Sentences with phrase «with commercial publishers»

Author Solutions has launched three partnerships with commercial publishers.
When I decided to revise the novel I stopped printing and now that the revisions done I'm shopping around for an agent so I can have a chance with a commercial publisher.
In conversations with commercial publishers, I have learned that they do have some legitimate concerns.
Working with commercial publishers who are primarily concerned with developing competing products may no longer be an option for the Law Society.
Several of my editing clients have landed book contracts with commercial publishers and / or agent representation after working with me.
She also touches on something I've pointed out before, which is that holding up someone like Hocking as an argument for why you should self - publish makes exactly as much sense as holding up Rowling to prove you should go with a commercial publisher.
With the addition of new search features the free legal database is continually closing the gap with the commercial publishers, who will have to develop completely innovative services to take legal research to the next level... [more]
To me, doing that is just common sense... but with commercial publishers charging as much for ebooks as they do for print ones, I guess Amazon felt the need to put common sense in writing.
Doreen, believe it or not, even authors with commercial publishers would like to know the answer to the distribution question and so would be interested in a future post about that.
A: I intend to continue working with commercial publishers, but I also hope to expand my list of self - published titles to accommodate those special books that I want to develop in a specific way.
OER can use a policy boost to help expand the use of OER and loosen procurement policies that favor long - term contracts with commercial publishers.
Yes, Patrick, alas: the McGill Guide people are going with their commercial publisher — which will mean that if it gets on line at all it'll be for $.
Inevitably institutes develop a need for publishing skills and recruit the necessary talents either on the payroll, in partnership with commercial publishers or (frequently) a combination of the two.
With the addition of new search features the free legal database is continually closing the gap with the commercial publishers, who will have to develop completely innovative services to take legal research to the next level.
If, however, I wish to publish the book with a commercial publisher, am I allowed to send a hardcopy to the publisher in order for them to review?
So many institutes could and should benefit from working with commercial publishers, and in some cases, vice versa.
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