Sentences with phrase «with cognitive»

Of the 69 dogs with cognitive dysfunction mentioned above, approximately 76 percent showed improvement on selegiline hydrochloride after one month of therapy.
Impact of the study: Data collected provide estimates of the prevalence of various degrees of age - related behavioral changes associated with cognitive dysfunction in dogs.
With cognitive dysfunction, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor can be helpful.
ARISE research - based cognitive / behavioral skill development curricula is designed to provide at - risk youth with cognitive and behavior life skills that will assist them in changing their anti-social behaviors.
Imagine combining the brainpower of our Tax Pros with the cognitive computing of Watson.
Here for the first time in modern psychology, I think it is fair to say, there has appeared at least an approach to a theory of the human personality as a system, in both its cross-sectional and its temporal aspects of extension, with both cognitive and motivational emphases and couched in terms of the action frame of reference.
Jack still struggles with some cognitive functions like language.
Don Johnston ( develops accessible reading and writing technologies to support K - 12 and postsecondary students with cognitive, physical, and learning disabilities.
Many people with cognitive disabilities have trouble reading text that is single spaced.
Accommodations for students with physical or sensory disabilities are routinely approved, which is not always the case for students with cognitive or behavioral difficulties.
Finally, a program of math tutoring for disadvantaged 9th graders, combined with cognitive behavioral therapy, has an estimated earnings benefits to cost ratio of 10.8.
John Woodward of the University of Puget Sound in Washington has been studying how technology can be integrated into mathematical problem - solving activities to provide access to students with cognitive disabilities.
Some have issues with cognitive dissonance but overall I've learned a lot about teacher's viewpoints on independent reading.
Research has shown that both curriculum quality and teacher education have very low correlations with cognitive and social - emotional outcomes in preschool programs.
By keeping rules easy for young students or students with cognitive disabilities, it will help them understand the classroom expectations and help build the classroom culture.
An even lower percentage of students with cognitive disabilities (0.84 %) are enrolled in charter schools than public schools (0.45 %).
They teach children social and emotional skills that are intimately linked with cognitive development.
2007 UI REACH (Realizing Educational And Career Hopes) is the first program of its type at a major public university that educates young adults with cognitive and learning disabilities to reach their full potential through a two - year, campus - based, non-degree program.
Food insecurity is similarly correlated with cognitive delays, and rising in incidence across the country — more than 17 million American children consistently lack access to healthy, nutritious meals.
We interpret the findings as indicating that systematic studies are needed that (a) investigate alternative interventions with students prior to middle school and that (b) examine the efficacy of interventions that integrate practices associated with cognitive malleability (executive functioning and self - regulation) into the treatments.
The mission of Cognitive Coaching ™ is to produce self - directed persons with the cognitive capacity for excellence both independently and as members of a community.
A 2003 report from the ETS Policy Information Center titled Parsing the Achievement Gap1 answered two questions: What life and school conditions are correlated with cognitive development and school achievement?
- Improving Learning Efficiency with the Cognitive Tutor through Educational Data Mining
If, as research indicates and many teachers suspect, student achievement is more highly correlated with student interests than with cognitive ability, then we should make curriculum design based on human interests a primary focus for professional development during the next decade.
It is a prerequisite for those looking to obtain consideration for funding assistance with Cognitive Coaching, as qualified Candidate Support Providers in Arizona.
Under a new state law, parents can opt their children out of taking Smarter Balanced and the alternative assessment given to students with cognitive disabilities.
But the idea that all students with cognitive or intellectual disabilities or mild learning disabilities should master regular class material has become sacrosanct in some circles.
Frequently with second language learners, English oral proficiency is confounded with cognitive competence.
She applied to be a teacher's aide («I was one of the kids who always knew she was going to be a teacher») and was assigned a classroom of students with cognitive impairments.
To the parents of a child with a cognitive disability, it may mean learning to say «hello» or «Can I play with you?»
This is at odds with the findings of numerous linguists who have shown that knowing more than one language can provide the speaker with cognitive flexibility and an expanded basis for other fields of study.
This has proved crucial in empowering my own students with the cognitive skills and competencies to be tomorrows changemakers.
Those economic institutions seem to matter on their own and in conjunction with cognitive skills.
Otherwise, chaos will reign supreme and online learners must contend with cognitive overload.
One of the simplest ways to design for someone with a cognitive impairment is to remove any time restrictions.
Goleman has conducted multiple research studies demonstrating that «social and emotional skills are intimately linked with cognitive development, as in an ideal learning environment students are focused, fully attentive, motivated, engaged, and enjoy their work.
Using simulations sparingly also allows you to condense your health and safety online training course and make it easier to digest instead of forcing employees to contend with cognitive overload.
Ultimately, Wax says, «proponents of income integration must deal with the cognitive dissonance created by the model's foundational premise, which is that disadvantaged students» habits and attitudes are deficient and will be improved by immersion in a superior environment, [versus] discomfort with the idea of class - based cultural differences.»
Another study found that prenatally stressed nine - year - olds have less gray - matter density in regions associated with cognitive function.
Watson is built with cognitive computing abilities, and trained by teachers in the language of elementary math.
That is, the true test of the predictive power of «noncog» measures is not whether they are correlated with cognitive measures (like achievement scores), but whether they are correlated with later life outcomes.
It was a group undoubtedly underserved: The federal government requires schools to provide an appropriate education to children with cognitive, physical, and emotional handicaps, but is largely silent about the needs of kids at the upper end of the educational curve.
Mario Piacentini, lead OECD analyst on this initiative, said that «with this cognitive test, we are really trying to look at how 15 - year - olds can process critically information on key sustainability issues that matter for the world at large and for their own life.
«Social processing, ethical decisionmaking, emotion, and consciousness are neurologically codependent and intertwined with cognitive systems [in the brain],» she says.
Teachers work with a cognitive neuroscientist and Flinders University staff who help translate the theory into effective classroom practice in mathematics.
We have been ADA compliant for decades, thus also receiving students with cognitive diversity and physical and medical fragilities.
The driver of the camper turns out to be a young man (Paul Dano) with the cognitive capacity of a 10 - year - old, and the detective in charge of the investigation (Jake Gyllenhaal) quickly rules him out as a suspect.
A standard interview consists of several back - to - back interviews along with cognitive and mathematical tests.
It can also be helpful for those struggling to control their blood sugar levels or for those with cognitive impairments, such as brain damage, epilepsy and symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Those who drank the supplement showed improved activation in brain areas associated with cognitive function.
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