Sentences with phrase «with apostate»

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They say that apostates are under Satan's influence and can label anyone who disagrees with them as such.
Likewise, it is possible to be «bodily» united to the Church yet cease to be in communion with her spiritually (as an apostate Catholic is if he keeps going to Communion yet rejects the creed or continues unrepentant in grave sin).
You, however, run around declaring that YOUR understanding of faith is the ONLY correct one (even though the majority of the Christian faith do not even agree with you on inerrancy) and that those who challenge your offensive grandstanding are apostate and / or damning.
He's the decadently cynical, and ultimately apostate character featured in the third part of The Lord of the Rings, who in his effort to gain a comprehensive defend - civilization view of the Situation, overwhelmed his spirit with all the doom - portending evidence.
And I wish that Mr. Romney would be honest about Mormonism not wanting to be identified with the Christian religion, called an apostate «Christiandom.»
However bad things may be, God will see to it that there are some, however few, among an apostate nation, who turn to Him with repentance and obedience, and out of them He will fashion His people anew.
They may only enter into full communion with the LDS church as adults, no longer in the custody of their apostate parents, and only by virtue of affirming their faith in the principles their parents reject.
In 1967, Anthony Burgess, author of «A Clockwork Orange,» described the pain of being an apostate: «It is with no indifferent eye that I view the flood of worshippers pouring into the Catholic church... I want to be one of them, but wanting is not enough.»
After various struggles with the unromantic face of persecution and martyrdom, Garrpe dies trying to save apostate Christians from death, and Rodrigues chooses to apostatize to save others from torture and death, urged on by the apostate Ferreira to this «greatest act of love.»
Rogue ordinations of priests and consecrations of bishops are nothing new in Christian history, but with the breakaways to the Old Catholic Church following Vatican Council I in the nineteenth century, the phenomenon of episcopi vagantes (bishops on the loose) became a pronounced feature of an underworld of apostate Catholics and sectarian Anglicans.
In 1981 it orchestrated the assassination of Egypt's president Anwar al - Sadat, not only because they viewed him as the apostate leader of an apostate state, but also because he dared to sign a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
The leaders of the ROAC consider the Russian Orthodox Church to be apostate and have broken communion with all those whom they consider «ecumenical.»
Republicans are going to forsake their current crop of apostates and heretics to nominate someone with a theology they can really sink their teeth into: Satan.
For instance, E. P. Sanders says it is «almost indisputable» that «Jesus was a Galilean who preached and healed,» while the cheerful apostate and self - described «happy agnostic» Bart Ehrman believes scholars of any persuasion can affirm that Jesus performed healings and exorcisms without evaluating the claim that Jesus did so with supernatural power.
Most muslims are not evil, but being forced to believe in the hateful divisive teachings of islam simply because they are born muslim and the koran threatens anyone who leaves it (apostates) with the most horrible fate.
Somewhat later, Minucius Felix puts on the lips of the hero of a literary dialogue the words: «While the jails are crammed with your kind, they do not hold a single Christian, unless he be accused on account of his religion, or unless he be an apostate» (Octavius, chap.
I believe, like Ellul, that the church is horribly apostate and debilitated and borders on complete collusion with its fallen state among the principalities and the powers.
Duh, they go to hell with no savior, or apostate themselves and convert to Mormon, only about about 3 % difference in psychopathic believe systems.
They label them «apostates» and ask that very question in your temple recommend interview, which I'm sure you've answered numerous times with a resounding NO.
In a country with two parallel legal systems, appeals to secular courts to right such wrongs are often referred back to the Shari`ah authorities, who don't grant permission to convert but instead punish apostates.
Lastly, I want to say to Dave — you are not a apostate — you are not a bad pastor — you are actually a very good person, with good morals, and great communicator.
Every time there was some ridiculous little quibble over theology or doctrine (like how many angels could dance on the head of a pin), there'd be a schism, and 2 different groups would go their separate ways, each one convinced it had a lock on God's absolute truth and that their opponents with heathen heretic apostate sinners doomed (DOOMED, I tell you!)
... There are people who... appear by all human perception to be united with Christ, but they are apostates doomed to hell.
There were false prophets saying peace peace in Israel's history and only a brave few that swam against the tide with warnings of something quite different — that Israel was apostate and about to face judgement which came to be true.
Fitzgerald, thought to have become an apostate, was denied Catholic burial, even though he had expressed wishes about being buried, along with Zelda, close to his Catholic family's gravesite, at St. Mary's Church in Rockville, Maryland.
These are Apostates who believe they can mix oil with vinegar, they eat pork meat and bow before the idols of Rome.
These apostates, new agers, heretics, charlatans - The Lord Jesus Christ will purge from HIS BRIDE - THE CHURCH and He is allowing The Gay Marriage Issue to truly be the purging and proving ground to expose the «fake, poser, new - age, worldy, progressive, carnal, sinful so - called Christians» that are siding with a STANDARD that is diametrically opposed to HIS STANDARD (male & female).
Julian the Apostate, Roman emperor from 361 to 363, the most gifted and most bitter of all the ancient assailants of Christianity, endeavored, with the whole combined influence of his station, talent, and example, to restore idolatry throughout the Roman Empire, but in vain.
Omar ~ you are an apostate p!g and you will rot in hell with the other damned peoples of your lifestyle.
Apostates find life meaningful without God, and they generally don't quake at the prospect of death with no afterlife.
With atheism and apostasy on the rise, it's worthy of careful study by those of us who want to prevent apostasy and reclaim the apostate.
They held that the official church, with its wealth and formalism, was apostate.
She was tied under the placard of infamy: a miter placed on her head with the words» «Heretic, backslider, apostate, idolater...» (Ibid., p. 120.)
The new «Star Wars» movie has positive reviews from a majority of professional critics and is hardly a «difficult» proposition, but an online mob of fans hates it with the fervor of true believers confronting an apostate.
The recriminations over the excesses, perceived and otherwise, of George W. Bush's tenure as president (as well as the defeat of Republican nominee John McCain by Obama seven years ago) even extend to education policy as movement conservatives otherwise unconcerned with education policy are accusing conservative reform outfits such as the Thomas B. Fordham Institute of being apostates.
Among them we find fanatics and apostates, a woman concealing the truth of an abusive marriage, another longing to be reunited with the husband who divorced her in a moment of rage, a man guiltily drawn to a woman of another faith, and a couple torn between their love for their dead daughter and their loyalty to her killers.
``... by the shock of never knowing it so / when you were invested / Apostates» — Chris Glomski reads in our new bookstore with Mark Tardi + Emily Martin.
Crichton spoke at an Independent Institute event Tuesday night with three apostate scientists.
Instead they were lumbered with a maverick, who fundamentally undermined their funding by becoming an apostate.
Here is one for the UK, with specific information on asylum seeking apostates:
If being a non-member is hard enough, I can't imagine how it would be for a former member (culturally referred to as an apostate, with the term practically being a curse word in Mormon theology).
Here is one for the UK, with specific information on asylum seeking apostates: You are asking here on the law stack exchange, but law is only a small part of the equation.
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