Sentences with phrase «with celebrity pastors»

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Picking up on the NPD megachurch pastor commentary — here in us emergent world, you have the combustion of two NPD worlds — first the evangelical quest to follow the next Xn celebrity rock star coupled with the strain of male dominated NPD found in palces like Silicon Valley where there's an obsession to discover the next big thing.
SAVANNAH, Georgia (CNN)-- The Food Network announced Friday that it will not renew the contract of Paula Deen after she admitted using a racial epithet — but a black pastor who is friends with the celebrity chef said she «can't be a racist.»
So now, crazy people like Camping and this pastor in Florida with his Koran burning crusade become instant celebrities.
I've long admired J.R.'s take on ministry, so it was honor to talk with him about what it means for pastors to serve with faithfulness, regardless of the outcome, in a culture that idolizes celebrity and success.
Pastors, I know many of you are struggling with how to shepherd a politically diverse community through these tumultuous times, but please know those relationships you're navigating one visit, one meal, and one awkward coffee hour at a time matter more than any political speech delivered by a celebrity.
Bernard has developed relationships with African American Christian celebrities, including Denzel Washington (who considers Bernard his pastor), Will Smith, and Good Morning America's Robin Roberts.
Stranger still is our fascination with so - called celebrity pastors whose personhood we flatten out and consume like the faces in the tabloid aisle.
The Bible Belt is the most overtly Christian region in the country, filled with megachurches and pastors who are treated like celebrities.
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