Sentences with phrase «with crass jokes»

The instructors aren't out to shock you by any means with crass jokes or offensive undertones, but we definitely recommend that you be ready for some color commentary on our nation's bylaws and just human nature in general.

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He hung out with 12 blue - collar dudes for three years and partied with the most sketchy people in society, people who I'm almost positive told jokes crass enough to make your pastor shudder.
The Last O.G. shows a man with a heart that beats, joy, regret, ideas fears and a story to tell — even if what mostly comes out is crass dick jokes.
So if you have a problem with a slapsticky pratfall involving scads of semen, followed by a wildly inappropriate joke about sickle cell anemia, followed by a crass Kardashian reference (and it's a loooong way to go for that punchline), then you should probably look elsewhere.
A recurring joke on the Beverly Hilton stage featuring Margaret Cho as a stern North Korean military officer prompted unease on Twitter, with some calling it crass and unfunny.
More like a Guy Ritchie movie than a Tarantino one, the boys then indulge themselves in a series of wandering conversations, throwing crass jokes around, and having chance encounters with eccentric characters — all of which turned up knowing each other and eventually come to a head with a final chase / shootout.
Of course, plenty of crass jokes and dialogue are to be expected, and while Super Troopers 2 is primarily centered on a rivalry between the familiar squad and some Canadian Mounties soon to be out of a job, using that rift to pepper the comedy with some zingers on both sides rooted in current events (Americans have a go at how high the Canadian drinking limit is while Canadians fire back lambasting the United States» gun control issue and gross levels of obesity), the proceedings aren't concerned with getting political or forcing social commentary down anyone's throat.
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