Sentences with phrase «with catnip»

You can also get some cat toys with catnip in them.
This means that you probably shouldn't leave toys filled with catnip hanging around the house where your cats will have constant access.
This cat scratcher comes infused with catnip and you can purchase replacement pads so your cat never has to go without his favorite scratcher.
There are plenty of humane and affordable alternatives that veterinarians can suggest to cat owners, including nail trimming, nail caps, spray deterrents, and providing scratching posts with catnip for extra appeal.
And, of course, anything with catnip in it is sure to be a hit with any kitty.
Scent Locker toys are now available in five geometric shapes as well as five plush animal toys with catnip spray included.
Several cats were strolling around, playing with catnip bags and balls.
A few popular options you can try include laser toys, stuffed mice with catnip, and sticks with stringed toys attached.
Make the undesired behavior less appealing on it's own (like putting double sided tape on the arm of the couch or on the counter top) and the desired one more so (a nice scratching post scented with catnip).
Most people are familiar with catnip as a fun treat that tends to drive kitty a little crazy, but it is actually a lot more versatile than that.
Sprinkle with catnip powder to transform the new post into your cat's very own festive tree and to encourage use.
A mild tea made with catnip herb is said to help improve digestion, ease morning sickness, and calm nerves.
Cat Scratching Board with Catnip — Mint Green and White — Scratching Surface for Cats and Pets — Cardboard Corrugated Surface — Wide and Large Surface — Protection of Furniture --(10x9x14.5)
Still, older kittens that do react can certainly have a lot of fun with a Catnip toy.
Consider a cardboard scratching ramp available from many pet supply stores and easily laced with catnip or a tall, inviting sisal post designed for a clawed cat.
Sometimes coating the surface with catnip helps redirect your cat.
The Catit Style Patterned Cat Scratcher with catnip provides your cat with a corrugated scratching surface, while helping to protect your furniture from claw damage.
Catit Style Patterned Cat Scratcher with catnip provides your cat with a corrugated scratching surface, as well as helps protect your furniture from scratches.
This could be anything with catnip oil on it, such as a catnip toy, a scratching post, a catnip plant or leaves.
«Many companies are coming out with catnip products that don't live up to their promises,» explains Zamora.
The cardboard scratching pads are usually treated with catnip as well for added enticement.
Toys with catnip have a distinct advantage, at least with the approximately 80 percent of cats that react to it.
There is a great range of toys available, each filled with catnip grown in North America.
Surfaces may be sprayed with catnip oil or synthetic feline facial pheromones to attract your cat's attention.
Once your cat is done with the catnip, he will simply walk away.
Before she went to sleep Thursday night, Shroer rubbed her hands with catnip.
We store them in a jar with catnip for a bit, then toss a few out around for our cats to play with occasionally.
Toys made from fur material or feathers that are of a similar size to prey animals are popular, as are those impregnated with catnip - a herb that cats can find particularly attractive.
Retractable Leashes Not Worth the Risk; Screening for Cardiomyopathy in CatsMy husband says «Cats Belong Outside;» Traveling with Catnip Through Security; My Pets Have FleasPoor Grandma Gets Dragged Down the...
Not sure if you can travel with catnip through airport security?
Both girls are seniors and moving a little slow these days but they were rolling around with the catnip like they were kittens!
«Cats have a natural instinct to hunt, so based on their predatory ways, it is only fitting to provide cats with a wide variety of toys with catnip included to satisfy that desire.
Pop - Tart Toaster Pastry Cat Toy with Catnip and Jingle Bell - Strawberry, Chocolate, Blueberry, Raspberry, or Vanilla!
Hey, how about a bow - and - arrow competition with Catnip Evergreen?
It's been said that the feline mayor heads to a nearby restaurant every afternoon and drinks water out of a wineglass laden with catnip.
If the plastic eggs have holes in them, you can fill half with catnip and delight your feline friends.
That being said, you've done very well scenting the Kitty Tube with catnip.
A Scratching board is essential, preferably periodically spiked with catnip or catnip oil (if your cat responds to catnip).
Cat towers, scratching posts and other habitats come pre-treated with catnip.
«We specialize only in catnip toys that are made with USA - grown catnip and are filled to the brim with catnip
Provide additional chew toys: Divert your cat's attention with catnip or cat toys to play with to refocus their attention away from the dirt.
Some, like Imperial Cat Scratch»n Shapes, even come complete with a catnip packet.
Packaged in a set of three these plush mice are filled with catnip which will have your cat pouncing to attack in no time.
Encouragement with catnip Not all cats respond to catnip, and cats under 9 months aren't likely to enjoy it, but many adults can't get enough of the stuff!
Two 4 - inch squares of unbleached muslin can be sewed together to make a pillow with catnip and batting stuffed inside.
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