Sentences with phrase «with crazy beliefs»

We are likely all off track a bit with our crazy beliefs, but I do know God is at work.

Not exact matches

IMHO... I think «their obsession with religion» is about the sometimes crazy actions and outcomes that follow from people of religious beliefs... especially the fundamentalists.
he's asking cult members not to indoctrinate their children with crazy religious beliefs.
I don't mind it when you guys disagree with me... or even think my beliefs are crazy.
Non theists see crazy people hurting themselves with the false belief in god.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
his mom brought him from church to church for an excorcism while passing up the hospitals and look what happened... these people need REAL medical help, not crazy faith - heads who compound the problem with their unjustified beliefs in invisible monsters.
Again, I think Rick is great as he shows all of American how crazy he is to take religious beliefs and twist them with policy and thrust them on the American people.
If someone wants to practice some crazy belief in the privacy of their own home or in a church with like minded nutjobs thats their right — but do nt force you prayer on me, make policy based on those nutjob beliefs and please keep your blessings to yourself — I do not want them.
Our society would go crazy with you christians committing horrific crimes apparently without your belief in a God, yes...?
I had no doubt that we was crazy and way off, but I hate that he scared kids all over the world with his ignorant beliefs.
Here's a crazy idea, we respect others beliefs, even if we don't agree with them.
As crazy as I find this particular group's belief, murder and / or suicide would not be among the things I would be concerned with.
It's amazing how they slander Christianity with completely false and inaccurate information, and yet go crazy to correct how you describe their «beliefs»
And it's his crazy religious beliefs along with simply being insane that's leading him to say words that he's going to be eating after the death toll from this storm are counted.
If your belief gives you some peace, and helps people with charity and support services — why should that make some other people hateful & crazy?
That some of us are crazy ass liberals, who think that women should be able to make decisions for themselves, and some of us are more conservative with our beliefs (that might be a lie, I think we're all left - leaning hippies).
He proves why once more in «Take Shelter,» writer - director Jeff Nichols» compelling but discomfiting study of a man struggling to balance his unshakable belief that the end is near with his recognition that he is, in all likelihood, going crazy.
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