Sentences with phrase «with accepting the theory»

(2) Theories are not verified or falsified; when data conflict with an accepted theory, they are usually set to one side as anomalies, or else auxiliary assumptions are modified.

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You accept only your view and theory but when someone with a different view comes along then all of a sudden you are not as accepting!
if you REALLY want to seize up the gears in a creationist's brain just point out that there's an incredibly simple way to reconcile Genesis with currently accepted scientific theory:
You are willing to accept gravity as a theory and I would presume you accept that the moon orbits the earth with orbits the sun which is then part of a cluster of stars called the milky way.
Evolution and Creation Dear Fr Editor, Evangelical Creationists, I believe, can not accept the theory of evolution because it appears to conflict with Genesis 1.
A student with basic training in the sciences knows not to accept something like the «big bang theory», or other science lore.
We concede that not all who doubt the existence of a personal God do so because they accept the theory of evolution, whether the word be restricted to biology or enlarged to its cosmic significance, but we do say, and from experience know, that most modern agnosticism is bound up with those non-theistic philosophies of evolution that stream off from Hegel as their modern fountain - head.
The result is a stage of transition, with apparent contradictions or anomalies in what had been formerly accepted and recognised, tensions in the dominant paradigm, and an increase in new theories and types of research with new achievements being produced within the new.
In some museum displays, he said, the birds - descended - from - dinosaurs evolutionary theory has been portrayed as a largely accepted fact, with an asterisk pointing out in small type that «some scientists disagree.»
In that case, the generalization began with the accepted scientific view regarding the electromagnetic field of activity pervading space and time, and rose beyond the limits of that physical theory to posit the ontological framework which the theory itself presupposes.
Read Absence of Black Holes means Stephen Hawking has finally accepted that there are serious problems with both Newton's perspective of Gravity & Einstein's General Theory of Relativity because both require Black Holes at the center of the galaxies.
Again we see some religious groups agreeing with a well - accepted scientific theory, with Evangelical Protestants lagging behind in acceptance of science.
Inflation is the hot topic in media but it is not even the most widely accepted theory among scientist, and certainly no particular inflation theory is accepted enough to promote the Big Bang to a principle, even with all the media attention it gets.
The Hot Big Bang has been accepted since 1964, with the discovery of the CMB making it the best theory.
Coherence with other accepted theories is also sought.
But it was equally impossible to go the full length with Greek philosophical theories and accept their necessary consequences.
A priest whom Kennedy considers to be «fully developed» in psychological terms says that masturbation is not sinful, that he doesn't accept the «theory of mortal and venial sin», and that there is not much guilt or sinfulness associated with sexual misbehaviour.
The second condition, coherence, is that the thought should be consistent with an established system of theories and generally accepted beliefs.2 Coherence, as I take it, is consistency or fittingness with more relations and a set of consequences.
Sorry Mary, but the «Talking Snake» theory will NEVER be accepted as fact by anyone with an IQ higher than 70.
I will agree with CJAs point that Catholics do in general accept the established theories of science as God's plan for the ordering of the world.
Such conviction is in contrast with the widely accepted Popperian «rational» affirmation of the inherent provisionality of scientific theory.
If evolution hits a rock, people can postulate and guess and use the evidence to come up with theories, It it holds under scrutiny it can be accepted until something comes along that is better.
For Dewey, of course, democracy was a «way of life» not merely a way of public life — an ideal that «must affect all modes of human association» — and he would not have accepted Rorty's contention that «there is no way to bring self - creation together with justice at the level of theory» for that would have required him to give up a principal article of democratic faith.
This way, if Science comes up with a theory, it becomes easy to accept it.
When one accepts the invariant order derived from our knowledge of the Principle of Relativity, one must supplement this with the Quantum Theory, allowing for chance, which Northrop says «operates within the restrictions specified by its invariant universal laws.»
The natural world is replete with examples of widely accepted theories which have yet to be not just proven, but even observed.
Many of the speakers, including many of the scientists, starting with the very opening paper by Cambridge palaeobiologist Simon Conway - Morris, were keen to emphasise above all that whilst accepting fully the rectitude of the science of the biological theory of evolution (mutation with natural selection), yet a «totality of explanation it is not» (Conway - Morris's words).
What we see is evolution, a theory that there is problems with that is accepted as fact, to the exclusion of all else.
My theory is this, when Dein was axed, Arsene was taken to one side and asked to stay, he was offered the crown with no interference, he was offered the same as Dein had and he accepted.
Thanks to the internet, practically anyone with a pregnancy theory can write a book these days and even pay to have it published if no reliable publishing house will accept the manuscript.
LA Times had an insightful article on the topic: «Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support, study finds», which contradicts the accepted answer's theory to an extent, and is much closer to your question's theory # 1 (Having said that, I agree with @bobson that at this point we probably don't have enough hard data to be sure what the causality is).
The computations were made consistent with well - accepted magnetostatic theory and resulted in spontaneous current sheet development, making them relevant for the study of particle acceleration in astrophysical plasmas.
Their proposal, which is at odds with the currently most widely accepted theory in the scientific community, provides new insight into this key process during genome evolution and the origins of species.
Physicists struggled to ditch the ether and accept the void — until quantum theory refilled the vacuum with unimaginable energy, says Paul Davies
One paper introduced the special theory of relativity, which dramatically broke with Newton's universally accepted description of how physics worked.
Now, a team of researchers has announced that temperature fluctuations in the glow clash with one well - accepted theory of how the universe formed.
The most widely accepted theory today suggests people are born with a «sense of numbers,» an innate ability to recognize different quantities, like the number of items in a shopping cart, and that this ability improves with age.
Most researchers accept what's called the magma ocean theory — that soon after its formation the moon was so hot that it was covered with a deep ocean of molten rock that cooled to form the surface we see today.
If you accept the multiple extra dimensions predicted by string theory, black holes are fuzzballs — tangled balls of strings with no well - defined horizon.
In the introduction of the book, which ScienceInsider has reviewed, de Mattei criticizes scientists for failing to accept that the theory of evolution isn't supported by evidence and for ideologically denying any metaphysical truth, starting with the existence of a God that created the Universe.
About three years ago they and another research team working independently at Princeton found a serious flaw in what has been the most widely accepted theory of galactic magnetic fields — a theory that with slight variations has also been used to explain the magnetic fields of individual stars such as the sun.
This is in line with the predictions of the Standard Model, the currently accepted theory of matter.
A green alga with throat - and stomach - like structures can swallow and digest bacteria when deprived of light, further bolstering Lynn Margulis's widely accepted idea that the origin of the plant - powering chloroplast was a fortuitous bout of indigestion.Termed «Endosymbiotic Theory», the idea is that early nucleated cells called eukaryotes ate bacteria that managed to escape digestion but also couldn't escape their captors.
Upending accepted theory, he discovered that light could be transmitted very efficiently through holes smaller than its own wavelength with the involvement of surface plasmons, the interaction of light with electron waves on metal surfaces.
This theory is consistent with the existing uncertainties in dating, but not widely accepted at present [17]
The most accepted theory establishes that the orbits of these objects, which travel beyond Neptune, should be distributed randomly, and by an observational bias, their paths must fulfil a series of characteristics: have a semi-major axis with a value close to 150 AU (astronomical units or times the distance between the Earth and the Sun), an inclination of almost 0 ° and an argument or angle of perihelion (closest point of the orbit to our Sun) also close to 0 ° or 180 °.
And — of course — since we have accepted the theory that high fat diets clog our arteries, most scientists are unwilling to contemplate this type of diet as a treatment for anything — especially for something that can be handled with medication.
Again, many empirical observations could prove useful to teachers — for example, that intelligence can be improved with sustained cognitive work — but there is no single accepted theory of intelligence.
Nevertheless, I felt it was my duty as a journalist to be absolutely sure, and duly accepted the editor's invitation to see if a 570S with its roof removed could possibly be as good in practice as it sounds in theory.
I've spoken with investors who have accepted the theory of index investing for months, even years, but have never taken action.
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