Sentences with phrase «with accused persons»

Meanwhile, courts are packed with accused persons suffering from addiction and mental health issues, and there are insufficient resources to allow Indigenous accuseds — already grossly overrepresented in Canada's jails and prisons — to get the support the law demands they receive.
Guerin advises meeting with the accused person — who often has not attacked anyone but made a verbal threat against another employee — outside of work hours or off the work site.
Unfortunately, her reply is little more than a show of concern for herself and her friends, and the fact that we are once again faced with an accused person in a ministry position who spews indigation without the slightest attempt to engage by offering counterpoints or supported statements lends still more credibility to Julie's account.
Kind or ironic when people who think the universe was designed for the sole purpose of God planning to have a relationship with them accuse people of being arrogant because they claim science is a better way to understand the natural world.
Handlarski, principal of RH Criminal Defence, knew that criminal defence was the right path for him after his first interview with an accused person at a Toronto - area jail.
«Every actor in the justice system has a responsibility to ensure that criminal proceedings are carried out in a manner that is consistent with an accused person's right to a trial within a reasonable time,» said the court.
The criminal legal aid scheme is administered by the Courts Service, with an application being made to the judge who first deals with an accused person.
In criminal proceedings, article 168 SCP provides a list of persons who have an «absolute» right to refuse to testify, in particular any person who is or was married to or cohabits with an accused person or any person who is related to the accused by birth or marriage in direct line or collaterally.
The jails across Canada, like Toronto's Don Jail, became horribly over-crowded with accused person's awaiting trial much longer.

Not exact matches

Tsarnaev is accused of killing three people and injuring 264 with a pair of homemade pressure - cooker bombs at the race's crowded finish line on April 15, 2013, and with fatally shooting a police officer three days later as he and his 26 - year - old brother, Tamerlan, tried to flee.
But citing people with knowledge of the probe, Bloomberg reports that Wells Fargo (wfc) is being accused of seizing cars without first receiving the proper documents, resulting in an investigation by the Department of Justice and bank regulators
On Friday, Facebook Inc said it took down a profile that the company believed belonged to San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband is accused of killing 14 people in a mass shooting that the FBI is investigating as an «act of terrorism.»
It would be possible for another brand to re-create a stunt like this... but my guess is that it would be accused of being derivative — and that it would only be shared by people to show the brand's failure to come up with anything original themselves.
Van der Zwaan is accused of lying to investigators about why he did not provide Mueller's office with a September 2016 email between him and another person referred to as «Person A» in the February charging docperson referred to as «Person A» in the February charging docPerson A» in the February charging document.
Just as major food corporations sell processed foods that are loaded with added sugar and chemicals meant to keep people eating, big tech companies have been repeatedly accused of designing their apps to maximize the time people spend on them.
And just as major food corporations sell processed foods that are loaded with added sugar and chemicals meant to keep people eating, Turkle and other addiction experts say big tech companies have been repeatedly accused of designing their apps to maximize the time people spend on them.
A government campaign portraying billionaire businessman George Soros as the enemy of the Hungarian people has prompted a public outcry with people accusing the ruling right - wing Fidesz party of Nazi - era anti-Semitism.
Eleven people also suffered breathing problems in Douma, the last rebel - held pocket of Eastern Ghouta, with first responders accusing forces loyal to President Bashar al - Assad of using «poisonous chlorine gas».
One person who was unimpressed with the recommendations was former Uber engineer Susan Fowler Rigetti, who in February accused the company's HR department of turning a blind eye to her complaints of sexual harassment — sparking the massive backlash that led to Holder's investigation.
The overseas edition of the People's Daily, the main newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, on Wednesday accused Google of collaborating with U.S. spy agencies, Reuters reported.
George «Nick» Lundskow, 55, is accused of trying to get a person he thought to be a 14 - year - old girl to have sex with him...
Together with this, it's also worth keeping in mind the fact that these agencies don't have a good reputation with the public, considering the fact that the NSA has been accused of not respecting the right to private life of people from all around the United States.
There was a time when I was, independently, reading Behe and all about intelligent design and was thoroughly involved in debating «evolutionists» and arguing with people accusing them of thinking only within the «trance» of science.
It often seems as the «share» the details of this relationship that Jesus is more like a child's imaginary friend who is always on their side when any conflict occurs with others rather than the Jesus who loved people enough to tell them, without accusing or withdrawing affection, the hard truths they needed to know to encourge them to make more meaningful choices.
Therefore, whatever we may think of another person, if they are in Christ, we should never accuse them of such a thing, even if we don't agree with their political, sexual orientation or whatever.
I find it offensive that you accuse people who don't agree with you of lying.
Have never called you names but you still use bad language with me and that is not fair what ever you are Muslim or non Muslim you have no right to accuse people or call them names before you try clarify the issue patiently but you came attacking calling names it is not for what you mentioned but exceeds it further more is it??
Having been «abused» does not give you permission to go around willy - nilly accusing blanket all sorts of people and certainly not just because they disagree with you.
With some hesitation lest a successful Amazon somewhere accuse me of calling her names, I nevertheless include in this roster of disadvantaged persons many single women — unmarried, widowed, or divorced.
The Kaduna State governor has been accused of trying to restrict press freedom and silence voices that draw attention to violence in southern Kaduna, where for over a year Fulani herder militia have attacked communities, killing over 800 people and seizing land and property with relative impunity.
Any religion that teaches hate of anything but what God hates such as fornication idolotry or murder is not a true Christian there is only one Christian faith that has never been accused of doing nothing but teach people the bible going door to door but this is why people ridicule them for doing what the bible says they do nt charge for their material they do nt have communions they do nt pay their members for 2 years or send them to a college for doing so they do nt pay the speakers like other churches and they do nt hate anyone based on any reason they only give them bible knowledge then once they know the knowledge its their choice what to do with it.
Yet it was these sorts of people who brought themselves to Jesus; split, contradicting themselves, disgusted and despairing about themselves, hateful of themselves, hostile towards everybody else, afraid of life, burdened with guilt feelings, accusing and excusing themselves, fleeing from others into loneliness, fleeing from themselves.
While singles accuse the church of being too family oriented, statistics show that people in the 15 - 45 bracket are those we're least likely to find in church, and a sizable proportion of them are persons with children.
I always find it amusing that the people that love to tear down religion usually do it with hateful, emotional and condescending language, then in turn accuse those that believe of being emotionally tied to their beliefs.
I am honestly not sure, but with regard to religious claims, I «believe» I have enough experience that I can justifiably accuse a person of confusing strong belief with knowledge.
It is gratifying that, since I wrote «Scandal Time III,» many more priests and lay people are speaking up in defense of priests who are falsely accused, denied due process, or guilty, repentant, and forgiven in connection with offenses that have nothing — absolutely nothing — to do with the imperative purpose of protecting children from sexual abuse.
For instance, when we share with people that Jesus said marriage is between a man and a woman, people accuse us of condemning gay people.
To give him credit, his theology sounded fairly orthodox at this point, with no sign of the doctrinal errors on the Trinity he's been accused of (he's previously preached that there are actually nine parts to the Trinity, as each person of the Godhead is in fact a trinity itself).
What gets a lot of people upset about this case (and I feel that the judge erred) was with his lecture, which came across as heavy handed and justifying the accused actions.
He accuses the author of being «ignorant of abuse» for critiquing SCCL, supporting power structures that this person has been known to rail against, and the David ends with which word?
But since He was completely innocent, His unjust crucifixion revealed that we humans have a problem with unjustly accusing and condemning people.
If we are going to follow the example of Jesus (and of God), we must extend grace to the point that people accuse us being friends to tax - collectors and sinners, to the point that they complain of how we allow people to get away with anything, of how we liberally shower blessings upon friends and enemies alike, and how we even show love and mercy upon those who wish to do us harm.
Only someone who was completely innocent could show us that we humans have a problem with unjustly condemning and accusing other people.
A few days earlier, police arrested 51 - year - old David Conrad and accused him of firing a pellet gun at a mosque filled with 500 people in Morton Grove, southern Chicago suburb.
When he leads persons in a study of our passage from the Sermon on the Mount, master teacher Walter Wink asks them to do the following: Bring into consciousness an enemy; conduct an imaginary dialogue with that person, in which you accuse him or her of the evil he or she seems to intend, imagining what he or she might say in response; then pray for the well - being of that person.
To those who accuse the TRC of «healing the wound of my people lightly» (Jer.6: 14) one has to say, with her, that remembering the awful wounds of genocide is a better beginning to reconciliation than is forgetting them.
«Also I'm associated in the media and public with a number of people who have been accused, and in some cases pleaded guilty, to child abuse in a relatively small school within the same time.»
To confuse the matter, they often accuse the person with the understanding / interpretation that differs from theirs of being the one who is causing division.
I am accused of being a heretic, an impostor and a traitor, which leaves me overwhelmed with astonishment and horror...» Luther then described the preaching and Indulgence traffic in Saxony and said it stirred opposition, «malicious talk was much in evidence around their booths», and only the threat of the stake prevented people speaking openly.
A critic paid me quite a compliment today when he accused me of befriending and conversing with atheists and people who use the «F - word.»
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