Sentences with phrase «with biblical visions»

They are functionally identical with biblical visions of joy and hope — the eschatological sense that language and faith may indeed convert and convict and lead men and women to that great imaginative vision of the New Testament: a new heaven and a new earth in place of a crowded and tired planet.
Today, most theologians would deny that this withdrawal from the world is consonant with the biblical vision.

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We have already noted the conflict which runs through most of Christian thought between the biblical vision of God as the creative and redemptive actor in the history of his creation, and the metaphysical doctrine inherited from the synthesis of the Christian faith with neo-platonic philosophy which conceives God as the impassible, non-temporal absolute.
The Lutheran pietists were pleased with Luther's efforts to reform church teaching and subsequently wanted to see ministers and laypeople reform their actual lives toward a more biblical vision of piety.
As Christians, Birch and Cobb believe that in many respects the Whiteheadian vision of reality is more compatible with biblical points of view than are other visions, Platonic for example, on which Christian in the past have relied.
On the one hand, this vision, with the commissions in Matthew 28:18 - 20 and Mark 16:15 as its biblical basis, was used to resist the church leaders of the time who argued that if God intended to convert the heathen He would do it without man's help.
The biblical understanding of nature, therefore, inheres in a human ethical vision, a vision of ecojustice, in which the enmity or harmony of nature with humanity is part of the human historical drama of good and evil.
The biblical understanding of nature inheres in a human ethical vision, a vision of ecojustice, in which the enmity or harmony of nature with humanity is part of the human historical drama of good and evil.
I hope that, despite my inability to deal fairly with views with which I disagree, you are able to appreciate both the more traditional Christian vision I reject and the, in my view more Biblical, one, that I affirm.
I believe that this vision stands in the tradition of biblical religion with its future - orientation toward a perfected community, an ideal destiny which never fully comes to pass but which stands as a powerful lure generating faith, love, and hope.
The apologetic preoccupation was with preserving the «truth» of revelation, so much so that the biblical vision of revelation as the generous self - disclosure of God's vision for creation and history was virtually forgotten.
In the biblical vision, openness to promise coincides with true human freedom.
Still, it seemed worth voicing a few protests, even if only a debiliori: that the biblical imagery of the redeemed state is cosmic in scope and positively teeming with fauna (lions lying down with lambs and such)-- that Paul's vision of salvation in Romans 8 is of the entirety of creation restored and glorified — things of that sort.
And because of our passion for order we are willing to put up with any punishment that sustains this order.7 The problem with this vision, however, is that it is ultimately shipwrecked, as Paul Ricoeur puts it, on the rocks of tragic suffering.8 The story of Job, the innocent sufferer, is evidence that biblical religion itself was uncomfortable with the simplistic theodicy that makes all suffering into punishment.
The vision unfolded in biblical revelation can become incarnate in our world only as we cooperate actively with the power behind that vision.
John Cobb and those of us he mentored, as well as Daniel Day Williams, have appropriated the philosophical vision of Whitehead and Hartshorne in putting theology back into contact with the biblical understanding of a God in dynamic interrelation with all of creation.
Working class husband and father Curtis LaForche, played with sincere compassion and palpable anxiety by Michael Shannon, has visions of an Armageddon of Biblical proportions: black rain, Earth - scorching storms, birds gone mad.
Not long ago a University of Graz Professor called for the death penalty for scientists who did not agree with the visions of alarmist climate scientists, who have dominated the media and public scene with scare stories of super-storms and Biblical sea level rise for 15 years.
At New Vision Counseling we seek to offer a unique service that blends proven therapy techniques with a Biblical worldview and Christ - centered application.
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