Sentences with phrase «with biblicism»

In each case there's those who side with Biblicism and those who side with their own personal Jesus inside their heads.
We struggle with biblicism when we sweep all those strange, troubling passages of Scripture under the rug and pretend that they're not even there.
We struggle with biblicism when we turn the Bible into a weapon, when we proof text, when we take verses from Jeremiah and the Psalms out of context and plaster them on our day calendars and coffee mugs.
(See The Problem with Biblicism, God Hates Cretans?
We looked at some of the problems with Biblicism here, here, and here.

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The LCMS has a long history of flirting with neo-fundamentalism, and its narrow biblicism puts it in perpetual danger of absorption into the evangelical Protestant world.
With all their laudable effort to understand the integrity of the Scriptures, both Old and New, and to insist on the basic unity of the Bible; with all their recognition of the place of Jesus within the setting of Jewish piety and religious thought, these scholars sometimes fail to see that the very truth about God which the Bible as a whole affirms, and above all that which the New Testament says about Jesus himself, can be smothered by sheer biblicism and thereby made meaningless for those to whom the gospel should be a living, vitalizing, and contemporary messWith all their laudable effort to understand the integrity of the Scriptures, both Old and New, and to insist on the basic unity of the Bible; with all their recognition of the place of Jesus within the setting of Jewish piety and religious thought, these scholars sometimes fail to see that the very truth about God which the Bible as a whole affirms, and above all that which the New Testament says about Jesus himself, can be smothered by sheer biblicism and thereby made meaningless for those to whom the gospel should be a living, vitalizing, and contemporary messwith all their recognition of the place of Jesus within the setting of Jewish piety and religious thought, these scholars sometimes fail to see that the very truth about God which the Bible as a whole affirms, and above all that which the New Testament says about Jesus himself, can be smothered by sheer biblicism and thereby made meaningless for those to whom the gospel should be a living, vitalizing, and contemporary message.
This was not, as we shall see on further analysis of the image, a naive biblicism that equated God's Word with the literal words of the Bible.
Postliberalism, with its emphasis on culture and language, narrative and community, character and virtue, opened possibilities for being theologically serious and doctrinally orthodox while avoiding the restrictive biblicism of the evangelical world.
I read this book on a flight to San Diego, which seemed to pass in the blink of an eye — mainly because, although I was intimately acquainted with the phenomenon of «biblicism,» I'd never known what to call it.
A timeline describes the declension from the biblicism of Martin Luther and John Calvin to the thought of Descartes, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Darwin and Charles Hodge (he may be an archconservative to most Presbyterians, but his acceptance of Darwinism lands him in the hall of shame here) to a certain Charles Templeton, who once traveled with Billy Graham but unfortunately accepted evolution and ended up writing the atheist tract Farewell to God.
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