Sentences with phrase «with attention span»

As an editor and someone with an attention span handcrafted by television and the internet, I still think you should be as concise as possible — but the old - school resume limitations are certainly up for debate in this digital age.
He also has difficulty with attention span and focus.
It's not directly on point, but I think reading probably correlates well with attention span.
But with our attention span having fallen below eight seconds, which is lower than that of the common goldfish, enlightenment may only come as a result of a search engine.
Which when I try to track it down, the $ 100 billion figure vanishes like a mist, along with the attention span of those who repeat the fable.
With my attention span, I'd lose interest in playing it before even deleting anything.
I prefer to play a nice speedy table over ones that go a bit slower which obviously has to do with my attention span.
This has everything to do with attention span and being still for 90 minutes in the front of a kayak.
I think sometimes it also has to do with the attention span of people.
With an attention span of 8 seconds... you either enchant them or you don't within the first 8 seconds of your content.
These long online presentations are not aligned with our attention span and are not suitable for using on mobile devices also.
In short, what if Trump is exactly as he appears: a hopeless narcissist with the attention span of a fruit fly, unable to maintain consistent beliefs or commitments from moment to moment, acting on base instinct, entirely situationally, to bolster his terrifyingly fragile ego.
-LSB-...] olds who can also eat and drink other stuff; six - month olds with no attention span.
This will help with the attention span of your toddler and student.
It's dumbed down rubbish designed for people with the attention span of a goldfish.
Give it another 2 games without scoring and YS will be absolutely useless again according to the punters on here with attention span deficit disorders.
Whilst I applaud the analysis and time taken to write said article, it is just far too in depth for the average footie fan with the attention span of a gnat.
It's a punishing film in its willingness to play with your attention span at times, but it's somehow conveyed with a brilliant point.
I mentioned how social media can affect the writer because we can't observe life if we're not actually living it, but there's another reason social media has been detrimental to my career: It is messing with my attention span on a dire level.
In my defense, I objected to this kind of demonstration before I became intimately familiar with the attention spans of young children.
These days I'm having difficulty finding readers with attention spans and a reading level above that of a fourteen year old.

Not exact matches

But shrinking attention spans coupled with an exponentially - increasing supply of online information is making it harder for us to plead our case to the judge.
The sad reality is that we live in a world with short attention span.
How have you adapted your marketing strategies, especially with products that aren't simple, to work with short attention spans?
In an increasingly connected world, some CEOs prefer to kick it old school, avoiding the short attention span that comes with being plugged in.
In an era when information and entertainment sources are unlimited, hijacking attention spans with something as mundane as an ad isn't going to happen.
Customers have short attentions spans, so when a solution to a customer's problem is buried in the slow, constricted veins of a company's hierarchy, customers will often move on before they receive a response, leaving them with only a bad taste for your brand.
Although several sources on the web state the «goldfish statistic,» the idea that the average American has an attention span of eight seconds, one second less than the attention span of a goldfish, this LinkedIn article disproves that, using research to state that there are a variety of attention spans, with adult attention spans reaching up to 20 minutes.
Making that mistake is even more costly in an age of increasingly short attention spans and technological tools that make it easy to find some other diversion with a quick click of the computer mouse or the swipe of a finger on a smartphone.
«In today's world of micromessages and fleeting attention spans, connecting with your audience is more important than ever.
With so many marketplaces out there competing for people's attention, you need to be able to capture their attention span within seconds, and more importantly, leave a lasting impression.
«General education» here means studies that are carried out with primary concern for their universal human relevance and with due attention to those ideas of fundamental importance which span the gulfs between the specialized disciplines.
But if we are presented with any evidence, that evidence could not be known without our holding it before us for a while, so that the very presentation of the evidence designed to show that nothing occupies our attention for a span of time would be evidence to show that something does....
We fragments of the cosmos can never survey the cosmos from a cosmic perspective, and our tiny attention span, with even two minutes ago already vague as to fine details, can never know as the cosmic self knows.
The «full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations... to which the Christian people, «a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people» [1 Peter 2.9, 4 - 5], have a right and obligation by reason of their baptism» (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 14), is not advanced when those Christian people are treated as if they were dimwits, or five - year - olds with short attention spans.
A heart AND an attention span devoted, with all one's being, to God above all, is God's first great commandment.
I love that you decorated them solely with sprinkles and colored sugars (as opposed to piping icing, which I never have the attention span to do for a whole batch of cookies).
And still my favorite tablescape to shoot, because I have a short attention span and it usually isn't very tricky for something breakfast - y to look decent with little effort.
Well I have to say that Elana's Pantry makes such great recipes that even with my shortened baking attention span I can look like a baking rock star.
For any organisation with activities and supply chains spanning the globe, attention should be paid to the large regional differences in the likelihood of achieving the SDGs that the report identifies.
A dummy with a tiny attention span is going to remember that the Dolphins blew out the Chargers 37 - 0 last week and, well, they can't really remember what the Lions did, so they'll take the Dolphins.
If you want to make a case for Nouhou's «mental attention span», try defining what constitutes an error and then chart out when they have occurred during games since he started playing regularly with the first team.
Shortening a game by 10, 15 or even 20 minutes will not make it any more appealing to younger generations with limited attention spans.
Depending on your attention span, you can manage your team in online races with your friends with anything from a couple of minutes to full two hour races!
Unlike Rooney, and emphatically unlike Gascoigne, whose attention span off the field, by contrast with his extraordinary awareness on it, was infinitesimal, Best, whom I knew and much liked since he was 17, was highly intelligent and humorous.
You can make a boxed brownie mix with a preschooler in just the right amount of time for their attention span, or you can sashimi a tuna steak with your little Iron Chef.
LumiKids Park helps your children with their visual - motor coordination, sorting skills and attention - span.
By eliminating the twenty toys and do - dads that come with typical activity gyms and shutting off the music you can create a zone of calm where they can focus on one toy at a time, therefore extending their attention span (aka learning to * play * on their own).
This worked well with my children's short attention span and I am so pleased with our images.
Toddler breakfasts give a variety of benefits such as aiding to avoid obesity and at the same time, they will be able to be in a good mood all day with longer attention spans.
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