Sentences with phrase «with benevolent»

Therefore, since our participants were mostly female, they might also agree with benevolent sexism without being aware of its hostile component and relationship with male dominance.
FarmVille, with its benevolent agricultural activity and immense popularity, arguably primed users to sign away their Facebook information to third - party developers, probably without reading the fine print.
After all, people never conspire with benevolent intent (unless planning a surprise party).
While in this spectral form, she can interact with the benevolent spirits and wicked wraiths that used to dwell within the walls of the sinister Willows Mansion.
While game designers generally credit themselves with a benevolent desire to expand consciousness, most marketing folks don't have the same inclination.
This is one of the few places in the world where whale sharks are so common that the dive boats guarantee a swim with these benevolent giants.
Dogs are born knowing they belong in a social group, and social groups always function more efficiently with a benevolent leader.
- How dogs and humans share personality types - and why most dogs want to live with benevolent leaders rather than «alphawannabees!»
• How dogs and humans share personality types — and why most dogs want to live with benevolent leaders rather than «alphawannabees!»
I imagine the sense of accomplishment from helping others will inspire them to continue with benevolent work in the future.
He also says, «One down, five to go,» which is not a thing a person with benevolent plans says.
Rather than portray Christ (Willem Dafoe) as a person with a benevolent perma - smile whose divine light shines 24/7, Martin Scorsese (raised a Roman Catholic) and co-screenwriter Paul Schrader (raised as a Calvinist) dare to capture his humanity.
Clifton Collins Jr. plays the boy's coach and Cheech Marin is the Monterrey priest who graces the boys with his benevolent beatitude.
While it would be easy to play Moriarty as a deranged sociopath, Harris imbues his character with a benevolent air that's far more frightening.
The polar bear is a powerful predator, but the Victorian taxidermists who stuffed this specimen endowed it with a benevolent smile.
In a dictatorship even with a benevolent monarch, we end up going through tyranny, revolution and conflict.
By that date America was swarming with benevolent societies.
He writes, Today, Sacred Scripture is studied with the benevolent approval of the pox imperialis; no exegetical activity disturbs the tranquility of the»em pire» for a single moment.
He endowed these emanations with benevolent or malevolent intent and he named them.
In short, Plantinga's response to Mackie is clearly not that evil is compatible with benevolent omnipotence because all evil is nongenuine.

Not exact matches

A socionomist recognizes that the waxing benevolent mood trend associated with the bull market appears first.
Barhydt went on to point out that these sorts of issues with decentralized governance have not necessarily existed on this scale in the past, using Linus Torvalds's benevolent dictatorship over Linux as an example of how things are usually operate in open - source software projects.
All of the destruction and misery that this supposedly omnipotent and benevolent god promotes and fosters is not in keeping with the type of universe I want to live in.
If God is omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent, etc then the amount of knowledge required to be aware and know something like the magnitude of the possibilities I brought up would be immense, much more in line with the characteristics attributed to God.
AE, there are only a few people actually opposed to having a relationship with an all - powerful, all - knowing, and perfectly benevolent immortal being responsible for the creation of our reality — if such a thing is possible, should such a being exist.
Atheists, like me, are fed up with the concept that religion MUST be respected, no matter what, simply because it is typically falsely perceived as being wholly benevolent, when in truth it divides people more than unites them.
How many benevolent leaders gain support by threatening to torture to those who don't agree with them?
A process God who is associated with the total self - actualization of all individuals would be limited, benevolent and powerful.
To help another unconditionally, the benevolent giving, with compassion & sympathy, for accept grace of forgiveness, mercy, graciousness.
We have encouraged our people to give thanks for the land and its bounty; we have reminded them that the land is the work of a benevolent Creator; and we have sometimes warned against a preoccupation with material abundance.
Why not believe that a benevolent sky - fairy put the whole thing together in 60 seconds, with one man, one woman and a dancing bear.
With that kind of benevolent rational control, people for the first time experience themselves as unalienated or happy.
People who upheld community tradition seldom spoke to her, and when they did it was with the sort of benevolent bewilderment that others might display toward the village idiot or the town drunk.
To call such contingencies «blessings of God» too blatantly suggests to me a very capricious omnipotence or a finite deity who has managed to exert a bit of benevolent influence in this particular instance — and either way I am back with my old problem.
It's all very 21st century: we are no longer in a Victorian age, where authority figures were painted as benevolent, and rogueish types were commonly the outsider, the foreigner, or anyone else who tampered with societal norms.
You also might realize that the vast majority of those of us with «deep psychiatric issues» (your words) have no problem at all with atheistic beliefs (and they are beliefs — you are choosing to believe the universe sprang from nothingness, which is no less absurd than a benevolent creator).
He, our benevolent GOD has required, upon pain of hell, that we believe something with no evidence.
In my opinion, the only possible approach for a Christian theologian in dealing with the presence of evil is that of Thomas Aquinas, who holds, pace David Hume, that an omnipotent and benevolent God can coexist with evil in His finite creation, but only when the world is viewed both as a totality and under the aegis of eschatology.
This is what Atheists, like me, are dealing with these days and who, like me, are fed up with the concept that religion MUST be respected no matter what simply because it is typically falsely perceived as being wholly benevolent, when in truth it divides people more than unites them.
Most remarkably, these divergent concerns are to be reconciled by a benevolent government that is charged with the duty to intercede constantly to make sure that there are never any disagreeable connections between the two» that how people act never has any adverse effects on how they live.
Furthermore, «Belief in a punitive God was positively associated with four psychiatric symptoms, while belief in a benevolent God was negatively associated with four psychiatric symptoms, controlling for demographic characteristics, religiousness, and strength of belief in God.
The escalating attention to the biblical - era empire has been amplified by the open lament of some ethicists, church leaders and politicians that the U.S. has assumed aspects of an empire — complete with religious imagery to assure skeptics of its benevolent motives.
The sages do not act from (any wish to be) benevolent; they deal with the people as the dogs of grass are dealt with.
It was sponsored and financed by the former colonial powers, and the new regimes, with one or two exceptions, accepted either some semblance of democracy or a benevolent....
Rawls describes perfect altruism as the attitude of persons whose desires conform to an optimal social distribution of happiness as determined by an impartial and benevolent spectator with complete knowledge of the relevant circumstances.
To a degree but always with the principal of God as benevolent all powerful perfectly loving and of justice who shows himself to be in service of humanity in Jesus and with a Spirit of strength, love and sound mind.
Pope John Paul II seems, at least on some readings, to have put his authority behind what is being called «theistic evolution,» but this is simply not spiritually acceptable for many who wonder how they can reconcile a loving and benevolent Father God with the cruel, monstrous saga of evolution, riddled with waste and destructiveness.
The statement» but always with the principal of God as benevolent all powerful perfectly loving and of justice who shows himself to be in service of humanity in Jesus and with a Spirit of strength, love and sound mind» is an extremely subjective statement itself.
The benevolent Emperor Ashoka of India founded at least eighteen hospitals c. 230 BCE, with physicians and nursing staff, the expense being borne by the royal treasury.
In order to rebut my claim that there is a big gap between the world as it is and the kind of world that a benevolent creator with traditional omnipotence would be expected to create, Hasker argues that there should be no gap between the kind of world the process deity wanted to create and the world it actually created.
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