Sentences with phrase «with common stressors»

Overweight women gained weight when faced with common stressors such as job demands, having a tough time paying bills, and family - relationship strains, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

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The proclivity to detect and dwell on stressors and threats — a tendency that unites neurotics — explains why the personality trait is not just associated with experiences of fear, moodiness, worry and frustration but also a higher - than - average risk factor for common mental disorders.
While beneficial microbes are becoming a more common tool in agriculture, their effectiveness in the field is severely blunted thanks to real - world environmental stressors like heat and drought, competition with other microbes, and interactions with the host plant.
Modern life bombards us with stressors, the most common being ongoing insulin surges from sugary, high - carb diets, immune aggravation from food intolerances, chronic gut infections (too much bad bacteria or parasites), hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, and of course our hectic, information - overloaded lifestyles.
It is also common for women with PCOS to struggle with binge eating due to the emotional toll of having PCOS and coping with other life stressors.
On the one hand, depressive symptoms are more common in adolescence than in childhood, and adolescents may be confronted with more illness - related stressors than children (e.g., when chronic illnesses hinder the development of peer groups and intimate relationships; Suris et al., 2004).
Ratings were summed across mother and adolescent report to determine a common stressor, and each dyad was given a cue card with questions regarding their highest - rated stressor (e.g., What happened the last time you [felt different from others], what kind of emotions do you have when you [are feeling different from others]?
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