Sentences with phrase «with affirmation»

Feel the emotions associated with the affirmation.
The UN's March 2015 theme, noted above, evokes the empowering dynamics of Virginia Satir and resonates with her affirmation: «Peace Within, Peace Between, Peace Among.»
was posted by the University of Western Australia (UWA) together with an affirmation of UWA's commitment to academic freedom.
Keith Kloor has found a paying gig as a Lomborg imitator, you know, the guy who starts every attack on environmentalists with the affirmation that he used to be an expert reviewer for the IPCC, a member of Greenpeace, a former editor of some the Audobon Society magazine or a lifelong Democrat.
And if this nod to the»70s isn't enough of a mood booster, they're also embroidered with the affirmation, «You look good,» inside the waistband.
Comes in a beautiful box a with affirmation card that reads: Love.
Comes in a beautiful box a with affirmation card and a Sri Yantra on the back to use for your altar or place of prayer.
With the purchase of this mala, you will receive a guided audio - meditation with the affirmation I Am Audacious.
HOME BIRTH STORY: Replacing Tension, Anxiety and Negativity Around Your Home Birth with Affirmation and Positivity with Lizzy Ward
Ground yourself in this pose with the affirmation: «I am grounded, relaxed, and open, like a lotus blossom.»
What I mean is that I am determined to give myself all the tools I need to begin each day with affirmation, enthusiasm, clear intention, and focus.
And lastly, affirmations can start to help you change your sense of self, your identity, to fit with your affirmation.
Begin your morning with an affirmation, something that builds resiliency in your mind and heart.
To begin this tantric journey, form your intention with an affirmation called sankalpa.
As a 1995 editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association said, «We are not asking readers for immediate agreement with our affirmation that marijuana is medically useful, but we hope they will do more to encourage open and legal exploration of its potential.»
I hope he comes back to the Senate with a affirmation that Americans want the independent minded McCain who will work with whoever is carrying the ideas of the day regardless of party.
It is at odds with the aspiration for a more legitimate and representative second chamber and with affirmation of a plural society.
Encourage your partner to participate with your affirmation routine, making them personalized mantras for your family.
Human responsibility and co-creatureliness is further emphasised with the affirmation that all creation, along with humans, long and groan for perfection and liberation.
With this affirmation, the substance of whole libraries of Protestant preaching, evangelism, apologetics and Christian education seems a little thin.
Blood and sacrifice were recurring themes, along with affirmation of the purity of nature, which needs to be guarded, and the vitality of life, which needs to be affirmed against the enervating, «cosmopolitan» powers of modernity.
[247] It can only be resolved by starting instead with the affirmation that God is fully and unconditionally love and then asking the question in reverse: If God is love, what does power mean when applied to a loving God?
The previous chapter ended with the affirmation that we can have assurance and hope without precise knowledge of the nature of the final consummation of God's purposes in the coming of the kingdom, even as we can have a similar assurance of the individual's life beyond death.
Lumen Fidei affirms that theology is impossible without faith and concludes its second chapter with the affirmation of the specifically ecclesial dimension of the faith.
Bultmann's thought, too, could be assimilated in Whiteheadian conceptuality, once it was freed from the remnant of mythology that appeared to be associated with his affirmation of a unique act of God in the cross and resurrection of Christ.
By beginning, with affirmation of what you appreciate in each other you provide a positive context for facing the unmet needs in your relationship.
Niebuhr would, of course, understand that nothing he wrote had eternal value; his cautions that we should be sparing in handing out bouquets are found on virtually every page of his writings, along with his affirmation of such old - fashioned doctrines as original sin and the transcendence of God.
It's just a small incarnational moment, hardly worth noticing for most of the world, but for me, this was a metaphor moment of life in the Kingdom, life in the glorious truth of worship in spirit and truth, Jesus - shaped leadership as servanthood, and so our family's lighting of another candle within community, with their affirmation and prayers and participation, pushed back just a bit more of the darkness, and then we scattered back out again.
Thus the Nicene creed starts with an affirmation that God created everything.
And with that affirmation I must end.
The Shaker Society in 19th century America also combined rejection of violence and war with the affirmation of women's equality.
You want folks with you I want to be free to express what I find to help such as practicing forgiveness with your affirmation given this is a positive approach to the issue of abuse that frequently is a theme here.
This answer begins with an affirmation of the pre-existence of Jesus: When Jesus ascended to the Father after his resurrection (for by the end of the first century, or soon afterward, resurrection and exaltation, originally one event, have been distinguished from each other [It hardly needs to be pointed out that there is no ascension in Paul.
He rather confronted it with an affirmation of the love of God.
Paul's answer begins where any Jewish answer to this question must have begun: with an affirmation of man's creaturehood.
She concludes a key chapter in The Human Condition with this affirmation:
Although it has been called perhaps the most radical «nihilism» that has ever existed, Madhyamika does away with both affirmation and negation; when both modes of action have been quieted, the spirit enters into perfect stillness.
We begin with an affirmation about God, whom we have known in and through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Spirit.
The Old Testament begins with an affirmation of the goodness of God «s creation.
The Christian faith meets death with the affirmation that God overcomes this threat to the fulfillment of his purpose by a new action in which he brings all life to judgment and fulfillment in his Kingdom.
Like Marcion, a Christian heretic excommunicated in the second century, the Gnostics repudiated the depiction of God in the Hebrew Scriptures, beginning with the affirmation in Genesis 1 that the whole creation of earth and the heavens is good.
You are likely not at all familiar with Affirmation Psychology as it is Christian - based, uses no drugs, and is not recognized by the APA.
It is with an affirmation of relational selfhood of the sort Callicott proposes that Christians have much to learn from Buddhism.
The big bang prove in some way that there is an agent that is behind the beginning of the universe, do you agree with this affirmation?
Whereas the genius of the Greeks — so his story goes — was to gaze without illusion into the chaos and terror of the world, and respond not with fear or resignation but with affirmation and supreme artistry, they were able to do this only on account of their nobility, which means their ruthless willingness to discriminate between the «good» — that is, the strength, exuberance, bravery, generosity, and harshness of the aristocratic spirit — and the «bad» — the weakness, debility, timorousness, and vindictive resentfulness of the slavish mind.
Then Joseph Stanford, commenting on Robert Louis Wilken's discussion of Christological interpretation of the Old Testament, noted that the Book of Mormon is replete with the affirmation that the Old Testament prophets actually foresaw Christ.
Without realizing it, many United Methodist churches, especially in the south, are still following this 1905 order of worship — a service that begins with an affirmation of faith.
Many women have responded by listening, and with affirmation and encouragement, jus as Sian has done with saying she longs to be critiqued, does not want to have critique held back from her for her being a woman and was appropriate in affirming the critique of the «feminist» interpretation of scripture I made as described.
The Gospel passage itself ends with the affirmation that John has written his Gospel «that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.»
Agape with affirmation is authentic, as it is truly said and felt from the heart.
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