Sentences with phrase «with authentic spirituality»

Dancing with Fire is a beautifully - written, lucid, and honest account of how to merge a feeling - based intimacy with authentic spirituality.

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Thus they are carried away by a whole complex of emotions and ideas; authentic spirituality, aspiration for a true church, suffering with the poorest of the poor; but also, sociological conformism, assent to commonplace notions, a bad social conscience (which relieves the individual of his responsibility), extremist and excessive simplification (for it must never be forgotten that recourse to violence is always and above all an act of inhuman simplification).
Whether one agrees with the Russian Orthodox Church on this point or not, a survey of recent Russian history indicates that Russians feel a need for «spirituality» and «authentic ideals» that go beyond simple material abundance.
The author opines, rightly, how useful it would be to construct a synthesis of mental health treatments and authentic Catholic spirituality, fleshing this out with some brief case studies.
After lunch, Father Ed settles down to talk to me about his remarkable spiritual journey to the Ordinariate — the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow former Anglicans to become Catholics, bringing with them some of their Anglican traditions — and about what he sees as its particular mission, to revive authentic, English spirituality in the Catholic Church.
I grew up in a big church, always full and beautiful from the outside, but empty and hollow inside, filled with the ghosts of a much more authentic spirituality.
personality; a spirituality that was both authentic subjectively, as well as objectively in keeping with the demands of the kingdom of God on earth.
And at stake in the dialogue in «our classes, our refectory, the suburban congregations in Westchester, the inner - city congregations of Brooklyn, and the bureaucratic part - time jobs at the Interchurch Center is a central issue: How does one achieve and combine authentic personal spirituality with equally authentic public spirituality?
This has been the legacy of the «seeker - friendly» movement within evangelicalism, with its toned - down doctrine encased in the blubber of psychological buzzwords like «brokenness,» «authentic,» and «spirituality
My goal is to provide you with the teachings and tools you need to embody the wisdom of yoga and spirituality to embrace your authentic life.
Once you align with what you deeply care about, it gets easier and easier to create a life filled with purpose and to access your energy and gifts.Let me repeat the above headline again: I gained access to my authentic energy and my soul's highest gifts — after only twelve months, my success rates in healing sessions with people who had been studying spirituality and healing for years were through the roof.
According to Jonathan Leitersdorf of Beach Box Ibiza, the visionary behind the design and the development of the project: «Our vision is to capture the authentic Ibiza experience of community, spirituality and celebration to be delivered with top service, organic food and beverage, and luxurious accommodations for our guests.
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