Sentences with phrase «with arbitrary authority»

It was a symbol of society's struggle with arbitrary authority and the evolution from one stage in society to another.

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Scalia, attorney for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the lead plaintiff, opened with a smooth presentation outlining familiar arguments: the DOL lacks the authority to regulate advisors, acted in an «arbitrary and capricious» manner, and violated plaintiffs» First Amendment rights.
Finally, every effort must be made to insure that persons entrusted with the office of teacher will be selected with regard to their dedication to the authority of truth and right and not of arbitrary command.
Can we say with any authority, for example, whether the parliamentary democracy of the UK, at some arbitrary point before european...
The judge not only ordered the state to make sure «school needs» drive school funding, but also to: intervene with «unconditional authority» in troubled districts, restore the meaning of high school graduation, end arbitrary spending on special education and stop churning out «uselessly perfect teacher evaluations.»
He has a few minor eccentricities: his command of invective, which has earned him the Egyptian sobriquet of Father of Curses, his explosive temper, his autocratic, arbitrary method of dealing with the authorities of the Service des Antiquités, which had led in the past to our being barred from most of the interesting sites in Egypt... Well, but no proud mother could have asked for a better son than mine.
The toolset of denialist restriction - by - authority is always the same: rudeness, abuse, anger amounting to rage, personal profiling, selective enforcement of arbitrary rules, legal threats, enemy lists, and outright censorship of threatening ideas — always with a view toward sustaining a «protected bubble» for denialist beliefs.
As explained by the ECJ in its previous case - law (Case C ‑ 419 / 14, WebMindLicenses), the requirement that any limitation on the exercise of that right must be provided for by law implies that the legal basis which permits any interference with personal rights and liberties must be sufficiently clear and precise, affording legal protection against any arbitrary interferences by public authorities.
As a result, a regime of general data retention should be established on the basis of measures adopted by a legislative authority, that are accessible and foreseeable while offering adequate protection against arbitrary interference with the rights of privacy and data protection (§ 153).
But apart from the (rather fundamental) rule of law point — that obligations need to have some legal authority for them to be binding — if they do want to impose such an obligation, it should be expressly set out in the Rules, with a corresponding commentary, so that lawyers know exactly what actions they have to take, or not take, to comply with their obligation (and, crucially, aren't at the whim of arbitrary diktats from the LSUC).
I hope that more people with the authority to make hiring decisions will see the wisdom in hiring the most qualified candidate and stop a practice that potentially screens out good applicants because of something as arbitrary as employment status.
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