life insurance shouldn't be daunting for anyone, but for applicants with a family history of cancer, it can be intimidating.
Most avid cyclists will qualify at a top health category rate class a long as there are no problem with family history.
The traditions around our holiday table are both rich with family history and valued by everyone.
But enough with the family history — you came here because you want to know how to make these delightful little bars of deliciousness!
The easiest way to start children off with a family history project is by making a family tree.
Folks with a family history of heart disease might want to check it out as a good prevention strategy.
I figure if this doesn't help me, it can't really make things much worse because with my family history and my own history I was probably headed for diabetes anyway.
In the first, she sets the stage with family history as she prepares to travel to her father's bedside.
Though older, overweight males with a family history might be most at risk, anyone can suffer from this medical condition.
It can also occur in people with no family history (although some family members may have other autoimmune conditions).
Women with a family history of breast cancer will still need to be extra vigilant.
Nevertheless, it is still wise to consult your doctor if you plan to introduce oats to a child with a family history of gluten intolerance.
The ideal would be to screen women every six months, even beginning at 25 years of age, especially for those patients with a family history of ovarian cancer.
Adolescent alcohol consumption could increase risk of breast cancer in individuals with a family history.
Healthy relatives should be bred only to mates with no family history of this sometimes lethal disease.
It also means that we can begin to look at better screening for those who are at risk, for example among those men with a family history.
Only 4 per cent of applicants have weighted premiums: they include some heavy smokers and some people with a family history of early death, from heart disease for example.
Most pediatricians recommend offering cheese to babies with no family history of food allergies between 8 to 10 months.
Two people newly in love - Teresa Butz and Jennifer Hopper, who spent many years trying to find themselves and who eventually found each other - and a young man on a dangerous psychological descent: Isaiah Kalebu, age twenty - three, the son of a distant, authoritarian father and a mother with a family history of mental illness.
I would like also to ask Dr.Jason Fung does diabetes has connection With family history?
If you have a health condition that makes you particularly risky to insure — tachycardia with a family history of heart disease, for example — your premiums will be much higher, no matter what other policy choices you make.
Interestingly, Dr. Delores Malaspina noted in a recent Medscape interview that «The finding is that father's age is not connected to the risk of schizophrenia when it runs in families, but only for cases with no family history.
Radiologists came from across the hospital to peer at the results, disbelieving: A perfectly healthy 21 - year - old nonsmoker with no family history of the disease had lung cancer, which three days later would be diagnosed as stage IV, the most advanced form.
Your roadblocks to authentic parenting and your habit of making unconscious decisions are interwoven with your family history and the parenting that you have experienced.
Gaab and her colleagues have found that preschoolers with a family history of dyslexia tend to have less gray matter in brain areas involved in mapping the sounds of language onto their written counterparts — areas known to differentiate older children with and without dyslexia.
The researchers determined that subjects with a family history of alcoholism found salty solutions less pleasurable than did those individuals not related to alcoholics.
«Patients [with a family history of cancer] are very anxious and do a lot of annual tests — ultrasounds, mammograms,» says Mary Polan, a former chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
The study (Pre-POINT) was performed between 2009 and 2013 in Germany, Austria, the United States, and the United Kingdom and enrolled children age 2 to 7 years with a family history of type 1 diabetes.
To take a closer look at the role played by chromosome 5, molecular psychiatrist Hugh Gurling at University College London and colleagues examined 450 volunteers with schizophrenia and 450 volunteers with no family history of the disease.
Collected from 15,000 San Francisco Bay Area women, they could hold clues as to why some women with no family history develop breast cancer.
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