Sentences with phrase «with children in the classroom»

Experience of working with children in a classroom setting is essential if you want to become a teacher.
She has worked with children in the classroom setting as well as children with developmental disabilities.
Or will he allow teachers to have time to read with children in the classroom!
You might work individually with a child in a classroom, or in classes alongside other students and teachers.
The desire for personal relationships does not imply that teachers develop strong relationships with all children in their classroom.
I have interacted directly with children in the classroom and developed effective teaching plans and methods on the ground.
Assists and interacts with children in classroom during teacher's lunch lounge, or teacher's absence.
Additionally, in a blended program, our speech / language pathologists, reading specialists, occupational therapists, and other support staff work with children in the classroom who require supports.
These apps can enhance the work that you are doing with children in the classroom and give them room to be creative storytellers.
- Dr. JoAnne Pedro - Carroll, clinical psychologist and author, discusses ways that teachers and professionals can share resources and learnings with children in their classrooms with parental divorce.
To develop social skills and emotional intelligence in students who already have social - behavioural problems, and also as a preventive curriculum program to use with all children in the classroom
Our technology is designed to make it easier to plan intentional learning experiences, observe student progress, and tailor instruction and care to meet individual needs, freeing teachers up to spend more time with the children in their classrooms
«It was fun to get to work with students at different grade levels at the same time and to watch parents work with children in a classroom setting on something they both were enjoying,» said teacher Cynthia Delay.
The gains were not made by administrators; they were made by teachers working with children in the classroom
«I used to work with children in classrooms, I now work with adults in bigger environments, and I still make it a point every week to visit classrooms,» he said.
Within the first semester at Harvard this fall, Selby felt a «hole» not being with children in the classroom.
As a partial solution, Duncan proposed creating new roles for teachers that let them continue to work with children in the classroom «while being an integral part of educational improvements» locally and nationally, with «regular opportunities to give feedback» to the administrators who are changing policy.
Professional Summary Student with much experience working with children in a classroom and casual se...
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