Sentences with phrase «with chest colds»

For some reason, this nearly always improves my breathing with a chest cold.

Not exact matches

I was run off my feet with sick kids and a sick husband, culminating in my own punishing chest cold.
I have started the New Year with a horrible cold and chest infection so am not very happy at the moment!
If you have a chest freezer, that tends to be colder than the freezer that comes with your refrigerator, so you can try putting it in there instead.
Lael Littke of Pasadena says her «flesh cringes» when she thinks of her mother's remedy for chest colds: flannel plaster bags smeared with a concoction of dry mustard, water and cayenne pepper.
The bad news is that I'm coughing regularly and probably starting the chest cold that has had my wife in bed all weekend (and, no, in her current condition she is NOT hot...) Airborne zinc lozenges, and vitamin C are already on board and will alternate with the brewskis for at least the next several couple of days (then back to work on Wednesday, I hope...) My favorite line from Animal House is definitely in order...
Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued in 1997 and reaffirmed in 2006 warn of its potential dangers and lack of documented effectiveness in children with coughs and colds, and the American College of Chest Physicians 2006 guideline on treatment of pediatric cough also advises against the drug.
People may complain of heart palpitations, feeling cold, dizziness or lightheadedness, chest pain, nausea, early fullness, difficulty with sleep, and depression or anxiety.
It also opens the respiratory passages and helps clear the mucus associated with a heavy chest cold.
Helps with colds that get into your chest and expels all that gunk!
Sandeep Agarwal had a young son with chronic health conditions — he caught colds easily, had chest congestion, and developed asthma.
Relieves Common Cold: In the Sarvangasana, the chin is in close contact with the chest and the head stays on the ground in a firm position.
lasted about 10 minutes with no real time for questions; only a cold stethoscope to my chest while I breathed.
Being able to walk step - by - step through pages of biomarkers with a medical doctor was both refreshing and mind - blowing — especially since all my previous physicals with face - to - face MD's lasted about 10 minutes with no real time for questions; only a cold stethoscope to my chest while I breathed.
Here is what I do: 1 - Make sure she gets plenty of breast milk, even in her nose:) 2 - Make sure to keep nose clean in order to prevent any sinus issues, 3 - Give cod liver + ghee combo a day 4 - Freshly pressed carrot juice with a little cabbage and lettuce (about couple tbs) 5 - Lots of chicken broth soup 6 - Baby probiotics 7 - Hyland's C Plus Cold Tablets 8 - Bioplazma Cell salts combination (recommendation of a homeopath friend) 9 - If there is a cough I usually mix couple drops of Oil of Oregano with olive oil, rub it on her feet and chest.
It never fails that I end up with a sinus infection or chest cold that totally knocks me to next Tuesday!
I had been wrestling with what I thought was a bad chest cold for a couple of weeks, but assumed it would pass.
With extremely deep chested breeds like a Great Dane, respiratory ailments can also be brought on by cold weather.
One of the characteristics of Goldens is their multi-length coat, which consists of a good undercoat during the colder months, with a longer, water - repellent outer coat with heavier feathering on the chest, tail, back of thighs and forelegs.
Conformation can vary slightly between the two types with hot bloods being more athletic and barrel chested and cold bloods being more refined and delicate.
I can tell you right now had it been me posting my girlfriend I'd be unable to type right now because I'd be laying on a cold slab in a morgue with my heart ripped out of my chest, but I guess Ms. Bernart is a bit more understanding.
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