Sentences with phrase «with agape love»

Now, I know you don't know Greek, so let me tell you that Jesus asked me if I loved him with agape love.
I knew that I was a sinner, that I had denied Christ six times, and I knew that he loved me with agape love.
But now, I had seen a glimpse of my own heart, and knew that as long as I was in this flesh, I could never love him with agape love.

Not exact matches

And to not see God's love (agape) in all of this, is not going to protect God from who He actually is, it is merely to insulated us from having to deal with a true Sovereign.
Today's definition of tolerance is NOT the same thing as true, agape love; which is not afraid to speak the truth with grace.
The loves which are linked with sexuality seem to be the extreme case of the ambiguity in human loves when they are judged in the light of agape.
Whenever Peter says the word «love,» it is phileo; the Lord begins the dialog with agape / love.
61 Keller invites the displacing of our love of power with what she has represented as the power of love, combining eros and agape: the divine Eros attracts, calls, invites; the divine Agape responds, receives, feels our feelings compassionateagape: the divine Eros attracts, calls, invites; the divine Agape responds, receives, feels our feelings compassionateAgape responds, receives, feels our feelings compassionately.62
That it can be so is a proof that this human love belongs with the creative action of agape.
It is not simply that Augustine has mixed up the Christian agape - love with the self - seeking eros of Greek religion.
Or as Tillich has it, «The appetitus of every being to fulfil itself through union with other beings is universal...» (32) Agape, the love that gives with no thought of return; eros, the love that finds the beloved valuable, and philia, the love that shares and works for the vision of the good - none of these can be reduced to sexual desire, but all of them in different ways attest to the oneness of love, so evident in sexual union, as «that which drives everything that is towards everything else that is.»
The distinction corresponds to some degree to that between soul and body Agape is disinterested and impartial, without regard to persons, while eros is interested love, concerned with this person rather than that and desirous of the body of the other.
Lovers of Jesus with $ in pocket are a powerful force of unconditional agape Love... better $ in the pocket of Love than in the pockets of greed and self serving...
Such humility does not exclude the ecstatic joy of receiving the Spirit of God, or the peace of agape with God and the neighbour, but it is joy and peace made possible within love's work of forgiveness.
In this respect Peirce's agape is inseparable from eros with respect to the goal or final end to be reached by love.
Agape is not the power to overcome dependence; it is the power to overflow in interdependence toward an other which is not something to be identified with but which may be dependent and in need of the love that overflows.
In his analysis, he found in Whitehead a concept of divine love which lies in contrast to New Testament agape and medieval amicitia and which identifies with Platonic eros.
Brock identified agape love with the wrong direction of classical (patriarchal) theism in championing «disinterested» love, «dispassionate» love that includes no dynamic interrelationship between Lover and beloved and leaves God utterly unaffected by the creaturely response to God's love.21 Erotic love, by contrast, «connotes intimacy through the subjective engagement of the whole self in a relationship.»
But we may yet regard humanitarianism as a form of human love which, though it can not be identified with agape, reflects human values which agape incorporates and fulfils It is true that the Bible does not speak of a general fraternity of humanity which we recognize just because we are human.
Agape as concerned with Justice implies a positive appreciation of the loves of nation, of soil, of kindred and of tradition, just as it implies the created goodness of sexual love.
No serious participant in the ecumenical movement can mistake the judging and purging power of agape as it moves within the centuries - old forms and symbols which have guided Christian devotion and have become infused with the very human loves of the familiar and the satisfying.22
If the self is not a becoming, but a substance with a fixed structure, then those who separate agape completely from the human loves are surely right.
Our question is how the love of God, agape, with its absolute self - giving, can fulfil the human loves without destroying them.
It should be made clear that all students are to be treated with kindness and agape love, empathy, but the principles of the Bible are to be adhered to, taught and not deviated from, as Jesus taught we of Christ are to be in, never of the world.
The relation of love to the intellect proceeds from three assumption: first, that faith transcends rational categories through God's self - revelation in Christ; second, that intellectual understanding is necessary for the guidance of human life; and third, that both seek the same object in God's being and His revealed truth — namely, that it is through agape with its consequent repentance, humility, and understanding of human limits that the intellect can appropriately function.
Christian ethics starts from the position that God created the world for good and that war involves great evil, and calls us to a stewardship that enjoys much convergence based on agape as redeeming love, but also significant divergences over the best strategies to establish peace with justice.
At the same time it does not identify agape with the form of any human love, and it does not expect human loves to move toward agape in a direct and simple way.
Agape love doesn't always feel so loving, but it is a choice to treat others with respect and dignity, and serve them because they too are loved by God.
On Augustine's doctrine of love the following are especially valuable: Anders Nygren, Agape and Eros, one volume with English translation partly revised by Philip S. Watson (London: S.P.C.K., 1953); J. Burnaby, Amor Dei (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1938); Etienne Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of St. Augustine (New York: Random House, 1960).
«The love of self is a true love; it is necessary for the permanent selfhood and splendour of our finite beauty; it is not just a part of another love: it is a co-efficient with it; the animus (eros) and the anima (agape) give each other mutual assistance and love; the essential self and the existential self together make the «I», the person.
Nygren's exposition of Luther as having recovered the pure motif of agape against all synthesis with eros does bring out the decisive aspect of Luther's treatment of love.
This passage was undoubtedly spoken with reference to personal relations rather than national conflict, but in its context the emphasis on agape love is clear.
In fact, as somebody has pointed out, Nygren's God of sheer agape, in the meaning he gives that word, is a moral reflection of the untouched, unmoved, self - sufficient deity as ens realissimum — note the neuter gender — which Christian theologians have tried to join with the living, loving, caring God of the Hebrew - Christian scriptures — and have failed.
It is important in Christian marriage that all three types of love be present, but with agape as the controlling factor.
Time to chalk up Mother Love on the big board, along with... Agape!
Anders Nygren: God's grace is best recognized when our inadequate human love is not equated with God's agape.
For Nygren the agape of the Gospel is the spontaneous unmotivated grace of God and it is contrasted with all eros love, which seeks its own fulfilment in goodness, truth, and beauty.
The tango of Agape with Eros can only lead to amazing, astonishing love.
With years of experience helping singles meet the perfect match, Agape Match can offer invaluable knowledge, resources, and guidance on the road to love.
fall into this category, but Agape is often seen as the purest love with a. notary and sinner, and bore the Greek date of 6564, which in our dating is 1056 AD..
I am out going my walk with God is important very simple person but extremely grateful and I enjoy the time that is spent getting to know someone looking for that agape love that G...
It challenges students to think about popular images of love and how this compares with the Biblical idea of agape.
A number of rescue sites have stepped up to take in the tiny tail - waggers, including Agape, the Nashville Humane Association, New Leash on Life and Small Breed Rescue of East Tennessee (seen in the video below), who helped to house the final 10 Fidos with loving foster families as they wait for their forever homes.
Marriage counseling can help remind Christians about God's love, and encourage the couple to express agape love with one another daily.
Research has shown that attachment style effects love attitudes, for example, Fricker and Moore (2002) conducted a study with dating couples and revealed that secure romantic attachment correlated positively with the Agape and Eros love styles whereas the anxious attachment was positively related to the Manic love style.
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