Sentences with phrase «with blood sugar instability»

If you've been following along in my series on adrenal fatigue, then you already know how I've been struggling with blood sugar instability over the past couple of years.

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Oftentimes, people with poor blood sugar stability will experience pronounced spikes and crashes in their blood sugar which leads to many health problems including weight gain, low energy, and emotional instability.
It's low on the glycemic index, making it a better choice than white potatoes for people with diabetes or blood sugar instability.
In those with type 2 diabetes, markers of inflammation and blood sugar instability, including fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, and hsCRP, all improved in the group that ate dark chocolate compared with those who ate white chocolate.
Despite some evidence that artificial sweeteners can confuse the body into producing insulin as it would in response to sugar, inducing blood sugar instability and concomitant sugar cravings, Polivnick says sweeteners can assist with weight loss and maintenance.
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