Sentences with phrase «with aborted»

The story begins with the aborted SegWik2x fork that was scheduled to happen on November 16, which was called off due to lack of community consensus.
There's a huge helping of racially - tinged jokes throughout, lots of sexual innuendo and situations, drug use, fist - fights, an attempted murder, and even a subplot dealing with a an aborted statutory, and potential real, rape of Peter's teenage daughter.
What starts with an aborted suicide by John Ottway, a hunter of wolves for an oil refinery, becomes on one level a struggle for survival when the company plane on which he is traveling home crashes in the wastes of an Alaskan winter, and he his fellow survivors are forced to cope with freezing temperatures, no hope of rescue, and a pack of wolves that doesn't like them there.
Vaccines are being made with aborted fetal DNA along with DNA from various animals, not to mention the aluminum and mercury.
«The strikes did not appear to be defensive, but were more likely were associated with aborted feeding behavior,» said USGS wildlife biologist and herpetologist Bob Reed, the lead author of the study.
Others ring bells: Ceausescu along with the aborted trial of former East German leader Erich Honecker, and the Rwandan genocide cases.
I would suggest that it's due to an awakening to the real pain that promiscuity and abortion entail; others might say that it's actually based in «rights talk,» that young people identify with aborted children (as of this January 22, anyone under the age of thirty could have been aborted) and see abortion as an attack on their siblings and classmates, rather than a matter of women's self «determination.
Their minority report (This World, Summer 1989) observes, «Another vindication of fetal research with aborted tissue was grounded on the assumption that our inward dispositions alone determine the ethical value of our behavior.
He did not dwell on abortion, but he would visit the subject from time to time in his homilies, usually from the standpoint of one who identifies with the aborted.

Not exact matches

The reason most organizational programs abort is that they fail to deal with our life patterns, which are at the foundation of workplace anxiety, tension, and conflict.»
Asked about the aborted campaign, Mr. Wilkins of Nike said the company was proud of its relationship with the singer.
«If I find fault with a company's balance sheet, especially with the level of debt relative to the assets or cash flows, I will abort our analysis, unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise» Ed Wachenheim
If you really believe there's a god in charge, social conservatives, then let him deal with women who abort their babies.
Consider that to abort a potential life because of a world view founded in biologic evolution would mean that only beings with certain characteristics desired by the then present alpha figure would be allowed to gestate.
The jungled gymnasiums most humanists take in high flying rationalisms do openly abort their oneness with God!
That aborted children are disposed of as so much medical garbage is of a piece with society's denial of their personhood.
using facts and speaking the truth is not a proud look or a lying tongue shedding innocent blood is murder like 21 weeks after the legal limit to abort like Dr. Gosnell did, so my name info is accurate i can back my words with facts, can you?
In America we have freedom, rights and choices, one choice and right is to allow woman to have the choice to abort, adopt, or give birth if they want to, no one has the right to tell woman what they can or can't do with their bodies.
instead of allowing children to be born into abject poverty and instead of allowing kids with down syndrome to be born into the homes of junkies and illiterates, we can abort the children OR every person who shows up at an anti abortion rally gets a free baby to take home and raise.
Sally Phillips has fronted a BBC documentary on the ethics of aborting babies in the womb with Down's Syndrome.
My point is that maybe the bible needs reinterpretation for more present times (and is not a perfect work that will hold true always), because how am I going to argue with a woman who wants to abort that tells me that the god in the bible has also killed babies?
The difficulties associated with obtaining nerve tissue at the correct stage of development and differentiation from aborted embryos means that foetal tissue transplantation is no longer in favour, but the creation of human embryos specifically as sources of stem cells, and the push to use «spare» embryos from IVF treatments is gatheringmomentum.
The best solution is this - let anyone who wish to abort their babies, do their thing and make sure those who are against abortion will have nothing to do with it.
Given that we are rich when the world is poor, that we cling to our nuclear arms as if world extermination were a noble risk, destroy ancient forests, gouge the landscape, pollute the soil, water and air, that we copulate and abort with unrestrained abandon — how then are we to interpret Jesus» words, «It is what comes out of a person that defiles,» so as to come up smelling like roses?
Few philosophers» lives can boast comic (or, for that matter, tragic) material comparable to Kierkegaard's aborted engagement to Regine Olsen, the bizarrely exaggerated symbolic significance he attached to it, his firm expectation of death before the age of thirty - four on account of some unnamed sin of his father's, his intentional provocation of a feud with the satirical review The Corsair, or his splenetic quarrels with the Danish Lutheran church (and so on).
If parents may abort a fetus with Down's syndrome — whether to make room for another baby, to spare it a life of possible frustration, or simply to avoid the expense and fatigue of caring for a retarded child — then they may also painlessly kill an infant.
I replied with how about when a mother (who has other children) requires medical care that will require the fetus to be aborted as a situation.
I do not want 14 year old girls going into a back alley with a coat hanger, or having someone repeatedly punching them in the stomach to abort an unwanted child.
And we are to speak, we who abort while in the birth canal, who infect women and children with STD's, etc., etc..
Had I of known that her time with us would have been so short and that she'd only suffer (she did) her entire life, I would have aborted.
So... if the country is about half pro-life and half pro-choice, but» (90 %) of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome are now aborted,» that means that the vast majority of pro-lifers would rather have an abortion than a child with Down syndrome.
ouwannago that route anywy... lets abort EVERY baby now and get it done and over with..
We abort Christian babies and impregnate women with Atheist seed.
In the tradition of revivalism and mass evangelism in America, however, so much attention was given to conversion that the other five sixths of the convert's life were simply neglected, with the result that most converts aborted their pilgrimage near its beginning.
When his grandson with Down Syndrome was born, he resolved that he would never abort a child with Down Syndrome again (currently, over 90 percent of children with Down Syndrome are aborted).
I do not find Russell E. Saltzman's essay «Two Boats, a Helicopter, and Stem Cells» (October 1999) entirely satisfying, although I have absolutely no quarrel with the argument developed for his own decision to oppose the use of aborted fetuses for stem cell research.
Using Comstock's pro-infanticide column as his launching pad, Coyne argues that if we can abort a fetus diagnosed with serious health issues, we should also be allowed to kill born babies with those conditions.
[13] Now we and aborting mothers pay $ 1, with insurance companies paying the balance (about $ 500 [14]-RRB-, all of which Planned Parenthood receives for each abortion.
This 99 \ % - correlated grant payment, when combined with the average $ 468 paid by aborting mothers, means that Planned Parenthood receives $ 1,522 per aborted life, or $ 501.4 million in 2010 (48 \ % of all revenues).
Indian villagers have traditionally sought abortions for female fetuses; perhaps parents and societies will seek to abort fetuses with a gay gene.
Apparently, teenage pregnancy is on the rise this year, and some sociologists believe it may have something to do with the movies «Knocked Up» and «Juno» which portrayed two young women who became pregnant and decided not to abort.
The majority of foetuses with Down's syndrome are indeed aborted.
After a woman said she wouldn't know what to do if she became pregnant with a child with Down's syndrome, Dawkins tweeted: «Abort it and try again.
Yet Richard Dawkins» recent recommendation to abort a foetus with a disability points to a contradictory zeitgeist.
On the other hand, over the same 20 - year period, the development of prenatal diagnosis, coinciding with the legalisation of abortion, has increasingly afforded opportunities to abort disabled foetuses; opportunities that have been taken.
For some this stance can allow external methods of fertilization; for others experimentation with embryos and still - living aborted fetuses; for others, euthanasia for genetically disabled infants, the comatose or senile; and voluntary suicide.
«There are, by conservative estimate, more than one million Americans who were born alive and are with us today, who would have been aborted if the Hyde Amendment had not been in place,» Douglas Johnson, NRLC legislative director, testified in Congress in 2011.
My quarrel is with those women who, knowing that they carry within them life by anyone's definition, refuse to confront that fact, insist on pulling the veil of self - regarding ignorance over what they bear, and abort because they are endowed with rights that trump all other rights and interests.
It began with scandals in Louisiana in the mid-eighties; it gained momentum, reaching for national play, but then it was aborted, or at least derailed for a time, by the false charges against Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago.
The conflict between the mothers who choose not to abort a Down syndrome child and these who do is salient at the Web site «The Ragged Edge,» where the mother of such a child expresses her disgust with «A Heartbreaking Choice»: «In other words, their fetuses had no value as imperfect living beings.
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