Sentences with phrase «with additional resources»

It is also plausible that the extraordinary gains of failing schools were the result of their being provided with additional resources not available to other schools.
Although there will not be an opportunity to respond to every question individually, a list of Frequently Asked Questions will be updated on a regular basis along with additional resource material.
However, I suggest you start here, with additional resources available here and here.
There is a clearly an issue when fewer students want to attend schools with additional resources and support.
Each level is packaged in a bundle with additional resources for home or school checkout.
This has provided patients with an additional resource at their disposal for comprehensive depression care.
The company is also exploring other ways that it can help with additional resources, equipment, and supplies in the coming months.
Your support is instrumental in providing our teachers and children with additional resources and programming that help our school thrive.
Companies must also be patient when implementation does not go smoothly and plan accordingly with additional resources if needed.
A PDF version of this statement with additional resources is available for printing and distribution.
Teachers do need to compliment this scheme of work with additional resources, though the student book and lesson outlines provided act as a cheap and cheerful guide to a full unit of work!
With this in mind, it's important to provide younger students with additional resources that they can use to monitor and evaluate their own digital behavior independently.
Then, and only then, you should consider how to save time with additional resources, reusable models and smart visual approaches.
Many charter schools have been infused with additional resources, making their facilities look shiny and new.
Each subject's standards highlight to publishers how they could improve textbook aspects such as providing good assessment measures and supporting teachers with additional resources.
When you explain differences, be sure to explain why it's different — and if you need to, provide the pet owner with additional resources to help everything make sense.
These officers will also be equipped with additional resources, including tech devices, to improve police response time.
They work really hard to serve their business clients and to meet the challenges of increasing demands, generally with no additional resources — often with less.
Smaller firms may want to apply just the primary approach while larger firms with additional resources could look at implementing all three steps, but he suggests it be done gradually.
These results suggest that more can be gained within intervention programmes with every additional resource that is promoted.
, which offered one - on - one guidance in developing a portfolio for specialized high school or college admissions along with additional resources and workshops.
We support principals, teachers and parents throughout the school year with additional resources, including:
When states set up funding systems that reward districts with additional resources every time they place another student in special education, not surprisingly, it appears to encourage more special education students.
The partnership will allow Playtonic to build on its hugely successful Kickstarter campaign — the biggest ever for a UK game studio — with additional resources designed to benefit development and add value to both existing Kickstarter backers and new fans.
Both features are great in that they provide aspiring designers and entrepreneurs with additional resources to get their projects off the ground, but they also detract from the structure and accountability that makes Kickstarter a relatively well - respected crowdfunding platform.
«Ultimately, our proxy for the scalability of a brand with additional resources and professional support is really its velocity data at retail vis - à - vis competitors.
The Supplement was intended to provide working families at low - income levels with additional resources for child - rearing costs, including child care support.
Frontline Provider Training — The training, provided by PSI's experts, is designed to equip frontline providers with the skills necessary to assess patients for perinatal mental health complications and, as appropriate, provide treatment or connect individuals with additional resources and care.
In this capacity she assists Group Leaders with the additional resources and support for complex breastfeeding issues that often arise from challenging medical and legal concerns.
Even with the additional resources, though, Sasaki says he «can't promise» to complete the sequencing by 2004.
Most of the resources came from the those two countries, with additional resources from France and the UK.
For example, though the virtual classroom offers shy students a front - row seat and one - on - one access to their teachers, the instructors have to find time to provide that attention, usually with no additional resources.
The initiative provides a useful model for how researchers and administrators can work together to design, test, and refine low - stakes measures of student mindsets, using them to provide struggling schools with additional resources instead of sanctions.
WASHINGTON — State Test Questions and Practice / Sample Tests — This are released items with additional resources.
Strategic Partnerships — As a Full - Service Community School, CCSP has cultivated a number of strategic partnerships, enabling us to support teachers in the classroom with additional resources.
«Our program is a new initiative that will provide librarians with additional resources, enabling them to inform and demonstrate to patrons how to benefit from their growing eBook collections.»
«Course content was a comprehensive toolbox with additional resources.
Learn more about the pet rehoming services from the Kansas Humane Society with these additional resources.
There is a FAQs section on its website, along with additional resources specifically designed for students and those using a credit card for the first time.
The content we talk about in these stretch goals isn't «feature creep»; it's elements we've been building and planning that will be all that more impressive with additional resources.
This exclusive DLC provides players with additional resources for the «Mother Base» area, a home - grown army base controlled by the player, within THE PHANTOM PAIN.
For each service, there should be base charges that apply to a baseline level of resources with Additional Resource Charges (ARCs) and Reduced Resource Credits (RRCs) for variations from the baseline; and
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