Sentences with phrase «with cultural traditions»

[47] Islanders have already identified a change a fish stocks, dugongs and turtles, affecting their right to food that corresponds with their cultural traditions.
Explore your creativity, connect with cultural traditions, and experience Museum exhibitions through activities.
Belize is a country rich with cultural traditions and one of the reasons that tourists flock to this Central American country.
-- Excerpted from the introduction (pages 1 - 3) Way back in 1941, Professor Melville J. Herskovits published The Myth of the Negro Past, an exhaustive, anthropological research study which debunked the prevailing notion that Africans brought to America in chains were savages with no cultural traditions worth preserving.
Jill Ettinger is a Los Angeles - based journalist and editor focused on the global food system and how it intersects with our cultural traditions, diet preferences, health, and politics.
What they can do is to interpret it in the light of the present forces impinging on their lives so that the new pattern of life may be continuous with their cultural tradition.
Motifs such as urbanity, identity, and anticipation placed at tension with cultural tradition stand at the center of the unique images of Japan...
The stress of being at odds with a cultural tradition can color this time of year for all of us.

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For example, Apple Pay lagged behind Chinese competitors in providing promotions timed with the Chinese cultural tradition of exchanging red envelopes («hong bao») filled with money during the Lunar New Year.
Those latter steps require attention not just to Bayles, and what she learned (with help from Albert Murray and Ralph Ellison) about the Afro - American musical tradition, but also to the sort of socio - cultural analysis we do so much of here at pomocon, which derives from we've learned from Tocqueville most of all.
The history of Italian unification» Italian fascism having more than a decade's existence as a special place in radicalism; the role of the papacy in severely constraining manifest forms of statist rule; the cultural tradition of Italian major cities, which had autonomous forms of city development; and the weaknesses of Italy with respect to economic concentrations of power in the early twentieth century» all argue against a muscular totalitarianism.
If those in the church who are in favor of changing long - held attitudes and ordinances relating to homosexuals were merely cultural relativists with no regard for the Bible or tradition, the debate would be easier.
It celebrates congregations as layered communities thick with cultural baggage and tradition as well as promise and challenge.
Roman Catholic theologian Mary Grey is less concerned with reforming a particular confessional tradition than with addressing a broader cultural crisis — that of global capitalism.
Such cultural pluralism is consistent with the requirements of human nature for a determinate social matrix, and it provides for continued enrichment of the life of mankind through a variety of contrasting traditions.
That can be a good thing for missions if the Christian believers have the theological / spiritual formation to be discerning; but too often cultural custom becomes absolutized along with the Tradition's orthopraxis.
Ward and Loughlin are engaged in sophisticated cultural criticism, parody, irony, and a fluid combination of discourses from postmodern philosophy, Christian tradition and gender studies, and both their style and content seem ill at ease with confident programmatic statements and a preference for Augustine / Aquinas as the theological «default setting.»
In an interview with Premier Christianity, Monsignor Halík, who is committed to engaging in dialogue with people of different beliefs and cultural traditions, said he received the award on behalf of his teachers, many of whom suffered under the Soviet regime.
Such a commitment places Volf at odds with two formidable rivals in the contemporary world: (a) those ecclesial traditions (Roman Catholic and Orthodox) that insist that the «constitutive presence of Christ is given only with the presence of the bishop standing in communjo with all bishops in time and space» and (b) those postmodern cultural and social standards that are grounded in individualistic and consumer - driven life styles and that simultaneously relegate all religious experience to the nether regions of the privatized soul.
Often raised in several places in no specific cultural or religious community, educated with no deep connection to a particular region, history, or tradition, and now employed mostly in academia, the American writer is becoming as standardized as the American car — functional, streamlined, and increasingly interchangeable.
When the Orthodox theologian John Meyendorff described the difference between Tradition and traditions, he contrasted the living truths of the faith received in fellowship with the triune God over against its various cultural embodiments.
Christians will always be cultural exiles insofar as Christian Tradition is not co-extensive with any single culture or any form of ecclesial existence and thus calls all forms of life into judgment in the light of Christ.
Since the Reformation in the 16th Century, much Christian infighting and misunderstanding has occurred over the Catholic and Orthodox emphasis on Tradition (which usually got confused with small cultural «traditions») versus the new Protestant emphasis on Scripture, even «Scripture alone!»
While Biblical hermeneutics provided the key to an understanding of the role of women in the church and family, dialogue between those whose traditions have heard the Word of God differently in other times and places held the key for the discussion of social ethics, and engagement with the full range of cultural activity (from psychotherapy to radical protest, from personal testimony to scientific statement) was the locus for theological evaluation concerning homosexuality.
It has been my personal experience that Judaism is often practiced with an appreciation for the cultural benefits of community and tradition without falling into the pits of fundamentalism and intellectual suicide; not that Jewish fundamentalists don't exist, they just seem to make up a smaller percentage of the overall population.
The divine aim to raise up persons whose goals and values are identical with God's goals - for - them and whose actions are complementary to the divine activity succeeds, therefore, only in so far as social ends and cultural traditions are also in harmony with the divine.
Catholic art, along with the rich tradition of sacred music, continues to speak to people of differing cultural and religious backgrounds.
when, in fact, a particular cultural configuration of Catholicism is undergoing change as it accommodates, in accord with venerable tradition, a new cultural circumstance.
were at least as subtle, coherent and devoutly held as anything homegrown, and those who did not learn from World War II and the decolonial period not to identify cultural - linguistic traditions with Christianity, are learning from contemporary cross-cultural exposures that many things thought to be unique are in fact quite common.
Yet the traditions of science embody unconscious premises which over a period of time are in two - way interaction with the premises of cultural traditions and institutions.
And the issue has not yet become a political litmus test, requiring leaders to revise their tradition's ethics in order to remain in coalition with their allies on the political and cultural left.
We are challenged today at this point by the cultural and doctrinal exuberance of indigenous third - world expressions of Christianity, not to mention unprecedented contact with other world religious traditions on their own terms.
In an interview with Il Foglio Cardinal Scola, Patriarch of Venice and founder of the Oasis cultural centre for understanding between Catholics and Muslims, said that the Open Letter to the Pope and other Christian leaders by 138 scholars from various Islamic traditions was «not only a media event, because consensus is for Islam a source of theology and law... The fact that the text is rooted in Muslim tradition is very important and makes it more credible than other proclamations expressed in more western language... It is only a prelude to a theological dialogue... in an atmosphere of greater reciprocal esteem.
As they develop economically, non-Western societies are more likely to see virtues in political democracy than in Western Christianity and they will become more likely to reinterpret their religious and cultural traditions so as to make them compatible with the democratic political practices.
One who is not a Christian (especially the modern nondualist Hindu and perhaps a Mahayana Buddhist) might ultimately agree to go along with the idea, from the Christian point of view, of an invisible» church of a Christ not tied to any one religious or cultural tradition.
I wanted to work chronologically through literature in the Western tradition, dovetailing our literary studies with history, so that my students could see how an event like the Trojan War, for example, has shaped an entire cultural imagination and given it a language for its ideals.
This is in real tension with Western Christianity, but it is in more drastic violation of all the other religious and cultural traditions.
We have valued especially the cultural and religious traditions of Asia and India which have helped us to open ourselves to the dialogue with other cultures and religious.
With such a moral heritage, combining both high value and narrow limitation, the tribes of Israel entered Palestine and, after a long conflict with the previous inhabitants, settled down to adjust and synthesize their cultural traditions in the midst of the much more complicated agricultural and urban society which they had conqueWith such a moral heritage, combining both high value and narrow limitation, the tribes of Israel entered Palestine and, after a long conflict with the previous inhabitants, settled down to adjust and synthesize their cultural traditions in the midst of the much more complicated agricultural and urban society which they had conquewith the previous inhabitants, settled down to adjust and synthesize their cultural traditions in the midst of the much more complicated agricultural and urban society which they had conquered.
It also could provide a means whereby other influential factors could be investigated and addressed, such as differences in the social and economic purposes of broadcasting, the social sources of violence and how media portrayals interact with those causes, how the restraints and traditions of media production cause the media to pick up particular cultural images while ignoring others, and how particular audiences respond to and use media images.
It confused the cultural unity which existed in the peninsula — confined, however, to a very thin stratum of the population, and polluted by the Vatican's cosmopolitanism — with the political and territorial unity of the great popular masses, who were foreign to that cultural tradition and who, even supposing that they knew of its existence, couldn't care less about it.
A rational attitude necessarily involves critical reflection, but if such reflection is truly critical it applies itself not only to the cultural tradition but also, and with equal rigor, to the critics of the tradition.
Racial intermixtures have produced some very white - skinned Negroes with blue eyes and fair hair, yet the product of such a union remains a Negro.5 Race as the term is commonly used designates very nearly what the Germans call Volk — a group sharing a common cultural tradition, whether of achievement or servitude, with some measure of national, geographical, and biological affinity.
On the other hand, there was another minority who, looking back to their own religious and cultural traditions with a newly acquired Western - type national consciousness, became extremely conservative and rejected the West in toto.
Fortunately, the major point of the passage does not vary with these cultural details: the Corinthians should not so readily disregard customary liturgical dress, if indeed, as they claimed, they «maintain the traditions» gotten from Paul.
Here, too, the people are subject to European domination, and divided into many areas of varying size, with differing cultural traditions.
It is clear that segregation and pain still exist as society links physical features or cultural traditions with societal.
An example of how the process - relational vision deals with cultural issues mentioned above is tradition.
From its Outrigger Signature Experiences to its Outrigger DISCOVERY loyalty program, the values - based company invites guests to escape ordinary with exceptional hospitality and authentic cultural experiences, incorporating local traditions and customs at each of its properties worldwide.
This is all made possible by the quality of the products we offer, the collaboration among our team members, and the technical expertise of our Culinary / R&D teams that is augmented with cultural cooking traditions.
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